Logo of Peachtree Village International Film Festival

17 Aug 2019

Published: 16 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Peachtree Village International Film Festival

Peachtree Village International Film Festival

Atlanta, United States

The Peachtree Village International Film Festival (PVIFF) represents two decades of dedication to the film and entertainment community. Established in 2005 as the Sweet Auburn International Film Festival, PVIFF has grown into a global platform, attracting over 3,500+ attendees from around the world each year. PVIFF has a legacy that offers an even broader array of programming and opportunities for filmmakers, artists, and industry professionals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Adriatic Film Festival

16 Aug 2019

Published: 15 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Adriatic Film Festival

Adriatic Film Festival

Francavilla al Mare, Italy

The Adriatic Film Festival is organized by the cultural association Adriatic Movie and it is focused on independent movie with a particular attention on shorts and documentaries.

The festival is divided in:
- International Short
- National Short
- Documentary (Wordwide)
- Short Academy/School
- Animation

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Dulcísimo Ovario

16 Aug 2019

Published: 15 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dulcísimo Ovario, Festival de Video y Cine Femenino

Dulcísimo Ovario

Pachuca, Mexico

Dulcísimo Ovario is a Festival of Female Video and Cinema that showcases and recognizes the work of Mexican women filmmakers and video artists.

We believe in the need to approach new narratives that display a diversity of realities, thoughts, and ways of relating.

Our goal is to organize cycles of presentations, conferences, and screenings of cinema and video, in their different formats and genres, directed by Mexican woman filmmakers and video artists.

For Dulcísimo Ovario, questioning and deconstructing gender representations in audiovisual media has been a starting point since 2017 and in each edition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 6Th International Short Film Festival Pune India 2021

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 6Th International Short Film Festival Pune India 2021

6Th International Short Film Festival Pune India 2021

Pune, India

International Short Film Festival Pune ,India 2021

In Our Festival Competition We Are Done Screening 1111 Short Films And Make world Record in 2018 Also.Each Participants We give A Participation Certificate And Trophy Also.Official Selection And Screening 1111 Short Films Get Certificate and Trophy Also. Festival Screening Function And award function Is 10 Days In December Month.

This Year Festival Is Online festival due to covid .

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of The Icon Festival for Science Fiction & Fantasy, Tel Aviv

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Icon Festival for Science Fiction & Fantasy, Tel Aviv

The Icon Festival for Science Fiction & Fantasy, Tel Aviv

Tel-Aviv, Israel

The Icon Festival for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Role-Playing is held annually in Tel-Aviv (Israel), and runs for 3 days.

The festival's programme features film screenings, lectures, panels, workshops, original theatre productions, the occasional poetry jam, and competitions for the Israeli Science-Fiction and Fantasy loving (or curious) public to enjoy.

Icon is produced by group of non-profit organizations. These work all year round to promote the fandoms and creators of science fiction, fantasy and role-playing games, and to strive to make these genres more accessible to their audience. We also take pride in providing the stage to independent filmmakers and young authors.

The Icon Festival is a seminal cultural event, made possible due to the passion and hard work of hundreds of volunteers, from the festival director to the last but not least staff member. Their only reward is the festival itself as all income is used to pay for the facilities and cover expenses.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Reel East Texas Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Reel East Texas Film Festival

Reel East Texas Film Festival

Kilgore, United States

Year 4 is underway! We'll see you Nov. 12-15, 2020, in Kilgore, Texas.

Reel East Texas Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing independent filmmakers.

Located in the heart of the East Texas Piney Woods, Kilgore is unlike any other town in Texas. Its wildcatter spirit and workman mindset is ideally suited for independent filmmakers, and Kilgore’s signature skyline, authentic downtown and tall pine trees make for a picturesque Texas backdrop. The city’s Main Street and Historic District is home to the iconic Texas landmark Texan theater, where all films are screened. Beyond downtown, Kilgore offers a cultural and learning experience with the Texas Museum of Radio & Broadcasting, the East Texas Oil Museum and the Rangerette Showcase.

City events, parties, mixers and other custom-tailored activities make the Reel East Texas Film Festival a can’t miss for all filmmakers.

A festival hosted by filmmakers for filmmakers, RETFF loves great films, and bringing together audience, filmmaker and film industry representatives in celebration of artistic and independent spirit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi, India

21 -22 February, 2026
India International Centre-ICC, New Delhi INDIA

Organized by: Jaipur International Film Festival & Trust

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Gravina di Catania, Italy

The municipality of Gravina di Catania and the cultural associations “Gravina Arte” and “No_Name”, organize the event “Via dei Corti” – 11th edition of the Independent Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of CENTRAL-DOC International Documentary Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner CENTRAL-DOC  Muestra Internacional de Cine Documental

CENTRAL-DOC International Documentary Film Festival


Fourth edition

CENTRAL-DOC, Blackbird Films and Huitzil Multidisciplinary Creation Laboratory A.C. All documentary filmmakers are invited to participate in the fourth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival, which will take place from December 2 to 6, 2019 in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. The works will be projected in public spaces, independent, educational institutions and cultural centers, being these local, national or international.

This fourth edition of the Exhibition is accompanied by the theme CULTURE, IDENTITY AND RESISTANCE ... 500 YEARS AGO. A theme that seeks to make visible but above all to claim the role of indigenous peoples through the different documentaries that make up this edition and that are intended to revolve around particular themes such as origins, traditions, territory, language, rights, among many others. . At CENTRAL-DOC we expect documentaries with stories that allow us to question and value what makes us what we are, where we come from and what our roots are.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of F3: Frankly Film Fest

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner F3: Frankly Film Fest

F3: Frankly Film Fest

Piqua, United States


F3: Frankly Film Fest is a festival that embraces diversity in film, giving a showcase to films that may not fit into the typical film festival mold. We seek to give an outlet to the experimental, the fan films, the 48 hour film projects, the student films, the films that may not have such a happy ending, the films that challenge the audience to think and feel.

Founded in 2004 by Frankly Zoe Productions as a one off festival meant to promote their Youth Summer Movie Program, F3: Frankly Film Fest screened 27 films during the 2005 festival. In 2016 Frankly Zoe Productions decided to resurrect F3 in conjunction with the Tenth Anniversary of Un-Con, an unconventional convention where all genres of fandom are welcome and accepted. In keeping with the "all genres are welcome" theme of the Un-Con, F3 is an all genre festival.

The 2016 F3: Frankly Film Fest received 685 submissions from 39 different countries. Of those 685 films, 50 were chosen to screen during the weekend festival. There were awards given for "Best Short", "Best Feature", "Best Student Film", and "Best of Fest".

For the 2017 festival F3 became a shorts only festival. The festival received 499 submissions from 41 different countries. Awards were given for "Best Student Short", "Best Non-Student Short", "Best of Fest", "Judges Choice", and "The Steve Turner Award."

For the 2018 festival, 401 entries were received from 40 countries. Forty films were screened at our festival.

In order to be fair to all filmmakers, no fee waivers will be granted.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

Banner Lesgaicinemad Festival Internacional De Cine LGBTI+ De Madrid

LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival is a LGTBI+ Film Festival in seen in Spanish Speaking countries. The inaugural edition was held in 1996. With an estimated audience of more than 10,000 spectators, it is a well attended festival by members of the Community of Madrid and is covered by the Spanish Press.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of nahia film fest, International Short Film Festival. Sex, Gender, Diversity and Eroticism

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Nahia Film Fest 2022, Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes. Sexo, Género, Diversidad Y Erotismo

nahia film fest, International Short Film Festival. Sex, Gender, Diversity and Eroticism

Granada, Spain

International Short Film Festival.
(Sex, Gender, Diversity and Eroticism).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival de Cortos del Palo

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortos Del Palo Paco Leal

Festival de Cortos del Palo

Málaga, Spain

X Short Festival El Palo for short filmmakers born / as and / or residents in Málaga (Spain).

ONLY FOR SPANISH FILMMAKERS (Malaga) // Solo podrán presentarse al concurso cortometrajistas nacidos y/o residentes en la provincia de Málaga.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Central American Film Festival - Vienna

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Ciclo de Cine Centroamericano - Viena

Central American Film Festival - Vienna

Wien, Austria

The Central American Film Festival in Vienna, Austria, has firmly established itself as an annual tradition for the city.

Vienna has long been revered as one of the world's foremost cultural hubs, making it an ideal setting to showcase the increasingly diverse and compelling productions emerging from the Central American region.

This year's film festival returns in November, and we eagerly anticipate the continued patronage of our devoted audience as they join us to explore the latest offerings from Central American cinema.

Consistent with past editions, alongside the Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary, and Animation categories, the festival includes parallel non-competitive sections: "Pioneers of Central American Cinema," "Works in Progress," "Guest Film," "Bonus Films," and "Latin American View." The latter features a curated selection of audiovisual works depicting contemporary life in Latin America. Detailed descriptions of these sections are provided in the participation guidelines.

"Latin American View": A curated selection of audiovisual works from Latin America offering insights into life in the region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of PIETRASANTA Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner PIETRASANTA Film Festival


Pietrasanta, Italy

We are proud to present the fifth edition of the competition dedicated to short films is hosted in Pietrasanta.

In 1877 the poet Giosué Carducci praised this municipality now known, internationally, for its arts and crafts, such as the prestigious laboratories of marble, the famous foundries, numerous art galleries. With their work and with their presence, the artists, alongside the studios hosting authoritative masters from around the world, have made this town an open air museum. For such reasons, Mondo Cinema chose the beautiful city of Pietrasanta the ideal venue for their international film festival of short films, which aims to give visibility to authors that are little known to the general public, in a artistic and cultural environment known and appreciated worldwide.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Banner Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Beverly Hills, United States

Calling all independent filmmakers! Screamfest® Film Festival is back for its 25th annual 10-day event, showcasing the best in horror cinema from around the world. Held this October at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres in Los Angeles, our festival is a must-attend event for horror fans and industry professionals alike.

Don't just take our word for it - some of the biggest horror publications have dubbed us the 'Sundance of Horror.' Our festival has also been featured in 2024 New York Times at Top 5 Halloween Festivals Worth Traveling For. Moviemaker Magazine's lists of 50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee for 2023, 50 Best Genre Fests in the World 2021, 25 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee & 13 Film Festivals to Die For, and 30 Bloody Best Genre Fests in the World 2019.

As the largest and longest-running horror film festival in the United States, we have a proud history of discovering and showcasing groundbreaking films. Paranormal Activity, for example, was discovered and premiered at our festival in 2007.

Join us for a spine-tingling lineup of new genre films and premieres, including past hits such as Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, Dead Ant, Trick 'r' Treat, 30 Days of Night, The Human Centipede, and American Mary. And don't forget to check out our YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/2MYvdFt, where you can view past Screamfest® short films. Submit your work now for your chance to be a part of the legacy!


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Intermediaciones Muestra  Internacional de Videoarte & Cine Experimental

Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

Medellín, Colombia

Cinema Workshop Project, Magic Eye Audiovisual Production Company and Wild Wood Corporation invite artists, visual artists, filmmakers, professionals, students and amateurs, to present their work in Intermediations, a Video Art and Experimental Video Showcase.

The Showcase will take place in the City of Medellin, Colombia. It is a non-competitive event, that seeks to promote and divulge different practices surrounding audiovisual works, specifically, artistic and experimental video.

Entries will be exhibited in three categories: Local, National and International exhibitions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of MixBrasil Festival of Diversity

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da Diversidade

MixBrasil Festival of Diversity

Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Mix Brasil Festival is an annual cultural event with a focus on films related to sexuality in its various forms of expression.

In 2020, an estimated audience of 176k people attended the screenings, theatre and music performances, conferences, and debates promoted in the festival's 28th annual edition.

Mix Brasil is held in November at prestigious movie theaters across São Paulo and takes full advantage of the diversity of the city to host a variety of innovative events. After São Paulo, Mix Brasil tours abridged programs to other Brazilian cities.

The event is carried out by the Associação Cultural Mix Brasil, a non-profit organization that seeks to promote the freedom of expression of sexual diversity by looking at new and different ways that this is achieved.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Festival Mix Brasil 2021’s edition will take place online, on a secure platform, with a limited number of attendees in each screening. If the guidelines of the local public agencies allow this the Festival may also take place in movie theaters.
It is thus concluded that your submission at Festival Mix Brasil / Festhome means that you agree that, if selected, the film will also be shown online.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

Ourense, Spain

The Ourense Film Festival (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


15 Aug 2019

Published: 14 Aug 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Международный фестиваль анимационных фильмов «Анимаёвка – 2025


Mogilev, Belarus

Mogilev State Enterprise "Kinovideoprokat" welcomes you and informs that in September 2025 in the city of Mogilev, Republic of Belarus, the XXVIII International Festival of Animated Films "Animaevka-2025" will be held.

Over the years, the festival has become a celebration of animation for children and adults. Events are held in all regional centers of Belarus.

For viewing, film screenings of competitive and non-competitive programs, creative meetings with the creators of animated films, master classes, exhibitions of children's fine and decorative and applied arts are organized.

As part of the treatment:

- competition of animated films;
- competition of children's animation creativity
- competition of children's fine and decorative and applied arts.

International Festival

Short film festival
