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The 11th Annual Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival invites professional and amateur filmmakers to submit for consideration films ranging from 3 to 60 minutes. (as a one-night festival with limited airtime, the VAST majority of accepted submissions are between 3 and 20 minutes)
Films should center on BICYCLE TRAVEL of any type, whether an organized tour or a solo exploration. The destination can be domestic or international.
The Festival’s mission is to inspire attendees to explore by bicycle. Whether across the globe or a few towns away, there’s nothing that recharges and expands horizons like bicycle travel. The Festival will increase awareness and appreciation for bicycle travel by showcasing independent films that depict the adventure, humor, and growth inherent in two-wheeled journeys. We seek films that portray a broad range of experiences – destinations ranging from small African villages to a campground 30 miles from home; solo travel or a family reunion on bicycles; an organized tour from inn to inn or a shoestring jaunt with tent and sleeping bag. Ours is the ONLY film festival in the USA that focuses specifically on bicycle travel