Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Documentary Cinema Grand Prix

Fecha Límite
05 Jun 2018

Publicado: 04 Jun 2018
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner Documentary Cinema Grand Prix

Documentary Cinema Grand Prix

Jakarta, Indonesia

Documentary Cinema Grand Prix (DCGP) is a festival and award event. Its goal is to promote excellent documentaries for the growth of film industry.

We accept feature and short documentaries. Juries consist of professionals in relates to film industry will judge the quality of each submission carefully. Films made with passion, excellent composition quality, heart-moving music, striking and outstanding images, and heart-tickling stories are qualities we are looking for and will stand out among others.

Students and newcomers are encouraged to participate in the festival to boost their reputation.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes
