Logo of Experimental Forum

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of School Film Festival Alvorada -RS

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cinema Escolar de Alvorada-RS

School Film Festival Alvorada -RS

Alvorada, Brazil


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of ENMUT Festival

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival ENMUT

ENMUT Festival

Barcelona, Spain

It is a festival of "silent" short films (no audible dialogue),
open to professionals and amateurs.

It is a non-profit project,
with the support of public institutions, social organizations and private sponsors who offer products or services as prizes of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Festival of Emergent Documentary

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fidé -  Festival International Du Documentaire Émergent

International Festival of Emergent Documentary

Paris, France

Fidé is a festival in France which is completely dedicated to the international student documentary. It's about any filmed, sound or multimedia work leaning on the reality and which was realized during director's studies. Universities, schools, workshops and students of the whole world participate in it, for about 600 documentaries registered every year. Its principles are the ones of the promotion and the celebration of the student creations, except the usual circuits, in which they rarely find their place.

The festival has no restrictions of the date of the production or original support, subject or length.

Directors of all nationalities are welcomed to submit their films. Subtitles in French or English are demanded.

Next Fidé will take place in April 2021, in Parisian suburbs.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of 3rd Andares Contemporary Film Festival

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 3° Festival De Cine Contemporáneo Andares

3rd Andares Contemporary Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Within the framework of the multiple activities presented and organized by Andares: Cinematographic Actions, we are pleased to present the third edition of our Contemporary Film Festival. Another short, careful and compact edition to celebrate cinephilia in the peruvian fall.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

23 Oct 2016

Published: 22 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bogotá Music Video Festival

22 Oct 2016

Published: 21 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bogotá Music Video Festival

Bogotá Music Video Festival

Bogotá DC, Colombia

The purpose of the Bogotá Music Video Festival is to celebrate the art of music video, the joy of music and the passion for filmmaking. We bring the music video art to different screens around Bogotá and top that with live music, exhibitions and academic and industry events. We want to showcase independent and fierce work to new audiences, focusing on the potential of awe brought by the communion between music and moving images.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of OMAI Film and Theatre Festival

22 Oct 2016

Published: 21 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner OMAI Film and Theatre Festival

OMAI Film and Theatre Festival

San Antonio, United States

OMAI Film and Theatre Festival is a branch of OMAI. The festival was born in San Antonio, Texas at the very beginning of 2016 by Actress/Director Andrea Mundaka. Now, in alliance with the Journalist/Director Luis Franceschi, both working together to achieve a successful launch of the festival this year in Mendoza, Argentina. The idea of it is to promote the audiovisual arts around the world and give the opportunity to others to show their work and dedication for this type of art. We believe that by helping each other grow, we can all make it, and what better way to show our work than a festival? The submissions are open to everyone who has anything ready to show in a movie theatre. We want to work together, along with all the members of OMAI to make this festival a complete success, and show the hidden jewels of film around the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Pilar de la Horadada International Film Festival - CORTOPILAR | PILAR AWARDS 2024

21 Oct 2016

Published: 20 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Pilar De La Horadada - Cortopilar | Premios Pilar 2024

Pilar de la Horadada International Film Festival - CORTOPILAR | PILAR AWARDS 2024

Pilar de la Horadada, Spain

8th Pilar de la Horadada International Film Festival - CORTOPILAR | PILAR AWARDS 2024

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Post Alley Film Festival

21 Oct 2016

Published: 20 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Post Alley Film Festival

Post Alley Film Festival

Seattle, United States

Post Alley Film Festival is a day-long screening event of female centric and eccentric short films celebrating established and emerging, creative filmmakers. The festival provides a venue for the female voice in film with thought provoking works that entertain and challenge. PAFF screens short films by women and men. It is unique in the Pacific NW. PAFF is sponsored by Women in Film Seattle www.womeninfilmseattle.org WIF Seattle is a professional organization that provides resources and opportunities for female filmmakers and promotes the interlacing of our filmmaker community. WIF Seattle is dedicated to promoting respect of women on and off set and screen.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of BAF - Brasília Animation Festival

21 Oct 2016

Published: 20 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner BAF - Brasília Animation Festival

BAF - Brasília Animation Festival

Brasilia, Brazil

Brasília Animation Festival is the firts International Film Festival in Brasília, exclusevily for animation movies. The short films selected will be displayed between 04 and October 06, 2019. There will be a special session, named "Bloody Session", dedicated exclusively to marginal, experimental movies, fantastic, surreal and even scatological.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Nunes International Film Festival

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Nunes

Nunes International Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of ABP FLY MOVIES 2016

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ABP FLY MOVIES 2016


São Pedro , Brazil

The ABP FLY MOVIES 2016 event organized by the Brazilian Association of Paragliding, will take place simultaneously to the 22nd Clinical & Paragliding Brazilian Congress on days 18, 19 and 20 November 2016 in the city of São Pedro - SP and is an open festival both professional and amateur filmmakers.

Films are accepted, animations, documentaries or visual montages whose theme is air sports of the following ways: paragliding, hang gliding, paramotor, trike, paratrayk, parachuting, speedy fly, ballooning, wingsuit, glider, base jump, kite, model airplanes, boomerang, aerobatic airplanes and / or helicopters. Also films will be accepted whose theme is the flight of a bird.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other

Logo of LA Underground Film Forum

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LA Underground Film Forum

LA Underground Film Forum

Los Angeles, United States

LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.

Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.

We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.

LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Nunes International Film Festival

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Nunes

Nunes International Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of São Tomé FestFilm

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner São Tomé FestFilm

São Tomé FestFilm

Aveiro, Portugal

Internation Film Festival of Sao Tome and Principe.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

Kanyakumari, India

Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !

Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.

The call for entries for the film festival is now open!

Screening Categories:

Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes

Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-24

20 Oct 2016

Published: 19 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-24

13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-24

Greater Noida, India

Promoting short films and documentaries culture in a country where commercial cinema has always ruled the roost is not an easy task. Delhi Shorts International Film Festival is one such successful effort started in year 2012 by Miniboxoffice with successful 2012 to 2022 editions. The festival brings thoughtful, highly creative & engaging short films from around the world to fulfill the cinegoers' appetite of the capital city of India. The festival aim is to establish a short film industry which runs parallel to commercial cinema.

13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2024 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful 2012 to 2023 editions & enjoys the credibility of one of the most trusted short film festival of India. The festival was not only embraced by the short filmmaker’s but regarded by the media & industry members also.

The festival objective is to boost-up the short film market & providing exhibition platform to short filmmakers. The festival gives the professional networking opportunities & at the same time introduces the latest trends in cinema to the filmmakers. 13th DSIFF-24 is a unique platform here you can share, learn, showcase, observe & do many more thing to polish your creative & technical skills. We hope that this festival will turn a milestone in your filmmaking career.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Experimental Forum

18 Oct 2016

Published: 17 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

18 Oct 2016

Published: 17 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

Brussels, Belgium

The European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (the Federation) is a tightly knit network of 22 film festivals from 14 countries, with a global attendance of over 450 000 visitors, making it a vital economic and cultural player on the fantastic film scene.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror