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Working JIIFF, the industry platform of the José Ignacio International Film Festival, opens the call for a new edition of Generation J, a workshop designed to promote the training of professional screenwriters and directors of Uruguayan fiction under the age of 32.
Guided by local and international experts, the selected emerging Uruguayan talents will conceptualize and develop their projects. José Ignacio serves as a meeting space to inspire stories.
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JIIFF - Generation J
Desde 2014, Cinéma du Réel ha trabajado junto a profesionales de la industria para impulsar la distribución de películas documentales y fortalecer los vínculos entre cineastas y distribuidores. En la 36ª edición del festival se creó ParisDOC, un evento ideado por Maria Bonsanti, Anaïs Desrieux y la asociación Les Amis de Cinéma du Réel.
Los participantes que asistieron a este evento de dos días tuvieron la oportunidad de ver películas en posproducción, mientras que un día adicional se dedicó a debatir iniciativas orientadas a la distribución cinematográfica. El objetivo del evento, que más tarde se consolidaría como ParisDOC Works-in-Progress y el Foro Público, ya estaba claro: más que abrir un mercado, buscaba abordar los problemas y desafíos que enfrenta la industria del cine documental, promover ideas innovadoras y ofrecer a los profesionales un apoyo y orientación personalizados.
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The RTS Pitching, taking place during the VdR–Industry Days (April 6–9, 2025) in Nyon, Switzerland, was initiated by Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) to promote innovative documentary filmmaking in French-speaking Switzerland.
This unique forum will showcase eight new documentary projects in the early stages of development, providing participants with the opportunity to present their ideas to industry professionals. The best feature-length project will receive a prize of 10,000 CHF in development funding, supporting the creation of works with a strong creative vision.
This competition fosters a collaborative environment aimed at promoting original Swiss documentary projects intended to reach a wide audience.
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VdR - RTS Award
The Málaga Film Festival celebrates the eighth edition of Málaga Work in Progress, highlighting its commitment to the diversity of identities and languages within the Ibero-American region and its audiovisual industry. Its goal is to continue supporting the development of projects by creators from Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.
Málaga Work in Progress consists of two distinct initiatives, tailored to meet the specific needs of the participating films and their creators. Both are designed to support the completion of fiction and documentary feature films in advanced editing or first cut stages, seeking incentives for the post-production process and international distribution.
Málaga WIP España, featuring six titles of Spanish nationality.
Málaga WIP Iberoamérica, featuring six titles from Ibero-America (Latin America and Portugal).
Audiovisual works must be registered with the Film Institute or equivalent organizations in their country of origin, whether these are industry guilds or other officially recognized entities.
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Málaga - WIP
For the Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival – FICCI, the new talents of the film industry are a central focus of interest.
From this perspective, FICCI 64, with the support of Ibermedia, opens the call for La Residencia FICCI as a program of screenwriting aimed at directors and/or screenwriters from Ibero-America and Italy who have verified experience in short films and are developing their first or second feature-length fiction film.
The objective of La Residencia FICCI is to support participants in the initial phase of writing their feature-length screenplays in order to consolidate their artistic and conceptual proposals. In order to nourish the development stage of the projects, participants will also receive complementary inputs during LA RESIDENCIA FICCI on topics such as audience analysis, financing, marketing possibilities, distribution and circulation of the films, as well as other related topics.
FICCI invites the participation of emerging talents who are immersed in the deep exploration of cinema as an art, whose interest consists in reaching art to its contours, imagining new (or antique) ways and routes of relating to the world. Therefore, FICCI is interested in the multiplicity of ways of understanding and imagining filmmaking.
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The Residency - FICCI