
Festival start: 28 October 2024      Festival end: 03 November 2024

Animacción is an international festival of animated short films, aimed to bring attention to the artistic potential of a whole new generation of animators.

Organized by the cultural association "Ánimas Anónimas", the festival returns this year for its 7th edition.

The call arises from our desire to increase the cultural offer of the city of A Coruña and its region, offering a sample of an artistic discipline with great creative potential, known worldwide, but little spread (me suena menos científico que disseminated xD) and supported locally.

The selected short films will be screened from December 12th to 18th, in the metropolitan area of ​​A Coruña. The public attending these screenings will proclaim the winning piece with their votes. There will be also an award for the best children's short film, chosen by the students of several schools in A Coruña and the area.

Besides the screenings, we will schedule different talks and activities, for all audiences, related to the world of animation, so we can create a bridge between artists of this discipline and the public.

Cash Prizes: 400€

- Audience award: There will be a cash prize of 200€ to the first classified, which will be selected by the public.

- CREA Animation Award: for the best director, endowed with 200€. Awarded by the jury formed by the association of creators CREA.

- Mellor Curta Galega Award: We open a specific category for Galician creators, to show and encourage local talent.

- Children award: Prize awarded by the students of the schools that participate in the call.

The prizes are subject to Spanish law, so the pertinent withholdings and taxes will be applied in each case.

- The technique is free: you can send works of any of the existing techniques in the world of animation (2D, 3D, Stop Motion ...)

- The theme is free. Works that promote hatred, violence or discrimination will not be accepted, whatever they are.

- Registration and participation in the festival is free.

- To be able to participate in the D.O. GALICIA, authors must be able to prove that they were born in Galicia or that they have been a resident in the Galician Community for at least two years before the year of this edition (at least since 2022)

- Technical requirements: the work presented must have a duration of at least 1 minute and no more than 12, without counting the credits. The production of the works cannot be prior to the year 2022. Works that have participated in any category of previous editions will not be selected. The works must be sent in .mp4 or .mov format - Codec H264, trying not to exceed 800 mb in size, with a minimum resolution of 1920x1080.

- In order to make the screenings more inclusive, all works must be subtitled in Spanish or Galician.

- The work title, the name of the artist(s), the contact telephone number, two frames of the work, the SRT file with the subtitle track, and a brief synopsis of the short film must be attached to the email. Submitting the project poster and social media pages is optional.

- The works will be sent to, specifying in the subject "AnimAcción 2024 Call". The artists will send the file of their works in digital format via WETRANSFER.

- The artists who are registered in FESTHOME can send the request through the same platform. You can find our festival in festhome by searching: "AnimAcción - A Coruña 2024"

-The call will be open from June 2024 to August 14th, 2024.

- Selection of works: The curatorial team of the festival will select the works that best suit the project, trying to compose a varied projection in terms of techniques and themes. All artists will receive an email response from November 7th to November 13th, 2023.

- By participating in the festival, authors authorize the “Ánimas Anónimas” association to screen their works, during the festival, in person and in streaming, in which case they would be broadcast online during a window period reduced to the projection, without being permanently displayed or archived for public access. They also authorize its use in subsequent screenings always related to the “Animacción” festival itself, as non-profit activities of the Ánimas Anónimas association, as well as the reproduction of fragments of the work on social networks or any other media, with the object of promoting the festival and the authors.

- The author, producer or distributor who submits the film declares that they are the owners, have acquired or make legitimate use of all the contents of the film and of their copyright / copyright. The exhibition is not responsible for any complaint resulting from a copyright claim for the public exhibition of films containing protected material.

- The payment of the Cash prizes will be paid directly to the directors of the work, once the festival is over, and after they cover and send the form that we will mail them.

- The organization guarantees the inclusion of the name of all the selected artists in the printed and digital programming of the event and its diffusion on the festival's social networks.

- In case of detecting the attempt to manipulate the votes by a participant, their work will be automatically disqualified.

- Participating in the festival implies accepting all the bases of the same.