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The Capricorn Film Festival is a not for profit organisation that discovers local, national and international cinema gems, and shares them with a diverse audience of film lovers.
The Capricorn film festival was established to encourage production, not just exhibition. Our event is not just about ‘showing’ films – it’s about ‘making’ them. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to showcase your work to as wide an audience as possible, and help you promote your career and film-making endeavours.
The event is held mid year, where a crowds of thousands from all over Central Queensland enjoy five days of cinema, supporting filmmakers from the region and all corners of the globe.
Shortlisted films are screened at the event with a total prize pool of $4,000 in cash and prizes awarded between the winners of each category.
The festival is open to any level of filmmaker, from amateur to professional and is supported by some of Australia's premiere filmmakers and industry companies.
We appreciate our Festival ALUMNI. Contact us to receive your DISCOUNT coupon code on any upcoming entries.
The International Film Festival of the Autonomous University of Baja California promotes the exchange of experiences in the field of audiovisual production, as well as knowledge building around the cinematographic phenomenon.
Circolo ImmaginAzione for film culture, as part of Laceno D’Oro Film Festival 2022, announces two international contest categories: feature & medium-length films, and short films.
Furthermore, there will be a competition called SPAZIO CAMPANIA, including works by authors from Campania and produced in Campania only.
The call is open to movies produced and shot in any video format, regardless of the genre and nationality, and completed after January 1st, 2021.
Works already distributed in Italian theatres will be excluded, as well as works already released in Italy on streaming platforms. National Previews will be prioritized.
1) CONCORSO LACENO D’ORO 47: full-length and medium-lenght films, both fictional and documentaries, with a running-time over 30 minutes.
Works which will stand out for their experimental and fresh approach will be taken into further consideration.
2) Short-movies competition “Gli occhi sulla città”: short-films not exceeding 30 minutes, including credits.
Each work will have to stand out for the way they deal with issues related to urban spaces, to the environment and to the landscape. This topic can be explored with the outmost freedom. Each work, however, will have to ponder how moviemaking can tell, depict, or even “predict” the changes of urban spaces and contemporary landscapes. All authors will deal with this topic in their own creative and original way.
3) SPAZIO CAMPANIA, for all works - with no length or genre restrictions - created by authors from Campania or produced in Campania.
To be valid, all movies must be submitted, according to the submission details included in this call, no later than September 12th, 2022.
The "Fiorenzo Serra" Visual Anthropology Laboratory, managed by the Department of History, Human Sciences and Education of the University of Sassari (from now on, called "Department") and the Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda (from now on, called “Film Archive“), as part of a project aimed at enhancing public awareness of the director, filmmaker and ethnologist Fiorenzo Serra, announce for the year 2024 the Competition for ethnographic film productions titled “Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival”. The definition “film production" (from now on, “film”) means any audiovisual product, a documentary film, produced using analogue or digital technologies. The competition aims to promote the production of films that can contribute to the awareness of ethnographic cultural realities through the audiovisual medium and pursues the objective of protecting and implementing, in a scientific and systematic manner, national and foreign audiovisual productions concerning the ethnographic, archaeological, historical, cultural-linguistic and environmental heritages. The competition also has the function of better defining, within the framework of the theoretical-methodological debate of the demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines, not only the important role of visual anthropology, but also the objective of supporting the realization of audiovisual documentation concerning the identity and the cultural specificities of Sardinia, as well as the different national and international social realities.
VRE - Virtual Reality Experience (VRE) is the international festival entirely dedicated to Immersive Technologies (VR, AR, MR) and their use and impact in the Arts, Cultural Heritage, Science and Medicine, Learning, Industry.
The fourth edition will be Oct 6-9, 2022 in Rome and welcomes VR/AR artworks and XR performing arts.
3rd Edition of KIFFI-JAIPUR will be on 4-6 December 2020
GO Film Goiânia Film Festival is a Festival for short movies done in the heart of Brazil. Its in the 6th edition with a competitive premiation with a special awards in many categories.
LA PECCA -Small Environmental Film Contest- was born in 2007 by the DeFrente Association.
The main purpose of this project is to promote respect for sexual and gender diversity through cinema, contributing to the development of a plural and inclusive society.
Taking a quality film event as a vehicle, we show plural life stories and encourage people to visibly live their sexual and gender identity, to promote social awareness and claim at the same time the right of the LGTBIQ + community to be present in culture and in society equally.
We also give visibility and support to quality cinematography, promoting the discovery of new talents.
ASOCIACIÓN DEFRENTE is a non-profit organization in Seville that was established in 2006. Since its inception, its objectives have been aimed at serving the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in response to a social demand by being this group in a situation of marginalization and discrimination in many areas of daily life.
FESTIFAL is an International Short Film Festival whose main topic is rural areas; it is held every two years in Urrea de Gaén (Spain).
In order to energize the cultural atmosphere in the region, Bajo Martín Study Center proposed in 2009 the organization of an International Short Film Festival of rural themes.
This presents other realities and rural environments different from ours in different parts of the planet, through documentary and fiction films.
This project was born with the idea of combining cinema with rural environment and bringing it closer to the inhabitants of the region and to the general public. The festival has been consolidating edition after edition, increasing its importance within the circuit of festivals. Each year the number of proposals received increases, mostly short films of great quality sent from all parts of the world.
Festival has become, over the years, an inescapable event within the cultural agenda of the region. It has become very successful, with a high level of attendance, and a great number of public viewers come to see the finalist works throughout the contest.
More information:
Fantàstik Granollers is the fantastic and horror film festival of Granollers, which has been held since 2012. It has become a unique event in the city, in which a cultural proposal related exclusively to fantastic and horror films is offered. and everything that is related to it, betting very strongly on short films.
It is an excellent opportunity for film lovers to see innovative films, as well as to connect with other people interested in this topic.
Apart from the festival, other activities are carried out during the year related to the dissemination of fantasy and horror films.
The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
The association "Le Ali di Icaro", a cultural and social promotion organization based in the Valdarno of Arezzo, organizes the seventh edition of the Wag Film Festival, which will be held in December 2019 in Terranuova Bracciolini (AR) at the Auditorium " Le Fornaci ”(Via Vittorio Veneto 19).
This year the trait d'union of the projection evenings is the theme of "The meeting", understood in its multiple meanings: "encounter" as the beginning of a relationship between people who, inevitably, develop their relationship growing together; "Meeting" as a sharing of cultures, with which geographical and ethnic barriers are overcome to achieve a common goal; "Meeting", finally, as a point of arrival, the ultimate goal of a creative journey matured over time.
Every director of the Festival will have the opportunity to share his personal "encounter" with the audience of Le Fornaci, which can be a turning point in his film career or, more generally, in life.
After the extraordinary success repeated for six editions, the Youth Jury, made up of boys and girls, embellished the competition of the Wag Film Festival.
girls (18-30 years of age) appropriately selected from the schools, institutions and associations of the territory for their personal interest and passion for cinema. The Youth Jury will be in charge of viewing the films in competition to award the winners and award the prizes during the closing night.
Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.
The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.
Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.
Everyone can take part in this competition.
«BRIDGES» INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL was established in 2008 in the framework of celebrations of 150 years of the foundation of Corinth. It was held Under the Auspices of Ministry of Transport and Communications in Greece and was organized in cooperation with the Cultural Centre of Corinth. It was greeted by the Minister of Transport and Communication, the Mayor of Corinth, the President of the Cultural Centre and the Prefect of Peloponnesus
The program, apart from the screenings of the Panorama, Competition and other sections included also the screening of a selection of short films by Cine Fantom, especially chosen for Peloponnesian Corinthian International Film Festival. «The main Club in Moscow» – this is how the press refers to CINE FANTOM. This is, however, no wonder for the club with the 20 years history. CINE FANTOM Club has been holding screenings every Wednesday for many years, regardless of weather and political conditions. For many years on, the club has managed to stick to such a weekly format. CINE FANTOM, however has also its own festival, SELECTION, a unique event which aims at promotion and development of young cinema.
The 2nd edition of the festival took place in 2011. On 2009 and 2010 it was cancelled due to national elections that occurred the same period. The opening of the 2nd festival was scheduled on October 14th 2009 with the presence and a live concert by the famous actor of Hollywood, Kevin Costner with his music band Modern West! Unfortunately, the national elections were announced on the 6th of September to be held on the 10th of October and the festival was cancelled. But the concert took place the same day, 14th of October 2009 on the Badminton theater in Athens. http://www.petraterzi.org/kevincostner/
Within the framework of its annual organization Bridges International Film Festival, carries on its close partnership with local authorities and other organizations, willing to provide to such an important aspect of our lives, culture, which is weakened through these hard times we are going through. During the same event, excursions to archeological sites, cruises in Canal of Isthmus and a film poster exhibition took place.
In order to be able to accommodate the needs of the vast number of cinephiles and cinemagoers of Greece, which has proved to be big and varied during past organizations, this year`s festival edition has created Special theme screenings as the «World Cinema – Bridges» section. As the BRIDGES International Film festival concurs often with the International Day of People with Disability, a part of our screenings is dedicated to films about human disabilities, under the symbolic title «We can do». Furthermore, the audience will have the unique opportunity to watch films by upcoming filmmakers premiering in the festival. Some of the most outstanding feature films created recently are going to compete for the festival`s Grand Prize «Golden Pegasus», which is going to be given to the film indicated by an internationally acclaimed Jury of cinema professionals.
Note: Foreign films with greek subtitles are eligible to participate in the official program of the International Film Festival "Bridges"
Our mission is to provide tools to filmmakers around the world, to exhibit and distribute their work. INCORTO reaches millions of viewers and filmmakers through INCORTO Film Festival, through INCORTO.com Film Channel and trough the live screening tour, which distributes part of its profits to filmmakers from 95 countries.
Chittagong SHORT was founded to make a platform for the young filmmakers and film learners. To inspire the young, it has started a film festival since 2016. This festival #CSFFBD is designed with film screening and contest, master class, workshop and seminar. For the young filmmakers it’s a great opportunity to show their creativity and extra ordinary thought.
International Festival of Shortfilms of Errenteria, which in 2021 celebrates its XXVI edition. Our festival is characterized by a commitment to the Basque short film, a Basque defense and a promotion of the Spanish short film.
Algeciras Fantástika is a multidisciplinary cultural event specialized in matters of fantastic nature, suspense, terror and science fiction, organized by Algeciras City Council and the University of Cadiz.