
Festival start: 03 August 2020      Festival end: 30 November 2020

What is Subtravelling?
Subtravelling is a pioneering short film festival for its innovative features, which brings the short film genre to the TMB transport network.

The festival was born in 2009 as the Mostra Internacional de Curtmetratges del Metro (the International Metro Short Film Festival). It was a bid by the TMB Foundation to democratize culture and revitalize the short film market, bringing a selection of first-rate Catalan and international short films to all citizens, thus promoting social and cultural values among public transport users.

The first edition of Subtravelling was such a resounding success that, the following year, TMB decided to continue innovating, with the intention of promoting local creation and offering new filmmakers a space to develop their creativity and showcase their talent.

This is how Roda a TMB was born, the section of the festival in which filmmakers have to use their ingenuity to shoot a short film in which, in some way, TMB's transports appear.

Over the years, Subtravelling has not stopped growing. And with a strong desire to cross borders and become international, in 2016 it partnered with the Seoul Metro International Subway Film Festival (SMIFF), a festival with which it shares characteristics: both are the only short film festivals in the world in which the metro and public transport are the protagonists.

Today, Subtravelling keeps the commitment with which it was born intact, and still takes a step further to become more professional. That is why in 2020 the festival has been renamed Subtravelling 11th International New Talents Short Film Fest BARCELONA - SEOUL. The aim is to become an international projection platform for filmmaking talent from Barcelona.

Jury Prize for Best Short Film
A trip to Seoul (South Korea) for 2 people, 5 hotel nights included, to attend the screening of your short film at the 2021 SMIFF festival.

Screening of the short film on MouTV, on Televisió de Badalona and on 2021 SMIFF festival.

An invitation to attend the 2021 Filmets Badalona Film Festival.

2nd Jury Prize for Best Short Film
A video camera.


Screening of the short film on MouTV, on Televisió de Badalona and on 2021 SMIFF festival.

An invitation to attend the 2021 Filmets Badalona Film Festival.


1. Purpose
(hereinafter, TB and Metro, respectively, and TMB when they are jointly
designated). Both entities, with registered offices at street 60, numbers 21-23,
sector A, of the Zona Franca industrial park, 08010 Barcelona, organize, with the
collaboration of the FUNDACIÓ TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona),
with NIF G- 65395089 and with the same address as the aforementioned entities,
a contest called Subtravelling, XI International new talents short film Fest |
BCN - SEOUL. Category «Roda a TMB» (hereinafter, the contest), which will
take place in Barcelona from September 7, 2020 to November 30, 2020.

2. Duration
This contest begins at 1:00 p.m. on September 7, 2020 and ends at 11:59 p.m.
on November 30, 2020.

3. Participation conditions
To participate in this contest it is essential to meet the following conditions:
- Being at least 18 years old.
- Being the author of the short film.
- The short film must meet the specified requirements.
- Having legal residency in Spain.
- Being a member of JoTMBé and, therefore, having read and accepted
its terms and conditions.
- Being registered as a participant in this contest on the website
- Guaranteeing that all the data on the registration forms, both for JoTMBé
and for participation in this contest, are truthful and complete. Participants
must also keep them updated.
- Complying with these rules, the shooting regulations, and Covid-19
regulations in TMB facilities and transport.
The filming of the short film does not exempt participants from the obligation to
pay the amount corresponding to the transport ticket to access the metro stations,
TMB buses, the Montjuïc cable car or funicular, and the Barcelona Bus Turístic.
Short films submitted to the category "Roda a TMB" can participate exclusively in
this category.
Participants who want to shoot at a TMB facility must request the shooting permit
which can be found on the Subtravelling website 48 hours in advance. The permit
will be accepted as long as it complies with the shooting regulations found on the
Subtravelling website.

4. Registration
To participate in this contest, all the data must be filled in in the registration form
that can be found on the «Participate» section of the website
The registration period begins at 1:00 p.m. on September 7, 2020 and ends at
11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2020.
The data provided must be complete and truthful, and the participants must keep
it updated.

Participation in this contest is free and does not require the purchase of any
product or the acquisition of any service, except for the purchase of the ticket to
enter TMB facilities and to use TMB's means of transport during the course of the

5. Development of the contest
- In order to participate in the contest, it is essential that participants
register through the website and fill
in the technical sheet of the recording presented (title, director, genre, brief
synopsis, credits).
- A short film is understood to mean the unpublished and original audiovisual recording shot and edited by the participant, whether fiction, reality,
documentary or 2D/3D animation or stop motion, which meets the
conditions stipulated in these rules.
- The theme is TMB transport, coexistence in transport and mobility. TMB
transports must be used as a setting, and its values, such as civility and
coexistence, can be promoted, or the short film must be based on a theme
and an area related to TMB transports. Transport services provided by
other operators are excluded.
TMB's transport services include the metro area, urban buses, the
Montjuïc cable car and funicular, and the Barcelona Bus Turístic.
It must be taken into account that the TMB metro area is limited to lines 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 9North and 9South, 10North, 10South and 11.
- Short films can be shot using any recording device.
- The use of a tripod is prohibited in all TMB facilities and means of
- Shooting inside TMB facilities can be carried out provided the shooting
permit is requested, complying with the established regulations, which can
be found on the Subtravelling website.
- Inside TMB facilities and its transportation, the shooting crew (adding up
the technical and artistic or journalistic team) cannot be made up of more
than four people. The use of spotlights and sound poles is not allowed,
and neither are any instruments that could disturb the passage of users.
- Shooting simulations of crime scenes (robberies, fights, panhandling
inside trains and buses, etc.) is not allowed.
- Short films will not be admitted outside the indicated registration period.
- Each participant can enter more than one short film into the contest.
- Once the short films are submitted, they cannot be modified or replaced.
- The short films that are submitted must be unpublished at the
Subtravelling Festival. They can have been presented at other festivals,
but not in other editions of the Subtravelling festival.
- Participants will have to have their own public profile on the YouTube
platform until the winner is selected. If the participant switches their profile
to private on this platform during the festival, the short film may be

6. Short film conditions
- The short films submitted by the participants must be original.
- The short films presented must be unpublished in the 11th edition of the
Subtravelling festival.
- The maximum running time of the short film must be three minutes and
30 seconds, including credits.
- The short films can be submitted in all the video formats compatible with
the YouTube platform, but preferably they should be in:
▪ MP4
- The minimum audio requirements are the following:
▪ Audio codec: MPEG Layer II or Dolby AC-3
▪ Audio bit rate: 128 kbps or higher
- Video resolution can be 1080p (1920x1080px) or 720p (1280x720px).
- Vertical or horizontal recordings can be used.
- The short films can have subtitles.
- Short films that contain archive footage, sound effects or music, must
comply with intellectual protection law. TMB is not liable for any breach of
this law and the short film may be disqualified.
- TMB reserves the right to ask the finalists to submit the short film in a
format that makes it possible for it to be screened during the awards
- TMB may later request a copy of the short film in another format for a
public screening.
- Short films that are not in Catalan or Spanish must be subtitled in Catalan
or Spanish. The festival organization can request the short film with
subtitles if it has not been presented in Catalan or Spanish. If the subtitled
short film is not received within five days, it may be disqualified.
- By participating in this contest, participants guarantee that their short
films are original recordings of their creation and that they are the holders
of all intellectual property rights, without the short films being subject to
any charge or tax.
- The use of any third party personal data (name, surname, image, voice,
etc.) requires the prior consent of the person in question.
- The short films must respect the law, morality, public order, good
practices and customs.
- They may not violate or damage people's sensitivity or incite conduct that
is violent, sexist, discriminatory, anti-religious or contrary to social
manners, or use rude or inappropriate language, nor may they include
scenes with total or partial nudity or of an erotic or sexual nature.
- They must not be contrary to the good name, prestige or image of TMB,
nor may they constitute an advertising medium for products or services of
third parties.
- They must comply with current legislation and, therefore, may not violate
the rights of third parties, especially those of intellectual property, honour,
personal and family privacy and to self-image, those related to the use of
third-party personal data and to obligations derived from the use of new
technologies and commercial communications.
- Short films that affect the proper functioning of public transport or that
contain scenes with behaviours contrary to current regulations and, in
particular, the proper use of public transport, as well as behaviours that
encourage or incite the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or toxic or
narcotic substances, or which entail the commission of unlawful or uncivil
acts, or acts of vandalism, or which promote actions or provoke reactions
of this type, won’t be accepted.
- The short films must respect the rights of minorities, minors and people
affected by a disability, and must not be of a commercial, advertising, racist,
sexual, religious or political nature, nor must they be a means of
vindication or complaint or claim.
- TMB reserves the right to reject short films that it considers inappropriate
with respect to language or content, or that reproduce or are a partial or
total copy of any other content published on the Internet or on any other
medium, whether online or offline.

7. Jury and selection of the winners
The jury is made up of representatives from the world of cinema and TMB:
- Santiago Torres: director of communications and institutional relations.
Director of Fundació TMB. He will act as president of the jury.
- Agustí Argelich: director of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival and
member of the Acadèmia del Cinema Català.
- Member of the jury representing the world of cinema.
The selection of winners will be done as follows:
A. The jury must choose 10 finalists from the category "Roda a TMB",
among which there will be:
✓ The best short film.
✓ The second best short film.
✓ Special mention.

8. Screening of the short films
The 10 finalist short films will be screened on the screens of MouTV, the
TMB channel and the TMB YouTube channel. These 10 finalists may also
be shown on the public television channels Badalona TV and TV3, as long
as the programming and the management of the channels, in conjunction
with TMB, consider it appropriate.
The five finalist short films which have obtained the highest score by the
jury will be screened during the 2021 edition of the Seoul Metro
International Subway Film Festival (SMIFF).
- The 10 finalist short films will be announced in the "Roda a TMB"
section of the website:
- All the short films will be posted on the TMB website:
- All the short films can be viewed on the TMB website,, on social media, on the
Subtravelling YouTube channel, and on the MouTV channel as long
as TMB deems it appropriate.

9. Awards ceremony
The winners will be announced from December 2020 (the date is approximate)
at the awards ceremony, in the "Roda a TMB" section of the website, or by any other means of communication
that TMB deems appropriate.
In the event that an awards ceremony is held and the winners do not attend it, it
will be considered that they give up the award and it will be void, so it is
recommended that all participants attend the awards ceremony.
All the information regarding this event will be published on TMB's social media
accounts and will be communicated to the finalists.

10. Awards
Awards in the category «Roda a TMB»
✓ Best short film
▪ Roundtrip flight to Korea - Seoul for two.
▪ Five nights in a hotel for two during the SMIFF 2021 festival
(approximate date: September 2021).
▪ Tickets to the cinema or to attend the Filmets Festival.
▪ Broadcasting of the short film on MouTV, TV3, the
programme CortoCircuit on Canal 33, Badalona TV and/or
at the SMIFF Festival (the broadcast is subject to changes
or modifications, depending on the station and its
✓ Second best short film
▪ Video camera.
▪ Tripod for the video camera.
▪ Tickets to the cinema or to attend the Filmets Festival.
▪ Broadcasting of the short film on MouTV, TV3, the programme
CortoCircuit on Canal 33, Badalona TV and/or at the SMIFF
Festival (the broadcast is subject to changes or modifications,
depending on the station and its programming).
✓ Special mention - Among the 10 finalists of Roda a TMB, a
special mention may be chosen by the jury. This award may be void.
▪ IPad or tablet, courtesy of Vodafone.
✓ Most voted short film - During the festival, users will be able to
vote for their favourite short film among all the participants in Roda
a TMB.
▪ One year of free cinema in the Filmax Gran Vía cinema,
courtesy of Filmax.
▪ Broadcasting of the short film on MouTV, Badalona TV
and/or at the SMIFF Festival (the broadcast is subject to
changes or modifications, depending on the station and its

11. Prize conditions
- If for any reason beyond its control, TMB cannot obtain the
aforementioned prizes, it will award others of the same or higher value.
- Due to the current situation with Covid-19, the prizes may be modified
either due to the situation regarding Covid-19 or at the request of our
partners because of Covid-19.
- The prize will not be exchangeable for its cash value or for any other
- TMB is not responsible for the use that the winner makes of the prize.
TMB is not responsible for any incident that occurs after the prize is given.
- TMB is not responsible for malfunctions, damage or deterioration, nor for
variations, lack or poor provision of the service that the prize consists of
once it is awarded to the winner, who will go to the manufacturer, the
official distributor, wholesaler, agency or service provider.
- The winners will be able to enjoy the prizes in accordance with their
conditions of use and within their validity period.
- The prize is personal and non-transferable, and can only be used by the
participant who wins the contest.
- All expenses to attend the awards ceremony (travel, accommodation and
subsistence allowance, among others, with an illustrative and non-limiting
character) will be borne by those affected.
- The prizes only include the products or services that are explicitly
indicated in these rules.
- People who are included in the list of 10 finalists must attend the public
awards ceremony, if it takes place. TMB must verify the identification
details of the winners. Any falsehood or contradiction in the data is reason
to disqualify the winner and TMB reserves the right to declare the award
void or to choose another winner.
- In the event that any of the winners does not want the prize or does not
attend the awards ceremony, TMB also reserves the right to declare the
award void or to choose another winner.
- From the moment a winner receives a prize consisting of a trip, they will
have a period of 15 days to carry out all the procedures to set the dates of
the trip directly with the travel agency, or with the person or institution
indicated by the organization of the Subtravellig festival. TMB might not
intervene in these procedures.
- The trips include the roundtrip airline ticket in economy class and the stay
at the hotel on a bed and breakfast regime.
- The trip to Seoul will be on the date when the 2021 SMIFF festival takes
- Tickets for the Filmax Gran Vía cinema can be used for one year after
the award is given. These dates may be affected by the future situation of
- The annual cinema subscription for Filmax Gran Vía is personal and nontransferable. The holder of the subscription will have to prove their identity
by presenting their original DNI. Only one entry per day is allowed, valid
for 3D movies, from Monday to Sunday. These tickets may be modified
due to the future situation of Covid-19.
- In the case of both movie tickets and the annual movie subscription, all
special events are excluded. Access will be subject to the availability of
the room; the Filmax Gran Vía cinema reserves the right to modify the
conditions if required to do so by the distribution companies.
- Winners can enjoy their prizes in accordance with their conditions of use
and within their validity period.
- Prizes only include products or services that are expressly stated.

12. Disclaimer of liability
TMB is not liable:
- For the consequences, accidents or incidents that participants or third
parties may suffer during the production of the short films.
- Validation of the ticket is essential to access the metro or bus network.
- For the requirements or permits of any kind related to short films required
by the administrative authorities. TMB will also not be held responsible for
the measures that these authorities may take against the participants for
failure to comply with any requirements.
- For damages of any kind and for any reason that participants cause to
TMB, its employees or third parties, derived directly or indirectly from their
participation in the contest, especially, and stated merely as an example,
those derived from the breach of these rules, of the instructions and
recommendations given by TMB, or of current regulations.
- For the fines, compensation and any type of payment derived directly or
indirectly from the actions or lack thereof of the participants.
- For the situation regarding Covid-19, which might make it impossible to
shoot in TMB facilities or might cause its access to be restricted, or for any
other limitation or prohibition that may be established.
- For problems of access, availability and operation of the Internet and,
especially, for electronic mail and the portals through which the contest
takes place.
- For the changes in schedule, calendar and organization of this contest.
- For any incident that takes place after the award is delivered. Claims
regarding the prize should be addressed to the manufacturer or official
distributor of the product in which the prize consists, or to the wholesaler,
agency or service provider.

13. Reservations and limitations
- TMB reserves the right to cancel this contest or to change some
conditions for technical reasons, or of any other nature beyond its control,
such as Covid-19, that prevent its normal development as stipulated in
these rules.
- Likewise, TMB may declare this contest void if it detects irregularities in
the identification data of the winning contestants.
- TMB is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the
participants. Thus, if the information provided is not correct or contains
errors, TMB is not responsible for not being able to contact the finalists or
winners to communicate the result or to arrange with them the delivery of
the prize.
- Any abusive or fraudulent use of these rules by participants will imply the
automatic withdrawal of the affected participants from the contest.

14. Guarantees
- By sending the short film, in accordance with the provisions of these rules,
the participants guarantee that they are the authors and holders of all the
intellectual property rights of the short films and that these are original and
unpublished, and that they are free of any tax or charge and are not subject
to contracts, grants or licenses in favour of third parties that are
incompatible with the exercise of the rights the contestants assign to TMB
with their participation in this contest.
- In any case, the participants will hold TMB free from any claim, complaint
or demand from third parties derived directly or indirectly from their
participation in this contest and, in particular, from non-compliance with
these rules and current regulations.

15. Intellectual property
The mere participation in this contest implies the transfer in favour of TMB of the
following exploitation rights derived from the short films:
- Right of reproduction: any form of direct or indirect fixation, either
provisional or permanent, by any means and in any way that allows the
communication and the obtaining of copies, total or partial, in any graphic
support or system, digital, mechanic, electronic, reprographic, audio-visual,
or of any other nature.
- Right of public communication: any form of access to the public without
delivery of copies, in any medium or technical system, interactive or not,
with cables or without, satellite, fibre optics, Hertzian waves, analogue or
digital, etc., for the screening, exhibition, broadcast or public transmission
in any TMB communication medium (Internet, intranet, MouTV channel
and accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and other
means of communication with which TMB has an agreement, or serve as
an exhibition or advertising for the festival. In relation to the five finalist
short films, also for screening at the 2020 Seoul Metro International
Subway Film Festival (SMIFF).
- Right of transformation: the right to dub or subtitle the short films in any
language and the reproduction and public communication of the works
derived from them.
This assignment is free of charge, for all countries in the world and for a
period of five years, on a non-exclusive basis and without prejudice to the
recognition to the authors of the moral rights that correspond to them.

16. Image rights
The participants authorize TMB to disseminate their names and surnames,
and, in the event that they attend the awards ceremony, also to have their
image or voice recorded, reproduced and published through any medium,
including the Internet and any other means of interactive availability, for
the management of this contest or new editions, as well as for other
advertising campaigns or promotions or any other activity carried out by
TMB, and without this authorization giving them the right to receive any
type of remuneration.

17. Data protection
The treatment of personal data carried out by TMB can be checked at the
following links:
- Check the treatment of your personal data:
- Check the activity log of this treatment:

18. Taxation of the prizes
In accordance with current regulations, the winner of the prize will have to
include in the general taxable base of the personal income tax return for
the corresponding fiscal year the valuation of the prize, plus the income
on account of TMB that he has received.

19. Acceptance of the rules
Participants are informed that the simple fact of participating in the contest
implies full acceptance of these rules, instructions and other
communications or recommendations that TMB makes to participants, and
also compliance with the conditions of use of the portals through which the
contest takes place, as well as all current regulations. Any breach will
result in the disqualification of the participant and, therefore, their not being
able to receive any of the prizes that may correspond to them, and all this
without prejudice to the legal actions that may be taken against the
offender, as well as the right of TMB to remove from the website the link to the short film of the
offending participant on YouTube.
Barcelona, September 7, 2020