Фестиваль начинается: 04 Октябрь 2014
Фестиваль заканчивается: 06 Октябрь 2014
IWSFFI is "FREE TO ENTER" and open to both Indian and International submissions of professional, student and amateur works of both MEN & Women.
General Rules & Regulations
Topics about women are sensational and awakening. When it is a contest of Fashion Show or a Miss World, there is so much of noise made about it and when it is about the woes and struggles of women, hardly any noise is made about it. What’s up? A new initiative is in the offing, with DBICA – Don Bosco Institute of Communication Arts jointly partnering with Fidel Goetz Stiftung Foundation, in bringing into limelight the situation of the women across the world, showcasing their unique cultural, social, economical and ethnic capabilities through the genre of short films.
DBICA & Goetz feel proud to honour women who have excelled and contributed a lot to the society, especially in emancipating and empowering women worldwide.
1. Eligibility & Pre-Selection Criteria
Submission to the festival is open to all short films, documentaries and animated films made by independent and student film makers, originating from anywhere in the world
• Entries will be accepted only if the film is based on women
• Duration should not exceed more than 20mins (including opening & closing credits)
• Films will be eligible for submission only if it has at least one woman as Producer or Director or Editor or Writer
• Kindly do not send a work-in-progress
2. Required file format for submission
Festival requires 2copies of films to be submitted
• Entries for pre-selection shall be accepted only in DV PAL / DVD Playable format
• Only one film must be written on a DVD Disk
• Silent or Black&White films are also accepted
Note:- ** Participants are requested to carry a copy with you on the day of screening. **Presentations of other formats require the authorization of the festivals. Without this authorization the festival retains the right to exclude a film.
3. Trailer & Promotional Materials (1 copy)
Film Trailer, Poster, Press Kit, copy of Short Synopsis, copy of detailed synopsis, Director’s Bio-Data, Cast and Crew details, Directors Photograph, Still Photographs of film (2 minimum), Production stills (2minimum) should be sent in a separate Data DVD or Data CD
• DVDs submitted for selection will be considered as final and no changes will be entertained after submission
• It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to submit DVDs without any physical / quality defects
• The Organizers would be using all the photographs and publicity materials received along with the Entry Form ad the same will not be returned to the entrants
4. Sub Titles
English Sub-Titles is compulsory if language of the film is other than English.
• ‘Festival Copy - IWSFF 2014’ Acknowledgement Is Necessary Before the start of the Film.
• The Interested Participant should register their application before the given Deadlines above and send the required materials within 12 days of post registration or else its registration will be declined.
5. Entry Fee
IWFSSI does not charge an entry fee for the festival
6. Entry Acknowledgements
DBICA will confirm the receipt of the submission materials by E-mail
7. Number of Submissions
Independent and student film makers may submit any number of films under the Festival’s Film categories
• Categories :- > Short Film > Documentary Film > Animation Film
• If more than one film is being showcased by an individual, movie should be on separate DVD’s with separate press kit CD along with the festival entry form
• Only one film from each film category of each film maker will be allowed under the Competitive and Non-Competitive sections of the festivals
8. Submission Method
• Submission materials should be sent by ordinary mail, registered post with Acknowledgement Due or courier.
• All postage costs and duties are to be borne by the sender. IWSFF is not responsible for loss or damage of the submissions materials.
• All entries submitted must have original content. The Festival Committee shall not entertain or take the responsibility for any act or efforts directing to Blatant or Indirect Plagiarism
9. Submission Deadlines
The submission deadline for the selection purposes for the Festival’s office to receive all required submission materials is 11th September 2014. The Festival is not obliged to view late entries
10. Selection
Festival programmers select and invite all films presented at the festival. Films selected for the IWSFF 2014 will be announced before the festival date on our website www.dbicafilmfestival.org.
Filmmakers selected to participate will be notified in advance. Filmmakers not selected will be notified by email in due time. The panel shall determine winners and the decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Violation of any of the rules and any attempts to win the contest by fraud will lead to immediate disqualification. Films will be judged on the basis of originality, content, filming and criteria set forth by the panel of judges
11. Selected Films
• Participant’s Obligation:- Participation in the festival requires the unconditional adherence to its regulations as set in the above clauses
• Satellite Channel Exhibition:- All the films selected under completion sections of the festival are requested to give absolute clearance for one time exhibition of their film in a Partnering Satellite Channel
• Catalogue Materials:- All contact persons of selected films will receive a request for catalogue materials upon confirming participation in the festival., for each selected film the Festival must receive a duly completed entry form and press kit
• Credit :- In principle, the catalogue will include the following technical and artistic credits: original title, International title, Country( ies) of production, year of production, format, length, director, production company, producer, sales company, print source, screenplay, cinematography, editing, production design, sound, music, principle cast.
• Excerpts:- After official selection of the film, the Festival is qualified to use excerpts from the film, with a maximum of 3mins or not more than 10% of running time of the film for promotional purposes both nationally and internationally
• Promotion:- For promotion of the entire selection and of each selected film, the Festival website is allowed to use any photo or digital film clips (less than 3 mins duration or the total duration of the excerpts not exceeding more than 10% of the film running time)
12. Shipping Informing & Conclusion
Entry and participation of films implies unconditional acceptance of the regulations. On your DVD courier pack, please mention “For cultural purposes only and No commercial value”, or “value not more than 10 US$”
Submission Materials Checklist for each entry submission is as follows: FILM ENTRY FORM, 2 DVD’s (DV Pal / DVD playable format) and 1 PRESS KIT CD
All submission materials must be sent fully prepaid by sender by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due or courier to
The Director,
IWSFF 2014 - DBICA Film Festivals
The Citadel, No. 45 Landons Road
Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010
Tamil Nadu, South India
Telephone: 044-26423930
Mobile: 95661-02806
E-mail: dbicafilmfestivals@gmail.com
Website: www.dbicafilmfestivals.org
1st International Women Short Film Festival - Celebrate Womanhood
Короткие фильмы
11 сен 14
11 сен 14
11 сен 14
Крайний срок подачи заявок
24 сен 14
* In case of any changes in the Last entry date., information will be updated
* Entry free for all category
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