fDEVIL Festival TeleK de video libre (0)


Крайние сроки

23 сен 2015
Позвоните для записей

01 янв 2016
Фестиваль закрыт

20 фев 2016
дата извещения

03 апр 2016
03 апр 2016


C/Río Orinoco, 7,  28008, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 10'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >11' 60'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Онлайн расположение и Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  10'<
 Полнометражные фильмы  >11' 60'<
Поделиться в социальных сетях


Фестиваль начинается: 03 Апрель 2016      Фестиваль заканчивается: 03 Апрель 2016

Telek free video festival (fDEVIL) was created to promote free culture as a way to publish creators' talent.

First prize and two accesits in each category.

- Accesits will receive a statuette, two t-shirts and four tickets (entitled to drinking) for the big party of TeleK's season closure.

- The first prize will receive a statuette, two t-shirts and four tickets (entitled to drinking) for the big party of TeleK's season closure and the participation of Telek with its technical team in the production of a video with similar footage than the winner.

- Participants must be over 18 and be the owners of the productions presented.

- Production must be released under some form of Creative Commons not including ND (Not derivatives) clause. There are strongly recommended CC By SA, but CC By SA NC are allowed.

- The production may have been presented at another festivals, but must be unpubished on television.

- The pieces in which the language is not Castilian, must be accompanied by subtitles in Castilian.

- Each participant can enroll as many productions as he wants.

- The productions must obey Telek Ethical Code (posted on its website).

- In order not to detract from the projection screen, the production must be published at least in HD quality (720p) at 2500Mbps, 128Kbps MP3 audio. Any superior quality is valid.

- All videos presented, from a minimum of quality according to the editorial board' criterion, will be broadcast on Telek in a container program created for this purpose. Each participant will receive full information about the date of issuance of the production presented.

- The three best videos of each category will be projected at Medialab, in a special session by reason of the awards ceremony.



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