
Festival start: 25 September 2023      Festival end: 01 October 2023

In 2003, the non-profit created the International Strange and Unusual Fantasy Short Film Festival, Court Métrange.

The event offers a creative harbor for authors wherein to expose and endorse their ideas. With an irrefutable penchant for a different form of filmmaking, these motion picture partisans fascinate countless audiences, the latter of whom paradoxically struggle to reap the same attention.

The purpose of the Court Métrange Festival is, ultimately, threefold, boasting: a place to screen, a place to scream, letting its "cult" shorts thrive, and a place whose limitless resources endeavor to not only emphasize the credentials of those having fought to make Fantasy film what it is today, but also attribute to them what is rightfully theirs. Court Métrange has become crucial not only in putting back on the radar screen the artistic and cultural value in a certain category of works, but also in breaking down barriers between film genres.

Sole member specializing in short films of the renowned European Fantastic Film Festival and CNC Category 1 Festival, Court Métrange is, in a way, a rite of passage for some authors in the quest for validation of their work with their sights set on becoming the directors of tomorrow. As a result, it is unrivaled, and plays an influential role on the short film scene in Europe.
Artistically agile, film communicates in a number of languages. The Fantastic is one of them. Court Métrange has chosen to hand over the mic and screen to those who share the same speak. For Fantasy filmmakers, this moment with their audiences is invaluable. Theaters teeming with fans and backing from a significant part of the profession have, in turn, legitimized the festival in its entirety. The enthusiasm and support from the teaching community and the active involvement of its student population in the educational and cultural initiatives organized by the festival come full circle with the idea that Fantastic films are a formidable breeding ground for culture and reflection.

Alongside its screenings, the Festival also strives to open up channels for exchange between film and other creative disciplines in order to broaden and boost the manner in which the "Fantastic image" materializes. Every year, conferences, exhibits, music, encounters, and debates round out the Court Métrange agenda.


Attributed to Best Director in international competition, award compensation takes the form of audiovisual benefits. The Arwestud company is offering half off on filmmaking equipment, lighting and camera and lens rental for the director’s next film, and half off in the post- production phase on editing, color grading and DCP releases.

The Nomade Production company is offering half off in the post-production phase on sound editing and mixing.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.


This award is attributed to one of the short films in international competition. The winning film will be shown on the Shadowz platform, France’s top name in streamed screams.


Court Métrange is a member of the prestigious European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (EFFFF). The Méliès d’Argent is attributed to Best Short Film in European competition with a maximum length of 25 minutes. As such, the winning film is also in competition for the Méliès d’Or whose ceremony will take place at one of the Federation’s member festivals.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.


This award is attributed to one of the short films in international competition. The winning film will be shown exclusively on France 2 as part of the "Histoires Courtes" program.


Based on audience voting, this award is attributed to Best Film from the Horny, Porny, Miney, Moe screening on Saturday night at 9:30 pm.
A Court Métrange trophy designed by artist Patrice "Pit" Hubert will also be presented at this time.
Young audiences (elementary, junior high and high schools) are also invited to designate their winning film during the Young Audiences screenings.


In order to propel the films in competition beyond Rennes city limits and onto a more international scene, the Court Métrange Online audience will be voting for its favorite films.

Court Métrange is ranked as a Category 1 festival at the French National Center for Cinematography and Motion Pictures.

1. The festival
The Court Métrange Festival aims at introducing and promoting the creation of fictional fantastic, bizarre as well as unusual short films.

2. Contact and address
Festival Court Métrange - Association Unis Vers 7 Arrivé – 22 rue Saint Hélier - 35000 Rennes, FRANCE /

3. Conditions for submission
The Festival is opened to all directors and producers from all over the world. The films submitted must have been produced after January 1st 2022. The competition is opened to short films provided their running time does not exceed 40 minutes.

The films submitted must necessarily be available in at least one of the following screening formats: - DCP 2K - Apple Pro Res 422 HQ ou LT / 1080p23.976, 1080p24, 1080p25 et 1080i50. - Quicktime H264 1080p, débit min. 20 mb/s, recommandé 30mb/s. 1080p23.976, 1080p24, 1080p25 et 1080i50.

4. Submission
The submission form below must be completed before May the 15th 2023, on the short film submission platform for festivals:

Each film in competition will have to be subtitled in english, except for the english-speaking ones. subtitles in French would be appreciated as well.

5. Selection
The directors whose films have been selected will be notified between May and July 2023.

The official selection will be available online, on the festival website , as of September 2023.

The selected films will be screened in Gaumont cinema at Rennes during the festival. They may be screened several times within the scope of the Festival, during international or school competition.

When the selection is announced, the directors or producers of the selected films will be asked to provide the following complementary information:

● a short synopsis in French and/or in english
● a few film stills for the catalogue and the press (jpeg 300dpi)
● a PRO RES and H264 files. If possible, a DCP file.

● a dialogue list in english or in French, with time-codes
● a biography and filmography of the director
● regulations completed and signed

6. Screening copies
All screening copies - in one of the following formats: (DCP 2K only, Apple Pro Res 422 HQ or LT / 1080p23.976, 1080p24, 1080p25 et 1080i50.or Quicktime H264 1080p, minimum 20mb/s, recommended 30mb/s. 1080p23.976, 1080p24, 1080p25 et 1080i50.). will have to be sent before July 16th 2023. The sending costs to the festival will be covered by the director or the producer. Only copies in good condition will be accepted. Additional information concerning specific measures for the projection of the film will have to be mentioned in the submission form and attached to the copy of the film sent to the festival.

7. Subtitling & audio description
The films will be subtitled in english and French. Some films may also be subtitled for the hard of hearing and audio description for the blind can be added. The subtitling will be either electronic or manual and, if necessary, a translation of the dialogues of the film will be made. These subtitles as well as the audio description remain the property of the festival.

However, they can be billed to the producer or director who would like to make use of them. Please send us your english and/or French subtitles of type .srt (or .txt, .xml, .stl). In the absence of subtitles, thanks for sharing the full list of dialogs with time codes in Word (.doc) format for the subtitling team.

8. Transports and insurance
The sending costs to the festival will be covered by the director or the producer. The return of DCP will be at the festival's expense. The insurance costs will be the festival 's responsibility from the reception of the film by the festival to the day when the forwarding agent takes it on. In case of loss, theft, destruction or any other damage to the film, the festival's responsibility will be effective only for the repayment of the charges involved in the making of a new print, on the basis of net prices according to the rates of each country.

8. Directors' attendance
The festival provides the directors in competition with meals and accommodation in private homes. Transport is at the director's expense.

9. Awards
The Court Métrange Festival committee will appoint an official jury who will award the prizes to the directors. Among these awards is the Méliès d'Argent, in partnership with the European Federation of Fantastic Film Festivals (see rules and regulation for the Méliès d’Argent: The awards, in cash or material, are attributed to the directors, except in case of contrary instructions mentioned in the program.

10. Conditions for exploitation
Participants give the festival, without compensation, the right to reproduce pictures or TV extracts of less than three minutes of their film for distribution in the festival's publications, the press, the Internet and broadcasting.

The beneficiary guarantees the Festival management that he/she is the holder of all necessary rights (authorship, images, and all intellectual property rights) before the authorized people for the exploitation of the films, entirely or in extracts.

With the consent of the beneficiaries, some films might be screened again in the theaters and screening sites of the Festival, under its supervision, to continue promoting these works.

In 2023, Court Métrange Festival will be screening its official competition in movie theaters of Rennes, but also on streaming on the internet through an international partner VOD platform, during 13 days (September 26th - October 08th 2023). The films will also compete to others online international prizes.

Participation to the festival implies unqualified acceptance of this regulation.

Any bone of contention regarding the application or interpretation of this Rules and Regulations form will be the exclusive competence of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Rennes.