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"Muestrario Short Films in Projection" is a non-competitive Cinematographic Exhibition, Solidarity and Nonprofit, which seeks to position the short film as a piece of art in itself.
"Muestrario" is a permanent exhibition that want to promote film culture and creating new audiences through short films.
The screenings will be in the Auditorium of the Public Library of the State"Juan Jose Arreola" located on Periferico Norte Manuel Gomez Morin 1695, municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco. Mexico.
The screenings will be the second Friday of each month at 18:00 with completely free admission.
"Muestrario" its formed by a collective of independent filmmakers, so it does not belong to any public institution, private or academic.
The application of shortfilms and participation "Muestrario" is completely free, whether the film was made with the help of a film school, institution, public, private or completely independently.