
Festival start: 19 October 2015      Festival end: 25 September 2016

Welcome to Tula International Film Festival.
Our festival aims to showcase the talents of independent filmmakers around the world.

Thus, the goal of our festival - to collect all the independent directors to display their works of a large audience.

Our festival will be held in the historic city - the hero-city of Tula. Venue Festival City Concert Hall of the city of Tula.

The film festival is focused on films of any genre. It should be a movie with a story, but not the amateur video.

The Festival reserves the right to refuse to accept any film without explanation. In this case, the fee will be refunded.

We are waiting on you talented and original works.

Awards are given in the following categories:
Best Foreign Short Film
Best Drama Short Film
Best Comedy Short Film
Best Animation Short Film
Best Horror Short Film
Best cartoon
Best Documentary Short Film
Best Student Short Film
Best Music Video
Best Children's movie
Best historical film
Best film about nature

Please read all rules and regulations below carefully before submitting your project.
The film must meet the following criteria:

- Films have to not exceed 45 minutes in length;

- Films have to be made after 1 of January, 2012;

- Films have to be available for Festival screening on mp4, mov, avi.

- The Festival is open to everyone. If you’re under 18, you will need to include a parent’s name and contact info.

- By submitting the film must indicate the name of the category.

The aim of the festival - to present a great variety of independent short films, so pre-selection considers only the visual and technical quality of the films.

All films must have English subtitles if they made on any other language.

After your film will be accepted to Official programm, you will receive a letter with confirmation. Then you must send to tulskijfestival@gmail.com a link to download a film. You may submit more than one film, but you must complete a separate
entry form and pay entry fee for each film.

You also must send the dialog lists on English.

All participants will received all the information about the festival no later than August 1, 2016 .