DaVinci International Film Festival (0)

Fechas Límite

01 may 2017

11 may 2017
Fecha Límite Anticipada

09 jun 2017
Fecha Límite Estándar

07 jul 2017
Fecha Límite Tardía

21 jul 2017
Festival Cerrado

28 jul 2017
Fecha de notificación

01 ago 2017
01 ago 2017


P.O. Box 717,  92648, Huntington Beach, CA, Estados Unidos

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes >1' 40'<
Festival de largometrajes >41' 90'<

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 Cualquier tema
 Con tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Online y Ubicación Física
 Fecha de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  >1' 40'<
 Largometrajes  >41' 90'<
Compartir en Redes Sociales


Inicio Festival: 01 agosto 2017      Fin Festival: 01 agosto 2017

What's the DIFF?

... It's the DaVinci International Film Festival (DIFF), but also one of the biggest question filmmakers will ask themselves as they browse and filter through dozens, if not hundreds of online film festivals — what makes DIFF unique from the others?

Leonardo da Vinci was the epitome of the divergent and creative mind, and so we aim to recognize much of the same within our industry.

Like many online festivals, we set out to honor the best in independent cinema from around the world, and have expanded our Award Categories to recognize many below-the-liners who largely go unnoticed and unrewarded. We seek the unsung heroes here at DaVinci. From best in editing, color correction, sound design, to theatrical creative and P&A; at DIFF, we shine the light on many of those who work silently, yet play an important role in getting your project to this very stage.

DIFF founders are intimately familiar with, and appreciate the full cycle of, independent filmmaking and the demands therein. From perils of financing, through the distribution of any given work — the process is often complex and unforgiving. Most of these creative projects can take a short lifetime to complete, and whether or not your work is ‘accepted’ at DIFF, we wish to congratulate and encourage you to keep pressing forward.

Another standout at DIFF, is that we are now offering development Options for our top three unscripted competition winners (per category), which will afford them an amazing opportunity to put their projects in front of networks and industry decision-makers.


DIFF hosts a QUARTERLY online festival series for all of our categories. Winners of the "Vitruvian Man" Award will be invited to our Live Showcase Event at the end of the calendar year, and their shot at "The Leo" Award -- our most prized commendation. Films will screen at our red carpet event for family, friends, and industry professionals, followed by filmmaker Q&A and an After Party, where our sponsors will present "The Leo" to our winner.

Thank you for your submission.

DaVinci Film Festival

- THE LEO AWARD (Best of Fest; presented at Live Showcase Event)

- VITRUVIAN MAN AWARD (Quarterly Feature & Short Film ONLY)

- DIFF CERTIFICATE & WINNER LAUREL (Quarterly category winners)

You must fully comply with these Entry Rules & Regulations, including all deadlines, film length, entry material(s), and accepting terms (unscripted) prior to submission, as well as these listed below:

1. All non-English speaking films must be presented in their original version with English subtitles.

2. Short Film Entries should not exceed 40 minutes in duration including titles and credits.

3. Film previously entered into DIFF are not eligible for re-entry in subsequent years.

4. All submissions are screened and evaluated by the DIFF Preview and Selection Committee, appointed by the Festival Director. Their reports are final and confidential. Long and short format films that are received by DIFF and win the Vitruvian Man statue, will be screened at our Live Event Showcase Event.

5. In the event of a film is withdrawn, DIFF will not refund or return any materials.

6. ONE ENTRY FEE PER CATEGORY. The same film can be entered into more and one category, but each category require an entry fee. If the filmmaker choose to enter more than one category with the same film, please add an incremental numerical addendum in brackets after the title; i.e. "Film Title" (1), "Film Title" (2), etc. as the system requires this differentiation in the case of multiple entries with the same title.

7. Student filmmakers are encouraged to apply, but must present their valid Student ID in order to benefit from our student discount.

8. All entries should be submitted via Festhome.com portal. Please DO NOT send us any material unless requested.

9. Unfortunately we DO NOT accept works in progress at this time.

10. Unscripted entries must first accept DIFF submission Policy prior to submission. Please visit: https://davincifilmfestival.com/release-form/ NO EXCEPTIONS.




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