Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Turku Animated Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Apr 2018

Publicado: 29 Apr 2018
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción

Banner Turku Animated Film Festival

Turku Animated Film Festival

Turku, Finlandia

Turku Animated Film Festival is a fresh international film festival that celebrates the creative mind and the art of animation.

TAFF seeks to promote animated film culture both in Finland and internationally. We are the biggest animated film festival in Finland, creating a platform for encounters between filmmakers, industry delegates and local lovers of animation. We’re also interested in extending the concept of film screening, bringing together cinema and other forms of creativity as well as entertainment.

For the International Competition, International Student Film Competition, TAFF Junior Competition and National Competition we are looking for original, bold, uncompromising & inventive animated shorts under 30 minutes to compete for Grand Prix, Best Professional Film, Best Student Film, Tough Eye award, TAFF Junior Award, Main Prize in National Competition and Audience award in International Competition. In addition, the festival programme consists of a seductive selection of carefully selected special programme screenings, workshops, discussions, exhibitions and escpecially parties.

TAFF takes place in the hometown of the renowned Turku Arts Academy. Our venue is a beautifully restored old factory milieu by the River Aura in Turku, Finland.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes
