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Dialogue meeting around construction and production for first and foremost projects
second films in the fiction genre, which are in the development stage.
Introduction workshop to free creation (short films, feature films, episodic series, u
others) of the documentary genre aimed mainly at the audiovisual sector of the regions
of Ñuble, Maule and Biobío.
Experimentation workshop for the development of New Media projects.
The objective is for the participating artists to find solutions and improvements.
technological for the development of their projects, analyze the possibilities within the
market they face and test prototypes of their works before groups of people, to
draw results and conclusions that help improve the user experience.
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Industry Meeting and XR experiences in Ñuble
ESTELAB is a laboratory that seeks to generate a space for work, training and development of film projects from Latin America and Europe, with potential for international co-production whether for financial, technical or creative reasons.
The fifth edition of ESTELAB will take place in a mixed way (online and in person) and will offer training and consulting spaces for film projects from Latin America and Europe, with special interest in Colombia and Peru. The objective of the laboratory is to prepare and develop film projects in the development phase to enhance their possibilities of having international co-producers, presenting themselves in international markets and applying for various funds.
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Puertas Abiertas 2022-2024: Enfoque en América Latina y el Caribe
Desde hace tres años, Puertas Abiertas se dedica a proyectos cinematográficos y talentos de las siguientes regiones y países:
Centroamérica (Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua)
las Islas del Caribe (Cuba, Dominica, República Dominicana, Granada, Haití, Jamaica, Montserrat, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas)
y América del Sur (Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Venezuela)
La programación profesional y pública de Puertas Abiertas se lleva a cabo durante el Festival de Cine de Locarno y durante todo el año, de forma presencial y online. Lea más sobre ellos aquí abajo.
Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de presentación, consulte nuestra página de preguntas frecuentes o comuníquese con el equipo de Open Doors en opendoors@locarnofestival.ch y síganos en Facebook e Instagram .
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Puertas Abiertas de Locarno
Ópera de Leyva: A space where the new Colombian cinema is born. Five first fiction feature film projects, selected by call, will have group workshops and personalized tutoring, with experts in project development, script, production, pitch and distribution.
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Leyva script pitch
The Malaga Festival is calling for aid for audiovisual creation for the eleventh consecutive year with the aim of encouraging and energizing audiovisual creation in Malaga. These grants are aimed at projects for the making of action, animation or documentary short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes and free themes.
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Audiovisual Creation Grants - Málaga