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Conscious Cartoons is a non-profit competitive international animation festival, and the first of its kind solely focused on short works (15 min. or less) addressing social issues. These issues can be personal, local, national, global or historical in scope but should reflect broader humanistic themes such as peace, justice, love, responsibility, consciousness, and the joy and pain of the human condition. The aim of this festival is to open eyes, hearts, and minds, through the uniquely transcendent medium of animation.
Please go to our website for further details
Along with promoting greater awareness of social causes, the festival celebrates and supports independent animators by offering an unprecedented amount in cash prizes ($20,000) in multiple categories.
The festival is held September 14-16, 2018 on Vashon Island, WA, a jewel in the Puget Sound known for its vibrant art culture, progressive attitudes, and stunning natural beauty. Be warned: you may not want to leave.