Logo of Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz

16 Oct 2023

Published: 14 Oct 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

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Festival de Cine Escolar Raúl Ruiz

Quilpué, Chile

The Raul Ruiz School Film Festival has been progressively positioned in its three previous versions as the first experimental school film festival in the country, with an increasing reach in different regions of the country. This is a positive indicator of the impact that this initiative has had. In this sense, the described initiative has become a recognized window of diffusion for school cinematographic art. In addition, the possibilities of artistic exploration that the festival suggests through its categories and evaluation criteria have enabled the production teams to investigate and experiment with different film languages. In this sense, the new challenges that the festival offers in its third version are, on the one hand, to continue and strengthen the diffusion and appreciation of school cinema and, on the other, to advance in aesthetic reflection and exploration, as integral contributions to education, with an emphasis on creativity, the generation of projects and the experimentation of artistic languages.

This is why the IV Raul Ruiz School Film Festival is an opportunity to broaden the creative horizons of the diffusion of art and audiovisual culture in educational communities, promoting a creative framework through instances that aim to improve the quality of artistic teaching and to address the interests, social, cultural and economic contributions of the communities.
UNESCO is clear in pointing out that the objectives of development and improvement in the quality of education must be accompanied by a substantial change in the area of ​​social development of the establishments. Educational improvement projects (PME) cannot always advance comprehensively towards the financing of instances for the diffusion, appreciation and creation of inter-school artistic projects.

In accordance with the achievement of these objectives, the Festival in its previous versions has been adding relevant actors from the educational and academic community. Today we are supported by the Schools to Film program of the Cineteca Nacional and the Sarmiento Ruiz Archive (letters of support are attached). Those who have joined have opened and strongly promoted the possibilities of this festival at a national level and with a strong content in experimentation, creativity and collaborative work in the field of learning for girls, boys and adolescents. In this sense, the prospects have been auspicious, having as a background that in the first and second version we have been accompanied by the application of more than 80 films from all over Chile and the world.
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International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video