Inicio Festival: 24 mayo 2023
Fin Festival: 28 mayo 2023
The PARACATU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL will take place in person from May 26 to 28, 2023 and will feature competitive exhibitions: Minas Gerais, national and international, dedicated to free-themed short films, in the categories: fiction, documentary and animation.
The Paracatu International Film Festival is a combination of authorial audiovisual productions, tributes and rediscovery of great classics and aims to become an event appreciated by residents and tourists, and to become one of the most important film festivals on the national scene. and international.
There will be awards (trophies and certificates) for BEST FILM, BEST ACTRESS, BEST ACTOR, BEST SCREENPLAY AND BEST DIRECTOR in all categories of the festival.
1.1 Registration for the PARACATU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL takes place from March 30 to April 30, 2023 through the link:;
1.2 Are eligible to participate in the PARACATU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, films made by Brazilians or foreigners, without gender restriction;
1.3 In the case of MOSTRA MINEIRA, only films made by people born in Minas Gerais can participate, with the National and International exhibition being free for registration without restriction;
1.4 When registering, the director may indicate the screening of his/her preference, and the curatorship will make the final decision in which screening the film can be shown, if selected;
1.5 The director may submit as many films as he/she wants, as long as they meet the criteria of this regulation;
1.6 Entries with file transfer links such as WeTransfer, Dropbox, SendSpace or any other data allocation tool that has an expiration date on the generated link will not be considered by the curators;
1.7 The link to the film for viewing exclusively on the Vimeo or Youtube sites must be included in the Entry Form, in addition to the password for access, when applicable;
1.8 The links must remain active throughout the curation period. The festival organization is not responsible for validating films with an invalid link or password that cannot be accessed by the curators;
1.9 The data provided through the registration form will be used in the event's publicity material, if the film is one of the selected ones.
2.1 The films will be selected by the organization of the PARACATU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, which may invite specialists who are not part of the festival team to participate in the curatorship process, with an irreversible and irreversible result. The Festival will inform via disclosure on the website which films have been qualified for the screenings;
2.2 The selected productions will be shown according to the schedule prepared by the festival organization in face-to-face sessions and on a streaming platform during the festival period;
2.3 Submitted films must be short films: have a running time of at least 1 and a maximum of 30 minutes and will be distributed in the following exhibitions: Minas Gerais, national and international, in the categories: documentary, fiction or animation.
2.4 In addition to the exhibitions mentioned above, the Festival may create other sessions according to the opinion of the curatorship and the organization of the event;
2.5 The selected films will be published on the website and on social media on a date to be announced later;
2.6 Once enrolled and selected, films can no longer be withdrawn from the schedule.
3.1 Prizes for the exhibitions will be awarded by a Jury composed of members with recognized experience who will establish the criteria for working together with the festival's management;
3.2 There will be awards (trophies and certificates) for BEST FILM, BEST ACTRESS, BEST ACTOR, BEST SCREENPLAY AND BEST DIRECTOR in all categories of the festival.
3.3 The Jury may also award prizes or honorable mentions in other technical categories, this decision being up to the judges;
3.4 Special prizes may be awarded by partners and will be announced before the start of the event. In this case, the Festival organization will not have direct management over the award, respecting the regulations and deadlines of these entities;
3.5 There will be no cash prizes;
3.6 All sessions and other actions of the INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF PARACATU are free.
4.1 The people responsible for the films entered in the event grant FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINEMA DE PARACATU the right to display, disseminate, in any media, images of the film (photos, excerpts of up to 60 seconds), by themselves or by third parties, without limitation of number of times, without any remuneration or compensation being due to the participants;
4.2 Issues not covered by this regulation will be resolved by the festival organization;
4.3 The festival is not responsible for works that are not legally authorized regarding the use of images, soundtracks, archival footage and any other works used in the films, and it is the sole responsibility of the film producer to respond to any legal or legal claim;
4.4 All entries will be part of the collection of the PARACATU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL and may be used in film club sessions, cultural or educational exhibitions and similar entities, non-profit and always with prior communication from the directors;
4.5 The invitation made to the filmmakers to participate in the event (accommodation and food) will be subject to the budgetary conditions of the festival;
4.6 The run drafting of the Term of Authorization by the director implies acceptance of this regulation.
4.7 In case of doubts, send your questions to the email
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30 abr 23
Cortometrajes >1' 30'<
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Fecha límite de inscripción
30 abr 23
Cortometrajes >1' 30'<
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30 abr 23
Films produced by people from any country, residing in any country, being short films, in the categories: animation, documentary or fiction.
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