Logo of International film festival of the Central University

15 Sep 2024

Published: 13 Sep 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de la Universidad Central

International film festival of the Central University

Bogotá, Colombia

The Central University International Film Festival (Bogotá, Colombia) will celebrate its eighth edition in 2025, and one of the fundamental pillars of this new stage is the opening towards alternative forms of film production, as well as the promotion of aesthetic experimentation. Under the motto "Finding a possible cinema", the festival proposes a innovative approach, opening spaces for projects that question established conventions and break with the traditional structures of the film industry. This edition moves away from the dynamics that limit creativity to high budgets or large-scale productions, and, instead, embraces creative freedom, understanding cinema as a tool available to everyone, regardless of available resources.

This approach seeks to break down the limitations of a cinema conventionally associated with the bourgeois, and encourage filmmakers to develop projects closer to their realities, which dialogue authentically with their social and cultural environment.

In this sense, the short films that enter the competition will be evaluated and valued mainly for their recursiveness in terms of production, the exploration of contexts closest to the author and the rupture of cinematographic language through the use of elements present in various everyday lives.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental