
Festival start: 15 November 2017      Festival end: 16 November 2017

We are pleased to annoucne that Asia Centum Filmfest will be held in Haeundae, Busan on November. Asia Centum Film Festival is an annual film festival and originally established by a group of independant filmmakers in Busan, who have known each other for 20-30 years. ACF attempts to discover short films that are inventive, incisive, bold, vital, otherwise provocative. Any film under 60 minutes is accepted.

1st Place

By aggreeing to the general rules for Asia Centum Film Fest, you acknowledge and warrant that you has read and accept the follwing rules.

1.Non-English entries are subtitled in English.

2.Entries must be submitted on online screeners via festhome.com

3.All entries must have been completed after January 2012.

4.All entries are initially reviewed by a jury. In August, the jury will make a list of semifinalists and on October, submitters will be notified of acceptance of film to be shown at the ACF via E-mail.

5.Films accepted and included in the program cannot be withdrawn from competition once the entry has been submitted to the Festival.

6.Submission of an entry confirms that the ACF has permission to use excerpts of it (including trailer and press kit) for promotional purpose.

7.Submission of an entry confirms that the ACF has permission to exhibit it during ACF festival.

8.Submission of an entry confirms that the ACF has permission to duplicate it, should it become an official selection, to another format for festival projection.

9.ACF can not offer fee waivers.

10.Please do not call or email the office to verify that Centum has received your film.