Logo of KORTERRAZA short film festival

05 May 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

KORTERRAZA short film festival

Vitoria, Spain

Short and music outdoor. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of June 25 to 28, 2025 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the eleventh edition of Korterraza Araba.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

05 May 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Islantilla Cinefórum

Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

Islantilla (Lepe e Isla Cristina), Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

04 May 2017

Published: 03 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

03 May 2017

Published: 02 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

Final Girls Berlin Film Festival showcases horror cinema that’s directed, written, or produced by women*. We are holding the sixth edition of FGBFF from February 3-6 2022 in Berlin. We are looking for horror films (as well as films with horror elements or films that pay homage to horror), of all lengths. We are also extra excited if female filmmakers wish to visit the festival in order to participate in panels, or give talks or workshops on a particular aspect of horror cinema. We are committed to creating space for female voices and visions, whether monstrous, heroic, or some messy combination of the two, in the horror genre.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of II Concurso de Cortometrajes  Semana de la Ingeniería de Caminos en Madrid

03 May 2017

Published: 02 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner II Concurso de Cortometrajes  Semana de la Ingeniería de Caminos en Madrid

II Concurso de Cortometrajes Semana de la Ingeniería de Caminos en Madrid

Madrid, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu

02 May 2017

Published: 01 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner TUWUN - Muestra De Cine Indígena De Wallmapu

TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu

Villarrica, Chile


The TUWUN concept represents the Mapuche territorial origin, which together with KVPALME, the family origin, represent the Mapuche identity rooted in the LOF, a territorial space that in turn is the basis of the ancestral territorial structure of a broader space, the WALLMAPU, the entire Mapuche territory.

This concept of Mapudungun, the Mapuche language, gives rise to TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu, created with the aim of making known through cinema, that identity and the realities related from ancestral knowledge and the way in which it is understood. life from the vision and relationship of each people with their environment, with their territory, with their own history, culture and spirituality and, therefore, from their own perspective.

In this sense, we believe that the TUWUN exhibition represents a valuable opportunity to learn about the way in which life is understood from the indigenous peoples' own culture and an important space to share the perspective and reality expressed from their own representative voices, through of the cinema. In addition to contributing to the decentralization of cinema and culture, generating a process of circulation at the territorial level and taking the traveling exhibition and its complementary activities to a wide and diverse public, in urban and rural areas, with the exhibition of the participating works in various spaces, such as Mapuche communities, schools and cultural centers in towns that generally have difficulty accessing the cinema because they are far from large urban centers, also generating Nvtram (conversation) spaces around its contents.


TUWUN is an indigenous film exhibition that consists mainly of the realization of a Central Exhibition, which takes place every year for 4 days, in the Municipal Cultural Center of Villarrica, accompanied by activities carried out in various areas of the city. And of an Itinerant Exhibition, which covers various places in Wallmapu, the Mapuche ancestral territory (southern Chile and Argentina) and is held from the month following the central exhibition, until June of the following year, where for the Mapuche people The cycle ends and begins again with the celebration of Wiñoy Tripantu (Mapuche New Year).


Within the framework of TUWUN, we develop various complementary activities, both during the central exhibition and during the traveling exhibition. Among them, a TRAWUN (meeting), special screenings by guests of indigenous peoples and the Mapuche people, NVTRAMCINE (cinema forums), TUWUN screenings inserted in other film and culture competitions, screenings for schools and communities, special cycles in the summer season . And a workshop for the appreciation of cinema with identity, which we have designed for training and mediation with different audiences, such as children and young people of school age, adults, leaders of organizations, Mapuche communities, etc.


TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu, is coordinated and produced by ADKIMVN Cine y Comunicación Mapuche, with the sponsorship of LIQUEN Municipal Cultural Center and the Illustrious Municipality of Villarrica, and the collaboration of a network of organizations, cultural centers, municipal departments of culture, Mapuche communities and educational centers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Biosegura Film, Environment and Rural World

02 May 2017

Published: 01 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural

Biosegura Film, Environment and Rural World

Beas de Segura, Spain

Biosegura Film Festival " Environment and Rural Development".

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Logo of International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Международный детский фестиваль кино и телевидения КИНОСВЕТ - International Children’s Festival Of Cinema And Television Kinosvet

International Children’s festival of cinema and television KINOSVET

Minsk, Belarus

The “KINOSVET” International Children's Cinema and Television Festival will be held from October, 2025 in Minsk, Belarus.

Festival "KINOSVET" is designed to develop, inspire and support young cinematographers; those who will soon influence the mass culture in their countries. The festival will allow those who want to make this world better, to be seen and heard. And also give a wide range of viewers the taste of a highly moral, deep, humane, inspiring art.

What movies and TV shows are shown around the world today? Who teaches contemporary and, most importantly, future artists and media ways to illuminate moral and, spiritual laws? Who controls the content and ideological direction of the most meaningful and strong types of art? The festival’s purpose is to seek, find, and give a venue to young talents who can create beautiful and meaningful art that makes our world brighter and kinder.

Festival goals:

development of cinematography;
moral education of children and adolescents;
the formation of personality with the help of cinema;

initiation of the younger generation to spiritual culture;

increasing the interest in creating films focused on children and youth audiences.

Festival tasks:

to fill the world with good pictures with humane ideas, moral values in order to make our world brighter;

to revive children’s, youth and family cinema;
to draw the attention of society around the world to social problems that are associated with children, people in need and nature;

to promote true, universal spiritual values;

to educate a new generation of filmmakers;

to expand and strengthen filmmakers connections from different countries both for children and youth;

to draw the attention of state, public and commercial organizations to supporting children’s and family filmmaking as well as to encouraging of the young authors.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Paraguay LesBiGayTrans International Movie Festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine LesBiGayTrans

Paraguay LesBiGayTrans International Movie Festival

Asunción , Paraguay

21th LesBiGayTrans Film Fest International in Paraguay

Aireana, a lesbian rights group, organizer of the 21th edition of the LesBiGayTrans International Film Festival of Asunción welcomes you.

Entries may be submitted until May 15, 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Los Angeles, United States

The three-day long Hollywood International Film Festival features a host of international artists and offers such events as panel discussions, workshops, Q&A sessions and exhibits.

Hollywood International Film Festival's overall goal is to provide space where filmmakers can thrive as media makers. We accomplish this by putting strong films on screen, growing the next generation of filmmakers, and making it easier for anybody to make films.

Our criteria for a film is simple `a film which is driven by, or, ultimately concludes with an aim of building up something without destruction.

Hollywood International Film Festival seeks films that are imaginative, evocative, innovative, inspiring and entertaining.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of  International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner  International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac

International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac

Gornji Milanovac, Serbia

The organiser of the is the International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac is Cultural Centre “Mija Aleksi “ in Gornji Milanovac, Knez Mihailov trg, 1, 32300 Gornji Milanovac, the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: Organiser).

The International film Festival in Gornji Milanovac (hereinafter: the Festival) will be held from the 26th September to the 10th October 2023 in Gornji Milanovac, The Republic of Serbia. The Festival is an event that in its programme cherishes and promotes artistic values of the contemporary film–making.

The Festival aspires to present main directions and genres in film creation, to initiate contacts between film–makers, authors, audience... and to present the newest realisations in film production. The Festival is aimed at all film lovers.

The main aim of the Festival is promotion of film as well as education in audio – visual culture.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 24 Risas por Segundo

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 24 Risas por Segundo - Festival de Cine y Comedia

24 Risas por Segundo

Ciudad de México, Mexico

The ninth edition of 24 Risas por Segundo, Comedy Film Festival, will be held on May 6 to 11 in Mexico City and that is why we CALL Mexican and foreign filmmakers to register their comedy films (short films and feature films) to be part of our programme.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of DIGO –  Goiás, Sexual Diversity and Gender International Film Festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digo – Festival Internacional Da Diversidade Sexual E De Gênero De Goiás

DIGO – Goiás, Sexual Diversity and Gender International Film Festival

Goiânia, Brazil

DIGO – I International Film Festival on Gender and Sexual Diversity of Goiás, is the first film festival in the heart of Brazil to address issues such as Diversity, Gender and Sexuality, by showcasing contemporary audiovisual work and urging historical reviews. Our main goal is to raise awareness on this topic, in order to promote inclusion, social change and respect for others. As an international event, the DIGO team also believes in the importance of cross cultural communication.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of CalellaFilmFestival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner CalellaFilmFestival


Calella, Spain

The CalellaFilmFestival is a festival dedicated to all those Low Budget films of national or international production, with the aim of rewarding and promoting films made with few media but with high artistic value.

The CalellaFilmFestival has two sections:
"Low Budget" section
The selected feature films will compete as best productions of the year in the national or international scope, with an investment of less than 500,000 euros.

Section "Creative Rosebud Awards"
All those productions that throughout the year have stood out for their creativity and originality, both in the field of national and international production, with an investment exceeding 500.00 euros will compete.

Read the bases to register your movie.

The festival will be held from october 31 to november 8 to 4, 2025 in Calella de Mar (Barcelona) in the Sala Mozart and other rooms attached to the festival. For schedules, passes and more information go to the festival website.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of To Save and Preserve

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner The International Ecological Festival “To Save and Preserve“

To Save and Preserve

Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

Festival is an international unique project.

These days Khanty-Mansiysk becomes a TV and environmental capital of Russia, where you can see the most actual foreign and native ecological documentary.

Nowadays mass media devote special attention to environmental issues. Every year state of our planet is getting worse. Participants of the festival are calling to rescue the world. They are real professionals that live TV and films.

Their works are worth of recognition. The main award - the Golden Loon - gives to participants an opportunity to create new films that could affect people' world view. Today the importance to respect nature can be reveal through the TV screen. The main thing is to do it properly. And International Ecological TV Festival "To Save and Preserve teaches and promote this thing.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Logo of Troyes international short film festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Court en Scène

Troyes international short film festival

Troyes, France

In Troyes, in the heart of the Champagne, Court en Scène highlights the best of the international live-action short films.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Premios Oriana

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca

Premios Oriana

Sant Andreu de la Barca, Spain

13th of the Sant Andreu de la Barca Film Festival and framework of the Oriana Awards delivery
The gala is held at the Nuria Espert Theater, where in one night the work of a year of filmmakers of short films, documentaries, web series and feature films is brought together.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Banner Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevo, Serbia

KFF was launched in 2013, as International Short Film Festival. From the very beginning, the essential part of our mission was to bring the audience closer to different kind of films and to provoke interest in film art, and furthermore in understanding its impacts in everyday life.

Festival is held annually during September in the city of Kraljevo (meaning "the King's Town"), where seven Serbian kings are said to have been crowned. Because of our historical heritage, we decided to name our festival “Kraljevski filmski festival”.

KFF is offering a filmmaker-friendly environment with a casual vibe, which is the reason why during the last 6 years we have had filmmakers flying in from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong, Finland, France, Switzerland, Russia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria…

In 2019, Kraljevski filmski festival had significant changes both on programming and management level by evolving to Post-production Film Festival. Our main goal besides showing great Short films will be to promote the art and craft of Post-production as well as the creative people from behind the camera. To achieve this, the KFF will invite postproduction artists from across the globe for masterclasses or workshops, and organize filmmakers meetings at KFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

Sassari, Italy

LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival is an environmental & human rights film festival

As we are preparing for the post-petroleum era?

This festival starts with the intention of overshooting the simple exposure. Although it is important to raise public awareness on the risks connected to the exploitation and to the use of natural resource in the production of fossil fuels, still remains, the enormous and dramatic problem of the disasters caused by the lack of energy, with particular reference to the water supply, highly relevant to the world population. The main objective of the festival will be, therefore, not only emphasizing problems related to the use of fossil fuels, but especially identifying the alternatives which take into account, according to the present scientific knowledge, the several well-known methods of production.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Bow Wow Film Festival

01 May 2017

Published: 30 Apr 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Bow Wow Film Festival

Bow Wow Film Festival

Boulder, United States

The Bow Wow Film Fest is a traveling, dog centric film festival that celebrates, educates and inspires all things doggie through the art of short film.

Bow Wow Film Fest features some of the years’ best pooch themed short films all wrapped up in one beautiful, fun-loving 90 minute package! Bow Wow presents an opportunity for animal welfare groups to host an event that generates awareness as well as offers a unique and delightful way to fund raise. 100% of tickets sales go the events beneficiaries! Films change annually.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation