Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Unmasked

Fecha Límite
28 Dec 2015

Publicado: 27 Dec 2015
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner Unmasked


London, Reino Unido

Unmasked is a series of film screening and networking event that aims to give upcoming filmmakers the chance to see their work on the big screen.

Januarys event is focusing on both short films and web-series, we want to help you meet potential future crew, get feedback and, perhaps most importantly, get recognised for your talent.

At our event you will get the chance to not only see your film/web-series on a cinema screen to an audience of 150 people, but you will also get the chance to network with everyone after over drinks at the bar.

You can expect a wide range of attendees from industry professionals to ethusiasts just starting out but everyone there will be there to support the upcoming talent that you have.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip