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Dedìcated to Max Lìnder, famous French show man and producer ìn Usa, wìth a tragìc end of hìs lìfe, the 4F festìval 3th edìtìon wants to dìscover and promote new sìlent formats for new medìa.
SorsiCorti is a Short Film Festival that combines conviviality and interest in the art of the short film.
SorsiCorti was born from passion for cinema and desire to explore innovative and experimental trails of short films.
Careful and accurative selection carried out by an evaluation committee made up of experts cinephiles, allows that only high quality short films access the program projection.
SorsiCorti has developed a strong collaboration with the young cultural reality of the Piccolo Teatro Patafisico in Palermo, who also became the official location of the live screenings. However, various events are realized around in town.
The Festival’s aim is to encourage, through cinematographic art and expression, a reflection on relevant issues for women related to their specific cultural, political and social context. The Festival is a place for intercultural dialogue and dialectical comparison between different cinematographies as well as an opportunity to promote distribution of films that are unlikely to have access to commercial venues.
LA PECCA -Small Environmental Film Contest- was born in 2007 by the DeFrente Association.
The main purpose of this project is to promote respect for sexual and gender diversity through cinema, contributing to the development of a plural and inclusive society.
Taking a quality film event as a vehicle, we show plural life stories and encourage people to visibly live their sexual and gender identity, to promote social awareness and claim at the same time the right of the LGTBIQ + community to be present in culture and in society equally.
We also give visibility and support to quality cinematography, promoting the discovery of new talents.
ASOCIACIÓN DEFRENTE is a non-profit organization in Seville that was established in 2006. Since its inception, its objectives have been aimed at serving the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in response to a social demand by being this group in a situation of marginalization and discrimination in many areas of daily life.
The objectives of Festival de Malaga are to disseminate and promote Spanish films and their general cultural sphere. In this sense, the Festival is also a platform for Latin American film productions. Its functions include hosting an event for the different professional sectors of films in Spanish (construed as films produced in Spain and all of Latin America, including Brazil) to boost their development and promote international sales.
In compliance with these objectives, the 28th Edition of Festival de Málaga will be held from 14th to 23rd March 2025.
Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival is a monthly online festival with live screeenings. Our festival is a brilliant opportunity to participate in inernational competition.
The films of the Official selection and the winners will be selected each month, so the filmmakers will know about jury’s decision very quickly.
Every film in the official selection has a chance to be a winner and to be shown along with other films-winners at the gala-screening once a year.
Winners will be announced on our website and social media pages every month.
Take the experience with Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival and your film will has a chance:
– to be chosen in Official selection;
– to be a winner in one of the categories;
– to be screened at the festival event.
Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival is an independent festival for independent filmmakers. Our festival has emerged as the online festival and monthly film club. Currently it is an online festival with the annual gala screenings of the winning films.
Selected films and the winners will be announced on 25th day the following month.
“Films of the month” will be shown at the annual event.
The AVIFF Festival presents a program of films by Artists in Cannes during the period of the Cannes Film Festival 4 days in May.
The concept: show another "cinema" and present audiovisual works to an audience of festival-goers and professionals.
The works selected must have been produced by Artists for less than 2 years and have never been presented in France before.
The program presented in Cannes will then be programmed during the year in partner places of education and culture: Festivals, museums, Center of Contemporary Arts, Foundations, Universities, schools... and this in the world, in Europe and in France.
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region, the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York and private and public partners, the AVIFF Festival has been working for 13 years to promote the Artist's film and its dissemination, in favor of worldwide artistic freedom and the expression of one's creativity.
All Artist Directors are welcome whatever the format of your films and their duration.
Since 2013, the International Film Festival for Human Rights Colombia offers attendees an audiovisual, cultural and academic program that contributes to the formation of audiences, the strengthening of film and cultural industries, the creation of spaces for dialogue around life, reconciliation, the promotion and defense of human rights, and the construction of ideas for peace.
The Festival is the ideal setting for the film community of Colombia and the world that bets on audiovisual narration with a focus on human rights, which is why it becomes the main platform for the promotion, circulation, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works whose demand is limited due to their non-commercial subject matter.
The Festival is being held simultaneously in the cities of Barranquilla, Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Soacha, Cartagena, Manizales, Pereira and Villavicencio, and in about 10 municipalities in the country, organized by Fundación Impulsos.
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
Hi Filmmakers! Our 2016 festival is in the history books again!
A comment from a filmmaker:
The Florida Movie Festival is a truly a wonderful experience. From the first contact with the organizers the filmmakers will feel they are with friends. The advantage of this festival is that there is direct contact with an audience through engaging group workshops, social gatherings and Q&A sessions. The location, Daytona Beach, makes it a refreshing environment to balance life with the intensities that many filmmakers deal with on a day by day basis. Respective, appreciative, encouraging, open, balanced, and supportive - The Florida Movie Festival.
Want to come to "World's Most Famous Beach" in Daytona Beach, Florida? Submit your movie and you have made the first step in enjoying time in Florida in early March. You will have the festival, workshops, networking, sun, more sun, fun, on the ocean and theme parks within an hours drive. Are you in the cold weather, come thaw out and enjoy a week here.
Our Florida Movie Fest featured "Long Pants(60+min), Loose Shorts(20-59), and Short Shorts(1-19)" with a "NEW" genre in "Outdoor/Adventure/Travel this year. It was a big success just like the Women Directed/Produced from the previous year. The Women Directed/P remains our largest and most competitive genre. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your new work this year.
This year we moved our screenings to the "World's Most Famous Beach" in Daytona Beach, Florida. Our workshops included: Creative Financing , Cinematography (2-Emmy award winning DP's), Copyright protection of intellectual property, Directing and Casting. These workshops were held in a room overlooking the ocean. Most of these terrific workshop hosts have indicated they would return and we are already engaged in conversation about a full day workshop - hands on with an Emmy award DP. Sounds great!
So next year make plans early and come to Daytona Beach, for the festival, sun, car races, bike week, or spring break. Maybe all the above.
Filmmakers came from as far away as Toronto and Calgary, Canada along with California.
Please make plans for the coming year.
Winners this year came from Sri Lanka, Iran, Germany, Austria, India, Australia, Argentina, UK, Chile, Ecuador , Brazil, Uruguay, France, Russia, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Taiwan , Egypt, Mexico, Canada, and US.
"Movies with passion and freedom" continues as our theme this year. Wow did you hit this on the mark. It is a real quality event when we have so much talent around the world finding its way to our festival.
FMF does encourage you to submit multiple work or a second category with same movie. Contact FMF to receive a twenty-five % discount for second movie and a fifty % discount for a third movie. If you find yourself in a quandary on which category to enter. You can enter a second category for a 50% discount to increase your chances for success.
FMF will continue our three main categories: "Short Shorts (1-19min), Loose Shorts (20-59min), and Long Pants (60+min)". A great 8 min. film is hard to be judged against a 35 min. short so we expanded to create a "Mini-Feature" category and to fairly protect the truly short film. This worked very well for us.
FMF will not change it's core principles in expanding, but FMF wants to provide an expansion of topics at this venue for our filmmakers and viewers to take a journey of - learning, relating, laughing, and many other emotions while keeping a thread of moral fabric!
One of our newer and very rewarding genre is Women. After attending a workshop on film for women, FMF heard their message. One of those messages: only 12% of women filmmakers are on the big screen. We want to help change that one independent film at a time. You are off to a great start, keep up the fabulous work.
Remember the book "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus". FMF wants to offer a genre that the story, script, director, producer or lead role is a Woman. FMF is looking beyond the industry term "chick flick" to films that are thought-provoking and personal growth about "Venus" or a view from "Venus". Present the world as a woman experience’s it – enlighten, empower, entertain, educate, inspire, curiosity and stimulate conversation.
If you have read this far, here are a few nuggets of treasure. The first 5 paid submissions will automatically receive an official selection. (Early bird does get selected). The first 5 paid comedy, documentaries and adventure/outdoors/travel will also automatically receive an official selection. After submitting, send an email asking if you are automatically an official selection!! Good luck early birds.
In summary:
Categories are: Short (short shorts), Mini-Feature (loose shorts), and Feature (long pants).
Genres are: Women, Documentaries, Faith/Inspirational, Adventure/Outdoors and Narrative/Other
Other Categories: Student Movie, Animation, Web-Series/TV, Comedy, Florida Local and Music Video. Please Note: These are not Genre specific!
Come join us, we will treat your work, like we do ours!
Come join us in Central Florida on the beach!
Rules & Terms
1. Competition is open to anyone who wishes to enter.
2. Films produced, primarily financed, or initiated by a major Hollywood film studio are ineligible for competition.
3. Films must have been completed no earlier than January 1, 2013.
4. Films must be available for screening during the festival.
5. By submitting a film to the FMF, the filmmaker agrees to allow the film to be screened at the festival, and to allow short portions of the film to be used by the Florida Film Festival for promotional purposes.
6. Individual filmmakers are encouraged to offer multiple submissions. Each submission must be accompanied by its own entrance fee and submission form.
6a. Entries will have an opportunity to be selected and judged by peers through our network and possible other venue locations.
7. Finalists will be selected based on excellence in their conformity to the criteria, categories, guidelines, and festival objectives.
7a. FMF may require a DVD or file transfer to show at festival. FMF will notify you
before or shortly after the notification date.
8. DVDs or flash memory devices, will not be returned under any circumstances. Receipt of films will be sent by e-mail correspondence.
9. Application fee is non-refundable.
10. Awards will be presented to the individuals or teams responsible for the winning films in March 2017.
11. The People’s Award is based on the votes of the moviegoers at the festival. All other awards are judged on the overall merit of the entries. Judges reserve the right not to grant a category award.
12. If you enter as a Student Category. You will need to include the school, grade and age. It can even be a Film school. Need to verify the lower entry fee and competition status. FMF will divide into two groups: under 18 and 18+.
13. If any category doesn't have at least 5 selections for competition FMF will combine with a similar category for a stronger competition.
In summary:
Categories are: Short, Mini-Feature, and Feature. Short shorts are 1-19min, Loose shorts are 20-59min, Long pants are 60+min.
Genres are: Women, Documentaries, Faith/Inspirational, Adventure/Outdoors/Travel and Narrative/Other
Other Categories: Student Movie, Animation, Web-Series, Comedy, and Music Video, Please Note: These are not Genre specific!
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Fiver is an spanish platform for research, education, production and distribution of dance film and new media. Since 2012 we launch, among other actions, the FIVER Awards.
We are looking for all genre fiction, experimental, animation and documentary short films that explore the possibilities of the union between cinema and dance. We look forward for watching new collaborations between filmmakers and choreographers, crazy experiments that use the representation of the body on the screen and unique stories that work with movement to break narrative boundaries.
We invite you to submit your works, hoping to discover fresh and unique visions, the incorporation of new techniques, and moments that breathe life.
Festival Ull Nu:
It is a space to encourage, spread and fertilize creativity, art, culture and young talent.
It is a meeting point, exchange and dialogue between young creators coming from all over the Pyrenees and professionals from the film and audiovisual industry.
It is an alternative, original and innovative leisure proposal that aims to promote and bring to Andorra new proposals and audiovisual trends.
It is a unique experience, a festival of cinema and audiovisual.
The Cambodia International Film Festival (12th Edition in 2023) is the most significant and industry driven film event in the Kingdom of Cambodia and SE Asia. Every year, the event features prominent pictures and hosts guests from Cambodia and abroad.
CIFF focuses on inspiring audiences to the diversity of films, promote innovative international film making in various forms and present quality productions made in and about Cambodia by national and international filmmakers.
Since 2015, CIFF has a special selection of films on environment and climate action.
CIFF takes place in the best theaters of Phnom Penh (10 venues, 160+ screenings, 130+ films) and fully respects copyright.
The Palencia International Films Festival is organised by the Association Friends of the film and the Popular University of Palencia.
This edition is number 34, and during all these years, our philosphy has been considering cinema a tool of development and social cohesion.
Our festival colaborates with the Spanish Cinema Academy, and its a qualifyer festival for the GOYA shortfilm Awards.
In addition, the short film awarded the first prize by the jury at the MCIP (the Milagros Alcalde Award) will go directly to the Short List finalist of the FUGAZ Awards, making up the short list of films that will then be evaluated for nomination by the commission that awards these prizes each year.
Iron Mule is New York's only monthly short comedy film series, screening narrative, documentary, animated and experimental comedies from around the world. In our 15 years we have presented more than 1,000 movies, including early work from many celebrated filmmakers and comedians such as Stephen Colbert, Seth Macfarlane, Lena Dunham, Aziz Ansari, and Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Galzer.
Each screening features a guest judge from the world of film, comedy, television, or the New York art scene. Hosts Jay Stern and Victor Varnado interview attending filmmakers during the show, and each screening is followed by an after party, in which filmmakers and audience members can mingle.
In addition, Iron Mule produces the "Wanna Be a Star" contest, in which an audience member is chosen to star in a new film directed by an Iron Mule filmmaker to be shown at the following month's screening.
The Iron Mule is an open, accessible festival dedicated to fostering a community of filmmakers and film fans.
Short Films, Music Videos, Documentaries, Animation Films and Experimental Films.
With four days of film screenings and networking events for filmmakers, the Trivandrum Capital City Short Film Festival is an event not to be missed.
The inaugural Trivandrum Capital City Short Film Festival is fast becoming an Asian hub for innovative cinema and a new wave of short filmmaking. Showcasing a broad range of genres by international directors, Trivandrum Capital City Short Film Festival brings the best of fresh filmmaking to film-loving Trivandrum audiences.
The Trivandrum Capital City Short Film Festival will show over 100 films, and is open to any film in any genre, under 60 minutes in length. Trivandrum Capital City Short Film Festival especially looks forward to exhibiting independent and low-budget films with innovative flair.
The festival program is divided into the following categories:
• Short Films with a maximum duration of 60 minutes
• Documentaries with a maximum duration of 60 minutes
• Animation Films with a maximum duration of 60 minutes
• Short Experimental Films with a maximum duration of 60 minutes
• Music Videos with a maximum duration of 60 minutes
• Retrospectives, Tributes, Country Focus, Special Packages, Premieres
• Technical Workshops and other Interactive Sessions
Luxor African Film Festival is organized by Independent Shabab Foundation, which is a civil and nonprofit organization cooperates with the culture developed fund & other entities . The festival is organized under the auspices of significant Egyptian Ministries and other organizations.
- The first festival for African Cinema in Egypt since the start of the film industry
- The first international film festival in Upper-Egypt
- The first festival featuring outdoor screenings in Upper-Egypt
- The first festival fully organized by an Egyptian civilian NGO
- The first festival featuring the participation of all African countries and hosting more than 100 guests from Africa, Europe and the Americas
Zinegoak is organized by Zinegoak Association and will take place in the city of Bilbao, Spain, June 2025.
All films which have an approach to sexual and gender diversity and LGTBQ+ families, which have been produced after January 1st, 2023 and never had been broadcasted or commercially released in Basque Country.