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Taller de Revisión de Guion es un laboratorio que brinda a cineastas independientes de todo el mundo la oportunidad de trabajar intensamente en sus guiones narrativos de largometrajes en un entorno estructurado para fomentar la colaboración profesional y el desarrollo de guiones de alta calidad. El laboratorio consta de un taller residencial de dos semanas y una sesión de seguimiento en línea de dos días.
El laboratorio está dirigido por profesionales en el campo con una larga experiencia. Además de la guía del guión proporcionada por el facilitador a través de sesiones de taller y reuniones individuales, los participantes tienen tiempo suficiente para escribir. El laboratorio ofrece a los participantes la oportunidad de trabajar sus proyectos con otros cineastas internacionales, ser parte de una comunidad de artistas con ideas afines y acceder a la red profesional de cine Cine Qua Non Lab.
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Cine Qua Non Lab (English)
FULGOR Lab is a film project development laboratory with the aim of promoting co-productions between Ibero-American countries, with Spain acting as a bridge with Europe and as the promoter and backbone of this creative collaboration.
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ShortWay is a training and linking strategy that seeks animated short film projects of an authorial nature and with personal artistic visions, as a mechanism for the promotion and articulation of Latin American creators with producers and artists from all over the world.
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Pixelatl - Shortway
Documentary Market.
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Hot Docs Industry
The Residency is a five-week immersive program that aims to strengthen eight (8) film projects through a series of collective and individual activities, among which the narrative, project development, rewriting, and staging laboratories stand out. on stage.
In addition, residents will have the opportunity to connect their stories with professionals in the sector through the Meeting with Producers and other complementary spaces. The idea is that the scriptwriters have the time, space and tools that their projects need to move on to a new stage during the Residency.
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Ibero-American Script Residency - Something in Common