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Baja CineFest is an online international film festival aimed to inspire, motivate and award filmmakers from across the globe. Each year we will honor the best films in various competition categories and we will give recognition and highlight the best talented people in front and behind the camera.
Baja CineFest is proud to accept all kind of films and genres, even the films that have been overlooked by larger festivals. We want commercial films, underground films, experimental films, comedic films, etc. We got professional judges for every taste, three professional filmmakers and three professional screenwriters.
Films will not be physically screened for the public. Once the Official Jury has concluded the judging process, winners and awards will be announced publicly on our website.
We look forward to watch your work!
CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival's main objective is to provide the opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to excel, and to have the best work selected and showcased in a celebration of cinema, as well as to give filmmakers a platform to network amongst fellow professionals and cinematic artists. CSIFF is looking forward to fostering these relationships and to helping extraordinary filmmakers get their projects seen by global audiences. CSIFF unites cinematic, cultural, educational more over Inspirational objectives by presenting its film discoveries.
The CSIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. It is a strong advocate for social change, and encourages cultural diversity and understanding between nations. It strives to foster the movie art of all continents by stimulating the development of quality cinema and promoting meetings between cinema professionals from around the world.
The CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the spirit, passion, and skill of the best new filmmakers from around the world for audiences around the world.
We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic moviemaking, but works that are experimental, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. A jury of industry professionals will then view the finalists and choose the winning selections.
Filmmakers planning on attending should notify the film festival as soon as possible, so their names may be listed in the scheduled program at the venue where their film will be shown. https://csiff.buddhafest.in/
"A top ten event" - Het Parool
"Culture Calendar" - VOGUE Nederland
"Amsterdam hosts a great cinema event" - iAmsterdam
"One of the UK's top film festivals to know about" - London METRO
LGBT Film Festival and Screenplay Competition.
We are looking for FILMS and SCREENPLAYS with an LGBT theme to be part of the New Renaissance Film Festival, which will take place in Amsterdam, next April 2021.
The spacious cinema LAB111 will again be the home of the New Renaissance Film Festival (NRFF) for its fifth edition on 9-11 April 2021.
This friendly arthouse festival which is based in London, and was called “One of the UK’s top film festivals” (London METRO, O1.08.16, has premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar (http://newrenaissancefilmfest.com/nrff-interviews-oscar-2018-winners-the-silent-child), or received a major distribution deal.
Despite its small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films, and many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present and a lot of networking takes place.
Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, SF films and an exciting variety of LGBT+ shorts and features. The festival is also proud that it seems to attract a high number of female directors.
To get a feel for the festival, watch the festival trailer of the previous year: http://nrff.nl/trailer-for-nrff-amsterdam-2019 or visit the 2020 programme website: www.nrff.nl
Check out NRFF’s page on Instagram and Facebook for interesting news and updates.
NRFF Amsterdam has several categories for International, Benelux and LGBT filmmakers. We especially love quality dramas with strong emotional themes, but we accept ALL genres.
We will screen around 100 films in two cinemas over the course of four days. This event includes a screenwriting competition, professional MASTER CLASSES by industry professionals, Filmmaker Q&A's, Panel Discussions, a fun COCKTAIL HOUR and AWARDS CEREMONY. The festival will be open to the public and ticket sales will be announced on the website in due course.
It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the film community in Amsterdam, by building an engaged audience through social media, our FILM OF THE WEEK initiative, and links with local businesses.
NRFF is growing from the ground up. Our mission is to enhance the vitality of independent filmmaking. Each city will engage with different themes and communities, giving independents the recognition they deserve.
We know all too well that most filmmakers have to work with a tight budget. Unfortunately however, WE CANNOT WAIVE THE SUBMISSION FEE as we are a self-funding festival.
Don't forget to join our MAILING LIST for the latest updates and special offers!
Follow NRFF Amsterdam on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for lots of interesting posts.
Night Terrors Film Festival is a genre festival for short films horror, thriller, supernatural, absurd - anything you can think of. Now open for submissions for the eight season in 2023.
We do not give out waivers and do not accept unsolicited submissions!
Films selected will be screened in Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark on two seperate occasions - unless COVID-19 prohibits it in which case a later date will be found. It is a great opportunity to have your short films screened for a Scandinavian audience that might not have other ways to experience your work. We accept short films with a max of 20 minutes. The screenings will have a lot of guests from outside Denmark aswell, so it must be either English language or have English subtitles provided.
Please note that if your film is selected we cannot provide travel and expenses in case you wanna visit the festival. We are not in this to make money, the low entry fee is only there to cover expenses the arrangers will have and to ensure the seriousness behind your work.
The VI Córdoba International Film-Minute Festival is a cultural and artistic event organised with the support of Grupo Cine Minuto and Subsecretaría de Cultura, Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. It will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, on the 11th and 12th of May, 2023, and will be subsequently extended into travelling exhibitions, alternative projections and complementary exhibitions in its website.
The International Film and Sexual Diversity Festival CINHOMO accepts LGBTIQ-themed films of all nationalities, which will be eligible in the various sections of the festival: Fiction Feature Films, Fiction Short Films, Documentary Feature Films and Documentary Short Films.
The works must not have been exhibited in commercial theaters, broadcast on TV or be available to the public on the Internet or any other platform in Spanish territory prior to the celebration of the festival and must be copyrighted after 01/01/2023. Feature films must be unpublished in the Community of Castilla y León; in the case of short films it will not be exclusive but it will be positively valued. The organization reserves the right to include in the out-of-competition program films that do not meet these conditions.
SorsiCorti is a Short Film Festival that combines conviviality and interest in the art of the short film.
SorsiCorti was born from passion for cinema and desire to explore innovative and experimental trails of short films.
Careful and accurative selection carried out by an evaluation committee made up of experts cinephiles, allows that only high quality short films access the program projection.
SorsiCorti has developed a strong collaboration with the young cultural reality of the Piccolo Teatro Patafisico in Palermo, who also became the official location of the live screenings. However, various events are realized around in town.
Leiden International Short Film Experience (LISFE) is an annual film festival held in the beautiful city of Leiden in The Netherlands. LISFE is dedicated to Short Films from all genres and from anywhere in the world. Over the years we have built the reputation of successfully showcasing though-provoking films through a diverse and selective program.
This year the festival will take place from the 7th until the 10th of May in Kijkhuis (Leiden).
Note: We are interested in programming films from around the globe. In extraordinary geo-political circumstances, we may wave our submission fee. If you think you qualify, please contact us for more information.
The Festival is an event full of color and emotion which shake the senses.
La Boca Erotica aims first to present a quality films, showing the casual, committed, funny, daring and courageous way, relationships that are present: sensuality, eroticism, love, seduction, desire, passion, lust, jealousy, conflict and everything that has to do with the approach and communication between the sexes.
We want to offer a transversal vision of eroticism. At the same time we ask ourselves about the meaning of the word within a diverse society.
An exploration of sexuality from a social point of view and without gender barriers.
The festival discuss about politics, education and society, taking as starting point sexuality.
*Payment of screening rights for selected short films
The Annual Copenhagen Film Festival is an international independent film festival held annually in Copenhagen, Denmark. It aspires to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards in order to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers to get recognized in a very competitive industry. Selected films will be screened in Copenhagen and have the opportunity to get into contact with our partnering production company.
ACFF is run in association with Close:Up, a collection of international film festivals supporting indie filmmaking. By establishing a working network among filmmakers, producers and marketing professionals, we share one common goal: to forge productive and lasting relationships between independent filmmakers and audiences.
Films entered in multiple categories are eligible to win several awards.
Award of Recognition - Submissions that don't make the screening schedule but receive an award for the quality and close competition of their work. Laurels can be sent via mail by request or downloaded from our website once the list has been announced.
Nominations - Films nominated for awards will be contacted on the notification date and also listed on our website.
Screening - Films selected for screening will be notified at least 1 month prior to the festival!
Award winners will be announced at our festival and receive hard-copy Award certificates, winner laurels, free entry at other renowned film festivals and other prizes!
After the Awards Ceremony a networking event will take place for all the filmmakers and guests to mingle!
We look very much forward to reviewing your work and inviting you to the cozy city of Copenhagen!
Our last event was held with great success on the 15-16th March 2019 at Husets Biograf.
We are now open for submissions for our 4th edition in 2020!
The Paris Play Film Festival receive films from all over the world, and proceeds to a quality selection.
We bring online your trailer your poster and your plot, and we nominate movies. We do NOT stream your films online.
In the end we reveal the winners and send you laurels and an official diploma.
Once a year we get the best of the best of all sessions and these films screen in Paris.
Our competition is international.
Our objective is to mix interactive talent competition with a human scale quality selection.
Your experience will be :
- feeling the pulse of your movie while it's promotion and stream on the POFF Platform
- follow your movie selection with us while its online competition
- use the POFF website as a complementary connection and/or a mini-website
- use our network and work to promote your film, during and after the festival
The competition process and promotion happens online with streaming, sharing, and online Press Relations.
Submissions to open soon.
We have original categories like Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Showreel... We love this like you do, so yes, you can show your work and win something with it !
Every movie selected will benefit from a page of its own, will all the multimedia elements you gave to us.
Every movie officially selected will be pushed on the front page one after the other.
Every winner will stay upfront the website for several month after winning.
Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible “the cinema they don't want you to see.” Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities.
1. International Competition “Censorship”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from any part of the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its research, production or realization or in its subsequent exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. No duration limit.
2. Short Film Competition “Shorts without Cut”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world and a maximum duration of 30 minutes that claim freedom of thought and expression without fear of cancellation, and political and social action in matters of public interest.
3. “Peruvian Voices” Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from Peru that allow dissident voices to be heard and make the viewer reflect on controversial topics, on which different groups have constructed apparently irreconcilable arguments, in order to create an open and elevated dialogue space on them. No duration limit.
Year 2021
The purpose of the “Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente ELCO” Film Festival aims to contribute great achievements to both the film-making community and the attending public, thus enriching future proposals of different genres and promoting film culture throughout the eastern part of the country; where professionals, amateurs and students from the different audiovisual media schools in the country, together with directors, producers, actors and a distinguished work team, lovers of the cinematographic field, will be able to show and enjoy the wonderful world of national cinema. That is why, in this 10th edition, the festival seeks to adapt to new modalities, due to the pandemic we are experiencing in the world and its restrictions, creating a platform of the festival called ELCO that will be our new form of exhibition and leaving behind our predecessor the ELCO Festival that was held since 2011 with an attendance of more than 2,800 people until its ninth installment with a total of 5,900 people who attended in person, with a great reception in the cinematographic medium.
This VOD platform was born with a new and renovating intention, where we will call on filmmakers to join together to show the world Venezuelan cinema together with Spanish-speaking countries that from this year will be part of this great window.
Our Mission: Promote, Disseminate and Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic film culture, with Venezuela being the official headquarters.
Planted objectives:
• Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic Cinema.
• Encourage the Production of Audiovisual Projects, Venezuelan and Hispanic speaking.
• Be a platform for learning and distraction for all families
A Los Angeles Film Festival with a French Touch: the Hollywood Art and Movie Awards is the new generation festival in the City of Angels.
Our priority are the QnA.
2019 edition took place in Hollywood.
2018 edition took place in Burbank, Long Beach and Pasadena.
Our Line up included:
- JANSEN PANETTIERE (Hayden Panettiere's brother -Nashville, Heroes-) as a Judge and exhibiting artist. Jansen attended the festival and was on stage to present several awards.
- RICHARD BLAKE, multi-awarded director, who was a panelist to the festival a week after his feature film THE ROCKET got available worldwide.
- WENDY ALANE WRIGHT, the famous talent manager, who gave powerful tips and insights during the Long Beach talk
- MOLLY KASH, producer and board member of ISA (International Script Association) was a Judge
- AUREGAN, singer-songwriter-performer, who recorded with Billy Ray Cyrus and Iggy Pop, was a Judge and presented several awards during the closing night.
- Almost 20 awards were presented
- the festival offered many networking, live music and shows, stand up comedy, plenty of screenings and of course a QnA after EACH and EVERY screening.
We are recognized for our quality time QnAs, and connection with industry professionals and for the support we give to filmmakers.
We are listed on Animation Festivals.com :
With thousands of festivals on many platforms, today as a filmmaker you are looking to the festival that will really bring you something that others don't : international connection, and a boost to your film run into festivals.
We offer very low submission fees because we know the struggle to make the films and push them in front of an audience.
We focus on networking, because showing your film is great, but giving business cards is what we need to go to the next step and the next film.
- awards both physical and digital
- tips to get your film distributed
- strategic feedback regarding your film for commercial use
- creation of your film profile on Imdb
- many discounts will be granted to other rewarding festivals, each one taylor-made for the category you submit to.
+ networking
+ snacks/cocktail
+ screenings
+ QnA
Back in 2015 was created the Paris Art and Movie Awards, aka "PAMA", founded by Matt Beurois, mutli-awarded director and producer, whose directorial debut got a distribution deal by Gravitas Ventures.
The Paris Art and Movie Awards today is the leading independent film festival in Paris. Its twin brother in Hollywood, the "HAMA" benefits from an incredible and international network aiming to support the independent filmmakers.
Submitting to the "HAMA" or the "PAMA", you'll enter in a network that allows filmmakers to create, to get recognition, confidence, and envy to keep making films.
The spacious cinema LAB111 will again be the home of the New Renaissance Film Festival (NRFF) for its seventh edition. This friendly art-house festival which is based in London, and was called “One of the UK’s top film festivals” (London METRO, O1.08.16), has premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar or received a major distribution deal.
Despite its relatively small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films in the programme. Furthermore, many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present, and a lot of productive networking takes place.
Apart from a high number of international films, NRFF Amsterdam has a strong LGBT presence, and a category for Dutch Films.
Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, SF films and an exciting variety of LGBT shorts and features.
Our festival is built around ARTISTS and their STORIES. By doing so, we aim to establish an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers. We are not interested in following current fashions or being political. We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming. At the heart of what we do is our passion to tell great stories.
To get a feel for the festival, watch the trailer of the previous year: https://vimeo.com/523206192 and visit the 2022 programme website: www.nrff.nl
The festival has several categories for International, Dutch and LGBT filmmakers. We especially love quality dramas with strong emotional themes, but we accept ALL genres. We are also proud to attract a high number of female directors.
Follow our NRFF page on Instagram and Facebook for photos and interesting updates.
It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the INDEPENDENT film community, By building an engaged audience through social media. We actively encourage directors, screenwriters, producers and actors to network during the festival and after the event. By doing so, new collaborations have occurred.
The FIRST THURSDAYS FILM FESTIVAL is a MONTHLY festival hosted by The FATHER/DAUGHTER FILM REPORT (so your entry is good for a year, basically giving you 12 chances to get in).
Yes, we report on film festivals from around the world with the unique perspective from an old baby-boomer (Dad) and a young millennial (Amanda).
Now having our OWN film festival, our wish is to help film makers with EXPOSURE & NETWORKING in a unique way (besides receiving laurels and having your film shown to a packed house):
We get exposure globally for your film with a write up in FILM FESTIVAL TODAY magazine, which is seen world-wide....and seen by some pretty big names world-wide, too! (For example, at the 2015 China/USA film summit, David was granted an interview with Wei Zhang, president of Alibaba Pictures, the largest film company in China to find out what she is looking for).
If your film is a fan-favorite, or you have a unique story about your film - or youself - we usually do a feature story on THAT, too. No other film festival (unless you win the Academy Awards or maybe Sundance) can give you THAT kind of GLOBAL EXPOSURE.
The festival is held 20 minutes south-east of downtown Austin & 15 minutes from Bergstrom Airport, where we will come to pick you up if you are an official selection and decide to come in person, as well as take care of your room & board if you are staying the night.
Can't make it to central Texas? We understand. However we want you still to be able to experience the film festival NETWORK experience, so after we show your film we'll SKYPE you and/or your colleagues in...unless you're camera shy.
MOSCA – Cambuquira Short Film Festival takes place at an old street cinema that remained closed for about 20 years and was brought to life in 2001 as a cultural centre. Cambuquira is a small town located in the Water Circuit of Minas Gerais.
The programme is composed by brazilian and international short films, special programs, debates, workshops, photo exhibitions, children's activities, MOSCA’s Coffee and the itinerant festival at schools.
13th MOSCA will happen between July 8th and 12th 2020 at Antigo Cinema | Espaço Cultural Sinhá Prado, at Cambuquira/MG - Brazil.
MOSCA's International Sh
owcase is a non competitive film festival (only for Popular Jury) and a non profit project.
Tlanchana Fest, Festival of Cinema and Digital Art is carried out by Tlanchana Cultura Audiovisual AC, in order to create an exhibition space for emerging talents from Mexico and the world, by combining elements that promote cinematographic creation in conjunction with new media and digital art.
The Eighth Edition of Tlanchana Fest will be held from July 13 to 17, 2022 and will feature a series of screenings, conferences and workshops, as well as facilities and other activities that will be carried out virtually and in person and that will serve as an incentive for the work in cinematographic and digital art matters.