Logo of Orobie Film Festival - International Festival of mountain documentary and fictional film

15 Nov 2014

공개됨: 14 Nov 2014
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Banner Orobie Film Festival - Festival Internazionale del documentario di montagna e del film a soggetto

Orobie Film Festival - International Festival of mountain documentary and fictional film

Bergamo, Italy

Art. 1 - The Association Montagna Italia organizes the IX Edition of the
Orobie Film Festival - International Festival of Documentary and Fictional
The Festival is open to all Italian and foreign short filmmakers and
producers (companies, associations, individuals). Short, medium and full
length documentary and fiction documentary works are eligible.
The Festival hosts the following contest categories:
This section is open to documentaries and fictional film promoting Orobie
Alps, Prealps and mountains of Lombardia.
This section is open to documentaries and fictional film promoting the
alpinistic, natural, historical heritage of Italy and its traditions.
This section is open to documentaries and fictional film on the Mountain's
environment and culture and those showing the traditions of the peoples
living in mountain areas.
The film admitted to the competition must have been produced after
January 1st, 2010.
Art. 2 - Each filmmaker can send one or more works.
Art. 3 - The Festival will take place in Bergamo from january 17th to 24th,
2015. The films admitted will be screened according to a schedule
decided solely by Festival Direction Board.
Art. 4 - The Organizing Committee appoints both the Selection
Committee, which is in charge of film admission to the competition and
whose decision is final, and the Jury, in charge of awarding the prizes to
the films.

Art. 5 - The Festival Direction Board, on the Selection Committee's
requests, reserves the right to check on the admission of works to either

Art. 6 -The selected films will be judged by a Jury that will award the
following prizes:
Jury or the Organizing Committee will assign the Prize Montagna Italia to
the winner movie and eventual other prizes.
Jury or the Organizing Committee will assign the Prize Montagna Italia to
the winner movie and eventual other prizes.
Jury or the Organizing Committee will assign the Prize Montagna Italia to
the winner movie and eventual other prizes.
Jury or the Organizing Committee will assign a special Prize to the best
movie produced by a Tv station.
The prize will be delivered directly to the final evening of the Festival. If
the winner and /or his representative can not be present to collect the
prize will not be provided for shipping.
Art.7 - The following material must be attached to the entry form:
- Synopsis t ranslated into I tal ian and engl ish
and in word or pdf format is compulsor y
- Filmmaker bio and film production
- 3 Pictures from the film (colour or black and white, possibly in
digital format) and the authorization to publish them for free in the
Festival catalogue or to give them to the press. Maximum weight of each
photograph is 6 MB and the longer side has to be minimun 1600 pixel.
- Author's portrait picture.
The following material can also be attached:
- Director's statement or interview and discussion about the film and its
making of.
- Articles and reviews about the film
- Posters and other promotional material
Art. 8 - Works submitted to selection must be sent in HD format, Mp4 or file h264.mp4 together with the entry form to press@montagnaitalia.com or to
Associazione Montagna Italia - Via Zelasco, 1 - 24122 Bergamo, Italy.
Deadline for applications is November 15th, 2014. No exceptions will be made.
Art. 9 - After December 15th, 2014, the Festival staff will inform the
selected filmmakers the date of their work's screening.
Art. 10 - Expenses for
shipment and insurance of the works are of the filmmakers / producers.
Works submitted for selection will not be returned. There arent’t
refunds for screening fees.
Art. 11 - Filmmakers and producers are required to authorise the
publication of their personal data on the web-site, the official festival
catalogue and their release to the press for promotional purposes.
Art. 12 - Donations of works by filmmaker and producers participating in
the Festival to set up the Orobie Film Festival Film Library
is compulsory. Works submitted for selection will not be returned.
Movies could be landed to requiring association for the organization of
cultural events, except than for commercial uses.
Reproduction is forbidden.
Art. 13 - Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of the
Festival rules and regulation.
Art. 14 - The Organizing Committee is in charge of possible disputes or
cases not foreseen by the Festival rules and regulation.

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