Noticias: Festivales de cine


UFO Short Film Festival - Leipzig

Leipzig, Alemania

Logo of UFO Short Film Festival - Leipzig

Fecha Límite
15 Sep 2016

Publicado: 30 Jul 2016
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción

UFO – the short film festival

UFO – the unidentified film object

UFO – that stands for an evening filled with 15 different short movies of various genres, themes, and forms of presentation.

Short, yet elaborately enacted; symbolic and significant; focused and continually surprising.
The short film represents a striking format among film genres, as it is so diversely interpreted, maintained with passion and constantly received.

Makers of short films are challenged technically as well as in their artistry – the size provokes the craftsmanship by its shortness and at the same time serves as a canvas for cinematic experimentation and creative self-realization.

Since its establishment in 2005 the UFO – short film festival serves filmmakers from Germany and Europe – regarding especially the young talents – as a platform, to present their works for the first time in Leipzig.

Being held in january, the festival always commences the Year of Cinematic Art in Leipzig.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

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