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EBROCORTO, the international festival of musical short films, will celebrate its seventh edition in 2024 in Miranda de Ebro.
The Festival offers, through the selected works, a different way of enjoying music.
The central theme of each work must be music in all of its ramifications. It can be any type of music or any discipline in which music plays a fundamental role or, barring that, any work in which music is a notable element of the narration.
EBROCORTO is a film competition organized by the Asociación Amigos de Rafael Izquierdo and has the collaboration and sponsorship of the City Council of Miranda de Ebro.
CARTON is an international animated film festival whose main objective is to bring together animators, directors, producers, cartoonists, cartoonists, and the entire community to see, enjoy and promote the world of animation as a means of communication and expression of ideas. artistic, technical and political.
The Festival consists of a competitive section of animated shorts. After a pre-selection carried out by the organizing committee, the material is evaluated by a prestigious jury that changes from year to year. Since its inception in 2011, Juan Pablo Zaramella, Tomas Welss, María Verónica Ramirez, Raúl Manrupe, Irene Blei, Salvador Sanz, and Ayar Blasco, among others, have passed through the Carton jury.
The competitive section is divided into the following categories: Fiction/Narrative, Experimental/Non-narrative, Video Clip, Series, Micro-shorts and Training Workshops.
In addition to the competition, the Carton Festival is completed with talks, videoconferences, workshops, feature film screenings and a comic book fair.
CBFF – Vigo International Film Festival is an International Cinematographic event organized by the production and distribution company CityBlue Films. It will celebrate its 8th edition between December 9 and 14, 2024, in the city of Vigo, Spain.
It is a cultural, social event and a meeting space between the public, creators, media professionals, and representatives of the film industry.
CBFF – Vigo International Film Festival has been created with the main objective of promoting culture through the promotion and dissemination of cinematographic works.
This Festival has been developed to support directors and producers by providing all filmmakers who wish, a space to disseminate and promote their work to the general public.
Being an audiovisual, cultural, artistic, industrial and educational platform, allowing the discovery of new talents and emerging films.
KZ Film Festival main goal is to help independent filmmakers and students from all over the world with a chance to win real money and an opportunity to be judged for a jury fully composed with ACTIVE CINEMA ARTISTS.
Conceived by Kadu Zargalio, director and screenwriter of independent films and internationally awarded with his short film "Gaia", this festival is another space for you, director or producer, to increase the market value of your project in the cinematographyc industry.
Designed exclusively for low-budget films, the festival will proudly host fiction live-action of any genre, animation and student projects of 1 up to 30 minutes in length made by those who cherish the dreams of going further in their careers.
As written, there are no barriers for cinematographic genres, but projects that practice innovation in thriller plot-twists will have a special look at them.
HARD:LINE International Film Festival aims to present the various faces of extreme cinema.
The question as to what is meant by the term “extreme” can be understood by looking at the content of our wide selection of fantastic films. “Extreme” is often defined by an explicit splatter aesthetic but it can also be represented by unusual story-telling methods or an exotic visual language. Thus, we are meticulously selecting such examples that could be important in the future of the genre. We have not set any boundaries in our search and whether a film is a pearl of the independent scene, fun splatter or no-brainer, H:LIFF loves special films!
HARD:LINE International Film Festival is no warehouse festival where the priority is to show as many films as possible but rather concentrates on presenting a few glowing examples of everything that extreme film can be.
You and your work are the reasons why we do exist!
Penitente Film Fest is the first Boyacense festival dedicated to genre cinema, emphasizing Sci-Fi, fantasy and terror. It was created as an alternative to the existing festivals in the department and in the country, whose focus is not so particular. From the organization, we believe that the genre cinema remains in force, with the same capacity to amaze, wonder, and unsettle us while transverse or parallel offers new ways to interpret and shape our reality and that of filmmakers around the world.
We begin a journey towards unknown universes, Penitente Film Fest announces its first call, which will take place from April 21 to July 15, 2023.
The purpose of the Bogotá Music Video Festival is to celebrate the art of music video, the joy of music and the passion for filmmaking. We bring the music video art to different screens around Bogotá and top that with live music, exhibitions and academic and industry events. We want to showcase independent and fierce work to new audiences, focusing on the potential of awe brought by the communion between music and moving images.
Dokumentala was born to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.
That is why the thematic axis of the proposals to the competition will be to make visible support relationships that can occur in society and that generate positive changes in people, in groups and in municipalities.
Argia Fundazioa, opens the Call for the THIRD Edition of the dokuMentala 2022 Festival.
Argia Fundazioa is an entity that supports people with a diagnosis of mental illness to improve their quality of life and the image that society has of this group.
dokuMentala 2022 was born in 2019 to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.
The Call for the Festival for the year 2022 is made public, which will be governed by the rules detailed below.
MSFFF was born from a mission:
We’ll take you on a journey through the genre’s cinematographic productions from all over the world.
The next March we will be able to enjoy the best and most current animated productions in Madrid.
The International Horror and Fantasy Film Week of La Costa del Sol is a film festival of the horror and fantasy genre that is held annually. The first edition was held from September 11 to 16, 2000. On that occasion,
the winning film of the Golden Unicorn was The Ring, which was a blockbuster in our country. The edition paid tribute to the British actress Caroline Muro, a fetish actress of horror films, with the screening of the film ‘The howl of the devil’, directed by Paul Naschy, and a ‘tribute to ghosterrorific Cinema’ was made with
the screening of films by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador (La residencia, ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?), Jesús Franco (Gritos en la noche, El Conde Drácula). To this day, editions keep being added, this year the XXV
edition of the Festival is celebrated. This year the short film section is reinvented, being coordinated by Miguel Carrillo.
FESCILMAR - International Short Film Festival, opens its session with the host country of the SPAIN sample with projection in VENEZUELA, Dissemination and promotion of Venezuelan, Latin American and world cinematography in two countries simultaneously; And of all its cultural scope. It tries to show cinematographic works that entertain, but, above all, that exert an educational influence on children, young people and the general population.
Deadline for submission of papers: August 15, 2022
1) It will take place from August 26 to 28, 2022 and filmmakers of any nationality may participate.
Our festival will be face-to-face based on Fescilmar Venezuela, as the host country of the SPAIN show.
Screenings in Zaragoza Spain and Lechería - Venezuela.
2) International short films of fiction, documentary, video clips, web series, experimental, with a maximum duration of 45 minutes in any genre, can participate.
3) Jobs must have finished production after January 1, 2019.
4) Registration will be made only through the FESTHOME platform.
International African Film Festival in Argentina 2024 / FICAA.
Call for entries is open until 30 February 2024.
We call on film directors and video artists to send material that would contribute to show new depictions on Africa. We are receiving: independent films from African countries or regarding Africa, its people and its diaspora.
The received material will be selected for a new edition of the International African Film Festival in Argentina, which will take place in August 2024 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Starting in 2007, Observatorio Sur undertook the “Mirrors and Mirages” International Film Series on and from the African continent. In each edition we have selected films based on different subjects to show and debate on history and actuality in the African world.
This year we are organizing a mixed version: online and physical Location. Thus, we are also aiming to reach new audiences, beyond the participants from the city of Buenos Aires who usually come to the cinema.
The Apatzingán International Film Festival invites Mexican and foreign filmmakers to register their cinematographic work for its fourth edition that will take place from February 20 to 23, 2025 in the city of Apatzingán in Michoacán, Mexico; in its different categories of official competition:
fiction feature film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of more than 90 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered, participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
fiction short film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary feature
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025 with a duration greater than ninety minutes, may be registered. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary short film
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme may be registered, whose final finished production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
children's short film
Any national or foreign production of free-themed fiction whose audience is aimed at children, where the final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to forty minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
The International Festival of Children and Youth Film CALIBELULA, FICIJCALIBELULA - is created through a group of friends who love cinema, who see the need to generate new exhibition and training spaces, for a very special audience that is children and young people .
The purpose is to train audiences through cinematographic audiovisual material made by and for children, youth and adults that promotes conflict resolution and peaceful coexistence through the construction of values and principles.
Generate new exhibition alternatives that consolidate processes of formation and creation expressed in the production and audiovisual realization, with understanding and critical sensitivity, trying with this to involve from an early age this target population through the cinema as an artistic expression.
This Festival is a meeting place for the filmmakers, their works and the children's audience as well as a point of formation for young audiences, teachers and professionals of the area, making the Festival a promoter of reflection on the audiovisual media and the role they play with our children.
Short and full-length films will be awarded in which topics related to the violation, defense or promotion of Human Rights and disseminate alternative experiences of change are addressed.
Short films up to 60 minutes long and feature films from 61 minutes are considered.
Submit your production for free in any of our categories.
Open submissions from May 27 to July 31, 2024 on Festhome, Click for festivals.You can also send your application to the email: fickuntakinte@gmail.co
The Eighth Kunta Kinte International Afro Community Film Festival, which will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, will focus on the theme of "AFRO DIASPORA". Remember that each production will be reviewed by our curatorial team; you have until July 31, 2024 to register.
We invite filmmakers to submit their films, documentaries, and short films that address aspects of the African diaspora, such as the history of slavery, global African descendant culture, the fight for civil rights, migration experiences, and the influence of African heritage on different cultural expressions. Through cinema, we seek to rescue and value the stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity that have defined the African descendant experience.
Check the terms and conditions here:
In its inaugural year, the Conquering Disabilities with Film International Film Festival seeks to recognize, serve and honor the mentally ill artist who is using art to heal themselves. CDWFIFF is part of the successful AOF Megafest. Now in its 16th year, MegaFest will host the Conquering Disabilities with Film International Film Festival.
Vegas, a tourist destination for so many reasons, now has one more event to draw you into its vibrant night life. All screenings and events will take place in the heart of Las Vegas, NV at various locations. Your work will screen in state of the art theaters NOT in hotel meeting rooms, bars, halls, libraries etc.
The directors at CDWFIFF along with the AOF MegaFest, have created a positive respectful environment to encourage dialogue and foster growth and understanding in an industry that is known for looking the other way. At CDWIFF you are understood, welcomed and loved. You are at home.
CDWFIFF seeks and accepts all genres of films, shorts, features, narratives, documentaries, written word, photography, art and music. The stipulation is that the work must deal with mental illness. Either the crew (director, DP, writer, talent) has a person who is struggling with or has overcome mental illness, depression, anxiety etc., or a crew member is a caregiver to a person with mental illness. We will also accept projects that are about mental issues. All submissions must include in their cover letter what requirement (s) the project fulfills.
CDWFIFF seeks screenplay submissions of all lengths/all genres that either cover the topic of mental illness or are the works of screenwriters dealing with mental illness themselves. We accept features, shorts, TV and Web Series Pilots, short shorts, and scenes, and poems. All submissions must include in their cover letter what requirement (s) the project fulfills.
CDWFIFF also wants musical scores and soundtracks, songs, lyrics, storyboards and poster art by individuals dealing with mental illness or content covering mental health topics.
CDWFIFF recognizes that Art has always been a means of healing and transformation. It is now time to recognize the artist.