Logo of 12° FESTIVERD -Festival Internacional De Cine Y Video Verde De Venezuela 2024

07 Sep 2019

Published: 06 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

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12° FESTIVERD -Festival Internacional De Cine Y Video Verde De Venezuela 2024

Caracas, Venezuela

Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.


Our vision: to become a green film and video festival that, from Venezuela to the world, serves as an example in the creation of loving-parental bonds among all the inhabitants of planet Earth.


Our mission: to offer an alternative to environmental and ecological experiences that aim to rescue parental ties between all biotic and abiotic beings. The exhibition on green audiovisual narratives is interrelated with other streaming, media, transmedia and social network experiences, generating a network of virtual ties that we want to turn into parental ties.


Our Philosophy: We distance ourselves from anthropocentric views and excessive mandates about caring for the environment that end up being anthropocentric traps without an understanding of the biology of love. The use of new technologies, academic and artistic production are the main vehicles for dissemination.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental