Fechas Límite

27 nov 2017

15 jul 2018
Festival Cerrado

10 ago 2018
Fecha de notificación

28 ago 2018
29 ago 2018


Vokzalnaya,  353600, Starominskaya, Krasnodar region, Rusia

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes 30'<

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Con tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 enero 2017
 Países de producción: Requerido
 Países de rodaje: Requerido
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Requerido
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  30'<
Afrikaans Albanés Alemán Amharico Arabe Armenio Bengali Bieloruso Birmanés Bulgaro Catalan Checo Chino Coreano (한국어) Croata Danés Dari Dzongkha Escocés Eslovaco Esloveno Español Esperanto Estoniano Faroese Farsi Finlandés Francés Gaelico Galese Gallego Griego Hebreo Hindi Holandés Hungaro Inglés Indonesio Inuktitut (Inuit) Islandico Italiano Japonés (日本語) Kurdo Lao Laponico Latviano Lituano Macedonio Malayés Maltés Nepali Noruego Pashto Polaco Portugués Rumano Ruso Serbio Somali Suahili Sueco Tagalog-Filipino Tajik Tamil Tailandés Tibetano Tigrinia Tonganés Turco Turkmenistano Ucraniano Urdu Uzbekistano Euskera
Compartir en Redes Sociales


Inicio Festival: 28 agosto 2018      Fin Festival: 29 agosto 2018

1. The festival is held with support of Department of culture of Starominsky district annually on 28-29 August and timed to the Day of Russian cinema and the Day of Starominsky district


- attract the masses to the vision and understanding of social problems and tendency;

- search for talents and talents, discover new Names;

- search genres in cinema;

- promotion of discoveries in cinema language;

- promotion of short films;

- promotion of authors on the market movies


- documentary film;

- student film;

animated film;

an experimental movie;

- short fiction films;

- music clip


For participation in festival are accepted the works of authors not under the age of 16, performed in the years 2017-2018, no longer than 30 minutes ( music video - 10 minutes) in ENGLISH ( for other languages it is OBLIGATORY to have subtitles in English) are accepted in any format as a link on a web resource and mail mirrorworld.cf@gmail.com stating your name, age, region, title and genre. Each participant may submit unlimited number of works.

5. The festival PROGRAM is formed by the organizing Committee depending on the number of works selected by the jury and participants from 13-15 August, is published on the website on 16 August and includes competition screening of films and special programmes of the partners and organizers of the festival and contest schedule


According to the regulations, the jury selects the best works included in the shortlist and reserves the right to award multiple awards of Gold, Silver and Bronze and one GRAND Prix in each nomination. All winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 29 August 2018. Winners who received a Gold and the Grand Prix will be awarded with festival Diplomas and valuable gifts received Silver and Bronze Diplomas and festival Souvenirs

According to the regulations, the jury selects the best works included in the shortlist and reserves the right to award multiple awards of Gold, Silver and Bronze and one GRAND Prix in each nomination. All winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 29 August 2018. Winners who received a Gold and the Grand Prix will be awarded with festival Diplomas and valuable gifts received Silver and Bronze Diplomas and festival Souvenirs

For participation in festival are accepted the works of authors not under the age of 16, performed in the years 2017-2018, no longer than 30 minutes ( music video - 10 minutes) in ENGLISH ( for other languages it is OBLIGATORY to have subtitles in English) are accepted in any format as a link on a web resource and mail mirrorworld.cf@gmail.com stating your name, age, region, title and genre. Each participant may submit unlimited number of works.



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