
Festival start: 19 September 2024      Festival end: 22 September 2024

The Festival’s goal is to dive the audience into the Seventh art, for this reason it supports and spread the local and national films, screening the artwork in an intimate atmosphere, with the purpose of motivating the artists to produce films, involving them in the art and culture that makes Mexico and outstading country.

-First Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)

-Second Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)

-Third Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)


Date & Venue

The fifth edition of the ENSENADA film festival will be held in Ensenada, BC, Mexico from september 19th to 22th.

National competition

Best Mexican shortfilm
Every type of shortfilm can be registered. The country, the place of filming and production must be mexican. The director, cast & crew can be from different origin.

Best Bajacalifornian Shorfilm
Every type of shortfilm can be registered. The country, the place of filming and production must be from Baja-California, Mexico. The director, cast & crew can be from different origin.

International Competition
Every type of shortfilm can be registered. The country, the place of filming and also the director, cast & crew can be from different origin than Mexico.

Submission to be part of the Official Selection of the 2024 FENS Film festival:

-National & International:
$45.00 dlls

-Baja California:
$25.00 dlls

Shortfilms from 2012, 2023, 2024 can participate

For all the sections that take part on the official selection, the films can be filmed in digital or in 35, 16 and 8mm. The selection need to be on Blue-Ray and / or digital.
The film must be 20min long – credit included (the selection team may make some exception)

The films doesn´t need to be PREMIERE in Mexico.
Can participate all the films that have been exhibited in any other festival, in Mexico or other country.
Video clips, commercial, and political propaganda are not accepted.
To be eligible the work must be presented in the original language and with Spanish subtitle if applicable.

The publication of the official selection of the FENS will be on june 28, through the social networks @fensmx.

All the required information, press kit and the diffusion material for the shortfilms selected for the 5th edition of the FENS Ensenada film festival must be sent to the following mail:

The term and condition for the inscription to the FENS will be through the FESTHOME website.

All the films must be registered according the copyright of his country or to be in process of registration.
In case of making an adaptation, the author and the title of the original must be indicated; also the right to use it must be send (to be join as pdf)
All the films must use original music; at using music with copyright, the authorization must be sent as PDF.
There is no limit of films by director or producing entity.
Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn.
The film selected must send the official poster, size 90x60cm at the following email:

The festival shall determine the order and date of exhibition of the official selection.
Through the inscription at the FENS, the director accepts and authorize the festival to use their film; partially or in its entirety for promotional ends and diffusion of the festival.

No copyright will be paid for the exhibition right
The festival does not pay screening fees.

Official selection
The festival comitee will selected the short-films that will be part of the FENS and the special program. The decision of the comitee is irrevocable. The winners will be selected by a jury, with no relation to the comitee; made up of film industry professionals chosen by the festival team. The name of the FENS jury will be indicated on the social media of the festival.

Movie selected
The works must be sent in digital arhive APPLE ProRes 422 HQ (1920×1080 24 fps) or file 264 .mov
By completing the inscription of the short-film, the owners of the copyright may send the script register and accept the term and condition of this rules, and as a consequence to exhibit this work during the date and place choose by the festival.
A letter will be sent to authorize this exhibition.
The competition will be prized by an extern jury, made up of film industry professionals chosen by the festival team.
Film’s owners accept the film’s exhibition during September 2024.
The decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

-First Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)
Digital Certificate
-Second Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)
Digital Certificate
-Third Place (Intenational / National / Baja California)
Digital Certificate

All participants accept this rules, as well as the resolutions taken by the festival team in any situation not foreseen in this call.

Note: Questions or comments about this call, please send an e-mail to: