Logo of HARD:LINE International Film Festival

31 Jan 2023

Published: 29 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of HARD:LINE International Film Festival

Banner HARD:LINE International Film Festival

HARD:LINE International Film Festival

Regensburg, Germany

HARD:LINE International Film Festival aims to present the various faces of extreme cinema.

The question as to what is meant by the term “extreme” can be understood by looking at the content of our wide selection of fantastic films. “Extreme” is often defined by an explicit splatter aesthetic but it can also be represented by unusual story-telling methods or an exotic visual language. Thus, we are meticulously selecting such examples that could be important in the future of the genre. We have not set any boundaries in our search and whether a film is a pearl of the independent scene, fun splatter or no-brainer, H:LIFF loves special films!

HARD:LINE International Film Festival is no warehouse festival where the priority is to show as many films as possible but rather concentrates on presenting a few glowing examples of everything that extreme film can be.



You and your work are the reasons why we do exist!


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
