Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of BendFilm Festival

Fecha Límite
03 Jul 2015

Publicado: 07 Feb 2015
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner BendFilm Festival

BendFilm Festival

Bend, Estados Unidos

Filmmakers: You are the reason we do this. BendFilm puts its focus on filmmakers first, with awards, several of which will be CASH AWARDS.

Several of the categories are JURIED. A short list of some of our past amazing jurors:

· Sharon Badal, Tribecca Film Festival
· Christian Gaines, Withoutabox at
· Dana Harris, editor in chief & general mgr of IndieWIRE
· Tony Award winner, Gregory Jbara
· Jon Korn, Sundance Film Festival
· Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times Film Critic
· Ondi Timoner, DIG! and We Live in Public
· Gus Van Sant, Filmmaker
· Neal Block, Magnolia Pictures
· Lisa Schwarzbaum, Critic and essayist
· Franklin Leonard, Founder of the Black List

Named one of MOVIEMAKER MAGAZINE's 20 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee, the event runs deeper than the marathon film-watching that fills guests' schedules from dawn until, well, dawn. Everyone you see on the sidewalks, in the restaurants and bars makes, cares, or has an opinion about film. It is the serendipitous encounters and ensuing discussions with the filmmakers and fellow passholders that makes the weekend so inspiring, affecting, and infectious.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Otros