Mostra Agrícola de Cinema Orgânico - MACO (0)

MACO - Organic Agricultural Film Festival

Крайние сроки

03 май 2017
Позвоните для записей

17 июн 2017
Фестиваль закрыт

28 июн 2017
дата извещения

28 июл 2017
30 июл 2017


Rua Manoel Graliano de Souza, 152 - Casa 2,  53.140-160, Olinda, Jardim Atlântico , Brazil

Описание фестиваля
Rural world, country life, nature...
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 25'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >60' 100'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  25'<
 Полнометражные фильмы  >60' 100'<
Поделиться в социальных сетях


Фестиваль начинается: 28 Июль 2017      Фестиваль заканчивается: 30 Июль 2017

The Agricultural Exhibition of Organic Film're coming!

Will take place in Santa Rita - Sierra District Talhada (PE) - a Show of Cinema with a fully designed program for farmers.

In addition to the display of movies at night, during the day will take place the two MACO of workshops for the selected subscribers: "Sowing one Cineclube, practice and effect" and "New Agricultural Practices".

Do not forget! On 28, 29 and July 30 in Santa Rita, District of Serra Talhada, free and outdoors, have I show Agricultural Organic Cinema!

We have the presence of all!

The telluric award refers to the ability of the film to address a topic within the rural universe, agricultural with a playful and pedagogical power inherent in the cinema that we defend encouraged.

R $ 300.00 for Best Short telluric.
R $ 600.00 for the better Long telluric.

Short films up to 25 minutes and feature films up to 100 minutes are welcome.

Films must focus on the rural world, country life, nature and its rites and rythms, climates, echology, sustainability. Films can be of any genre.

There is no restriction by production year.

An author may submit several films, provided they fit the general themes of the festival.

Documentary, animation and fiction films can be submitted.

International films in any language can be submitted, but films not spoken in Portuguese must be subtitled in Portuguese.



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