Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of On Art - Poland

Fecha Límite
04 May 2018

Publicado: 13 Mar 2018
 Con tasa de inscripción

Promotional card of On Art - Poland

Banner On Art - Poland

On Art - Poland

Warsaw, Polonia

International Film Festival

The biggest open-air film festival in Central Europe.

Over 2 months of every-day entertainment
for thousand's of Art&Movie lovers.

Prestigious locations:
Warsaw: National Museum, The Amphitheatre at Łazienki Royal-Park, Królikarnia Palace, Park Żeromskiego & accompanying events in Cracow, Poznan and Wrocław

If you are the author of a film about art, or art is an important topic in your film – show it at the first on-air film festival in Poland. We are looking for best art productions from all around the world, covering topics such as sculpture, painting, photography, music, dance and film.

The festival lasts two months. It takes place for the 7th time in June and July in the biggest cities of Poland.

The last editions were known as Film&Art Festival. We invite viewers to watch not only new movies about art, but also the best films of recent years, such as “La Grande Bellezza”, “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, “Pina”, “Cinema Paradiso” or “Finding Vivian Maier”.

Poles are passionate of Art and movies. Many Polish filmmakers, such Roman Polański, Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Janusz Kamiński, Sławomir Idziak are a part of wordlwide history of cinematography.

From Fine Art to Street Art - your film may present all genres of art: painting, music, dance, ballet, theatre, performance, sculpture, video art, etc.

We invite all categories of filmmakers: professionals, students and independent artists.

We accept all main genres: fiction, documentary and animation.

Show your movie to the Polish and international audience, bring your movie-theme closer, and be a part of On Art Festival 2018!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip