Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

Fecha Límite
21 Aug 2016

Publicado: 20 Aug 2016
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

Ottignies, Belgica

International Fashion Film Festival Brussels is the very first of its genre in the capital of rising fashion design nation Belgium.

This 3-day interactive fashion-related film festival is an event where Fashion meets the Film industry in a unique way: Fashion Film screenings, an exclusive B2B & B2C Industry Show and a Career Fair where professionals can showcase their services and products to a targeted audience of potential customers as well as established experts looking for reliable partners and employees.

We invite film makers, designers, brands, advertising agencies, photographers, performers and creatives connect on one single stage to bring up the very latest in the sector.

The founders of the festival aims at creating a space for up and coming creatives of national and international renown to promote their work within the film and fashion industry. The most prominent artists will be awarded by an international jury of acclaimed professionals.

This truly innovative concept offers a platform where not only experts’ masterpieces will line up, but also dedicated workshops, lectures, debates and networking events to introduce participants to global trends.

The festival will be punctuated with red carpet events around Brussels, giving fellow fashion and film enthusiasts the opportunity to indulge in the ultimate experience of the art in the iconic cosmopolitan European capital. Some of the best Belgian designers will be invited to exhibit their newest creations to a targeted audience of industry captains.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental