Zaragoza, capital city, has been the land of moviegoers, precursors of "cineclub" and enthusiastic growers of independent and amateur cinema. The fact that the first Spanish film to be preserved, Salida de misa de doce del Pilar (1899), was shot in the Plaza de El Pilar by some Zaragoza artists, the Jimeno, started a relationship between the city and the cinema that persists today.
Proof of this special relationship are not only the different festivals and events that take place in Zaragoza, but also the training schools in the audiovisual language or the activities aimed at showing the enjoyment of the seventh art.
In addition, this city, since always, has offered relative indexes of assistance to movie theaters that are among the first in Spain and Europe.
To highlight and reinforce this relationship between the city and the art of image, the City Council convened in 2018 the I Contest of audiovisual creations ZARAGOZA EN CORTO for audiovisual creations. Given the success of the first edition, Zaragoza City Council is committed to the continuity of this festival by organizing its II Audiovisual Creation Contest "ZARAGOZA EN CORTO" in the spring of 2019.
The contest is aimed at all those who show their particular vision of their surroundings, the richness of their architecture, their heritage, their anthropology, their culture, their linguistic diversity and their population, and that are linked to the landscapes of Zaragoza, to their creators and authors, and / or their audiovisual professionals (actors, writers, producers, musicians, technicians ...).
It also has a focus on the participation of schoolchildren from public and private training centers, with the idea of promoting and promoting their creative, collaborative and participative capacity, through a playful event, in the improvement of their urban environment.
현금 수상: 4,000€
• A First Prize, for an amount of € 2,000.00
• A Second Prize, for an amount of € 1,000.00
• A Third Prize, for an amount of € 500.00
A prize for schoolchildren, audiovisual material for an amount equivalent to 350.00 €
• A Special Prize for shorts in Aragon for an amount of € 500.00
1.- Anyone who wishes may do so, either individually or as a group / group.
Each participant may submit a maximum of three works, which are made as of January 1, 2016 and which have not been submitted to the contest before.
In the case of minors (schoolchildren) they must have an authorization from their legal guardians or centers. Said authorization may be downloaded from the web page in which the bases are published.
2.- The supported production formats are: camcorder, digital camera, film camera, mobile devices, tablet ... being able, if desired, to edit with external tools.
3.- The works may be presented in any of the languages of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. If it is a language different from Castilian, they must have subtitles to it.
4.- The central theme is the vision of the environment, a gesture of positioning in front of the reality of the city itself and the environment we inhabit, ZARAGOZA, which suggests to the participant of the event a whole horizon of options on which to reflect, to do visible the invisible ... critical, nostalgic, political, social, everyday, emotional ... views of the place inhabited by each participant, sometimes making these environments the protagonists of the film and others being only the backdrop that frames a storyline.
5.- Each short film submitted to the contest must have a title. The works will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes, including the credit titles. Works that exceed that time will not be accepted.
6.- The supported file formats will be MOV, MP4, MKV, AVI, WMV, FLV, 3GPP and WebM.
The recording with the mobile device has to be in horizontal standard video format. Videos that are recorded vertically will NOT be accepted.
7.- Works of all types of genres and cinematographic narratives can be presented: documentary, fiction, series (sit-com), animation, video clip and, within the field of experimentation, the most avant-garde, iconoclastic and groundbreaking narratives.
8.- The works will be presented through digital platforms (Festhome), with their corresponding registration form, through the links that will be published along with these Bases in the website www.zaragoza.es.
The deadline for receiving works for the contest will be 60 calendar days from the publication of the bases on the web www.zaragoza.es.
9.- A jury composed of professionals, experts and experts from the audiovisual world will grant the following Prizes:
• A First Prize, for an amount of € 2,000.00
• A Second Prize, for an amount of € 1,000.00
• A Third Prize, for an amount of € 500.00
A prize for schoolchildren, audiovisual material for an amount equivalent to 350.00 €
• A Special Prize for shorts in Aragon for an amount of € 500.00
These Awards will be subject to the corresponding IRPF withholding, as established by current legislation.
10.- The decision of the jury will be unappealable, and any prize or all of them may be declared void. In case of doubt, the Jury will interpret with its criteria the omissions that these bases could present.
11.- Zaragoza City Council reserves the right to use any fragment of the selected and awarded works for promotional purposes, reserving the possibility of collecting and disseminating said works, with the express consent of the authors, always with a cultural nature and not lucrative, and assuming the copyright that could be generated by it.
Zaragoza City Council is not responsible for the improper use of music or audiovisual materials that are part of the short films presented.
12.- The selected and awarded works will be screened at the Filmoteca de Zaragoza on a date that will be announced opportunely, and prior to the awarding of prizes at the final gala, a date that will also be announced with time.
13.- Participation in this contest implies the full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.