Festival start: 15 October 2024
Festival end: 03 November 2024
The Malaga Festival, in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Area of the Malaga City Council, pursues the objective of supporting the presence of women in film production, creating spaces that make visible the work of women in the audiovisual field, professional field where they are underrepresented, both in the direction, in the production or in the writing of scripts; favoring the film industry with the diverse views of women.
In order to fulfill this objective, the Equal Opportunities Area will hold its “XXII FILM SHOW WOMEN ON STAGE”, between the months of October and November 2024.
THE WOMEN ON STAGE FILM EXHIBITION was created in 2002 with the aim of debating, through the holding of cineforums, the existing gender inequalities in our society as well as in other nearby ones, reflecting on their causes and possible social strategies to eradicate them.
Since 2010, this objective of raising awareness and visibility has been added to supporting the presence of women in film production, an area in which there is a large gender gap, taking advantage of the fact that every day there are more women interested in developing their professional careers. In this field, therefore, one of the purposes of the OFFICIAL WOMEN ON STAGE SECTION is the visibility of audiovisual productions made by women, and it is achieved by dedicating the evening sessions to the exclusive projection of works directed, produced or scripted by women .
Among these works presented, the Malaga Festival will award 4 "WOMEN ON STAGE" AWARDS. From them,
- 3 AWARDS for women who participate as directors, producers and/or scriptwriters of audiovisual products: the Biznaga Silver Women on Scene Award for Best Documentary, the Biznaga Silver Women on Scene Award for Best Fiction Work and the Biznaga Award for Silver Women on Stage for the work most voted for by the Public.
- 1 “MÁLAGA, MUJERES EN ESCENA” AWARD for the best work done by a woman, born or residing in Malaga, in any professional category: Silver Biznaga Málaga Mujeres en Escena.
The prizes have no financial endowment.
The prizes may be declared void.
The jury may award, together with the official prizes, up to 3 special mentions.
The jury may award a maximum of two prizes ex aequo.
All the prizes will be awarded during the AFFIRMING THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN gala, at the 28 EDITION OF THE MÁLAGA FESTIVAL, which will be held in 2025.
The works in competition for the XIV “MUJERES EN ESCENE” AWARDS aimed at women who participate as directors, producers and/or scriptwriters of audiovisual products, must meet the following requirements:
1.- Women of legal age may participate in the contest, whether or not they are professionals in the audiovisual world.
2.- Participation may be individually or collectively through legally constituted entities.
3.- The theme will be free and all audiovisual genres are admitted: drama, animation, documentary, etc.
4.- Work carried out before January 1, 2023 may not be submitted.
5.- A brief biofilmography of the professional or professionals (director, producer or screenwriter) who are presenting the contest will be added to the registration form.
The works in competition for the “MALAGA. WOMEN ON STAGE" in addition to the above conditions, they must meet the following requirements:
1.- Born or resident in Malaga
2.- The prize awarded will take into account any professional category that has been necessary to carry out the work presented (Production, Direction, Script, Female Interpretation, Musical Composition, Direction, Photography, Editing, Artistic Direction, Costume Design, Makeup, Hairdressing, Sound, Special Effects)
3.- In the registration form it will be necessary to indicate the category to which it is presented, if it is born or resident in Malaga and add in the platform a brief biofilmography of the professional that is presented to the contest.
The participating works will be presented in their original version with Spanish subtitles if required. The option of subtitles in Spanish will be valued (even if the audiovisual is spoken in Spanish) to favor inclusive cinema.
1. Registration through the Festhome platform
• Upload of the video of the audiovisual work
• Completion of the registration form of the Festhome Platform.
The deadline for submitting registrations is June 1, 2024.
For any information, those interested can contact the Equal Opportunities Area through the email cine.areaigualdad@malaga.eu
If the indicated is not completed, the works will be excluded from the selection process.
The organization will communicate the works selected for screening at the Mujeres en Escena Film Festival, and the responsible persons will have to send a copy of the D.N.I. and filmography of the director, screenwriter and/or producer.
A professional jury, made up of experts in gender from the Equal Opportunities Area, and professionals from the world of culture and cinema representing the Malaga Festival, will decide the winning works from among the works selected and screened during the XXII Exhibition of Cine Mujeres en Escena, awarding the Biznaga de Plata Mujeres en Escena to the Best Documentary, Biznaga de Plata Mujeres en Escena to the Best Fiction Work. The jury's decision will be final and will be notified by publishing it on the website of cinemujeresenescena.es of the Equality Area of the Malaga City Council. The vote through ballot papers of the public attending the Film Festival will be the one that grants the Audience Award, Biznaga de Plata "Women on Stage".
A jury made up of professionals, representatives of the Malaga Festival and the Equal Opportunities Area will award the "Málaga Mujeres en Escena" award.
The person who owns the exhibition rights of the works submitted to the competition agrees to assign and authorize the exhibition of said title during the celebration of the Mujeres en Escena Film Festival, at no cost to the Festival itself.
The payment of the shipping costs from the place of issuance of the copy to the Equal Opportunities Area of the Malaga City Council, will be borne by the producing companies.
All copies of the participating films sent to the Equal Opportunities Area must bear a label with the title of the work, its duration, version, footage, screen and projection format, and type of sound, as well as the address where resend the copy once the Film Festival is over.
Once the selection of a film for the Official Section of the Film Festival has been made. Women on Stage, may not be withdrawn.
These participation bases may be completed or modified prior to the start date of the XXII Edition of the Film Festival, and prior communication to the interested parties, with as many annexes as the Organization deems appropriate.
The registration of a work in competition, supposes the acceptance and fulfillment of the present Bases of Participation and its possible Annexes.
The Equal Opportunities Area may request the exhibition of the works presented, intended for non-profit audiovisual broadcasting, and, in any case, communicating in advance the use, always of a cultural and non-profit nature, made of the copies.
The presentation of a work for selection implies full acceptance of these Participation Bases. Their interpretation will be the exclusive responsibility of the Malaga Festival in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Area.
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jun 24
Save up
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jun 24
Save up
Sólo para profesionales de la industria cinematográfica Malagueñas o Residentes en Malaga
Short Films 120'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Jun 24
Save up
1.- Podrán participar en el concurso mujeres mayores de edad, sean o no profesionales del mundo audiovisual.
2.- La participación podrá ser de forma individual o colectiva a través de entidades constituidas jurídicamente.
3.- La temática será libre y se admiten todos los géneros audiovisuales: dramático, animación, documental, etc.
Los trabajos a competición para el PREMIO “MALAGA, MUJERES EN ESCENA” además de las
condiciones anteriores, deberán cumplir los siguientes requisitos:
1.- Nacida/s o residente/s en Málaga
2.- El premio otorgado tendrá en cuenta cualquier categoría profesional que haya sido necesaria para la realización del trabajo presentado (Producción, Dirección, Guión, Composición Musical, Dirección
fotografía, Montaje, Dirección Artística, Diseño de Vestuario, Maquillaje y Peluquería, Sonido, Efectos Especiales)
3. Por favor, anota la categoría a la que se presenta el audivisual, si es por actriz, directora, productora...