Soutopequeno Is a film festival and music for boys that will celebrate in the municipality of Soutomaior ( Pontevedra) the day 28, 29, 30 and 31 March,
現金賞: 1,600€
SECTION A Conceded by the votes of the public assistant and endowed with 800 € and statuette.
SECTION B Conceded by the votes of the public assistant and endowed with 800 € and statuette.
National festival of short films " Soutopequeno" composes of the following sections :
To) SECTION 2/7 years
competitive Section of the Festival and to her concurren the short films selected by the Jury.
B) SECTION 7/11 years
competitive Section of the Festival and to her concurren the short films selected by the Jury..
1. The participation in the festival is opened to all the realizadores/greater ace of age and of Spanish
2. The minimum length of the works presented will have to be of 2 minutes and the maximum will not surpass the 12
3. They will accept only the genders of animation, remaining excluded the works of institutional character,
tourist, documentary, fiction or advertising.
4. The short films will send to the festival in digital format through the platforms: or
5. It will admit at most two works by author. This will have to have been generated subsequently to 1 January
of the 2016
6. The works will have to deliver in original version . Those that did not go filmed in Galician or in Spanish,
will have to carry subheads in Spanish or Galician.
7. The names indicated in the index card will have to coincide with which appear in the titles of credit of the
8.A commission designated by the organisation of the Festival will be the attendant to select the works that
will happen to contest, from among all the short films received; attending to criteria of quality and to the
fulfillment of these norms.
9. The Festival will concede two prizes that will be delivered in the gala of closure of the Festival :
Prizes of the public :
SECTION To Conceded by the votes of the public assistant and endowed with 800
and statuette.
SECTION B Conceded by the votes of the public assistant and endowed with 800
and statuette.
10. The Organisation of the Festival reserves the right to exclude all those works whose content was
obscene, violent, sexista, racist or vulnere some fundamental right of the people.
11. The authors of the works yield to the Festival during the celebration of the same, the rights of exploitation
of these, consistent in the reproduction, communication and public distribution of the same, which will exercise
always with the recognition of his condition of author, except demonstrations against.
12. The 1
edition of the national Festival of short films
“ Soutopequeno”
celebrá the days 28, 29, 30 and 31
March 2019.
13. The concursantes hold responsible that they do not exist rights to third by the use of the musical
pieces in the works presented and hold responsible also of the rights of image of the people
that appear in them, exempting to the Organisation of any type of responsibility in this sense. In
the case that it use a track of audio with material property of a company discográfica without his
permission, is possible that do not accept the film to contest.
14. The authors of the works yield to the festival the rights of exploitation of these, consistent in
the reproduction, communication and public distribution of the same, which will exercise always with
the recognition of his condition of author, except demonstrations against.
15. The organisation reserves the right to modify these bases in necessary case.
16. The participants will have to accept the treatment of the bases