Logo of DokuFest

01 Mar 2016

Published: 29 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner DokuFest


Prizren, Kosovo

DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, is the largest film festival in Kosovo. Recognized as one of the top film and music event in SouthEast Europe, festival fills the cinemas and improvised screening venues around historic city center of Prizren with a selection of more than 200 hand picked films from around the world, whileat the same time bringing top international and local music acts to perform at DokuNights music festival. Documentary photo exhibitions, debates, master classes and lively atmosphere in the city all add to the charm of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of The International Horror Hotel

01 Mar 2016

Published: 29 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The International Horror Hotel

The International Horror Hotel

Bedford Hts., United States

The 14th Year will include new additions and competitions! The International Horror Hotel Film Festival and Convention is held every June in Northeast Ohio. We have open competitions for films and scripts in the following genres: experimental (film only), fantasy, horror, horror-comedy, slasher, sci-fi and suspense-thriller. We also accept trailers, music videos, TV pilots (film or script), and web episodes (film or script) for projects in the listed genres.

Competition is also open for our horror film scoring competition (submissions through our website). At the event, we have live scream king/scream queen and FX makeup competitions as well.

This year we will also be holding the second annual Room 237 Film Competition where film makers will compete to create a film in 30 days making use of a murder weapon assigned during a zoom kick off meeting. Further information about the Room 237 Film Competition will be available on the Horror Hotel Film Festival Web Site by January 2024. Start building your team and get ready to compete!

The event features four days of film screenings, two days of panel discussions and lectures, a convention starting on Friday afternoon, special guests, networking Karaoke parties, live competitions and more.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cryptshow Film Festival

01 Mar 2016

Published: 29 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Cryptshow Festival

Cryptshow Film Festival

Badalona, Spain

Cryptshow Festival is an initiative that promotes the fantasy genreand terror. Every July fill Badalona de Zombies, aliens, vampires and serial killiers most infamous. And to much horror ... the horror!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of VideoMaker Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Videomaker Film Festival

VideoMaker Film Festival

Casalnuovo di Napoli , Italy

Any kind of video or movie produced by 2014, in any language (we need Italian subtitles). The final term for inscription is february 19th 2017. Info www.videomakerfilmfestival.com

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of New York City Italian American Short Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Italian American Short Film Festival

New York City Italian American Short Film Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Italian American Short Film Festival (NYCIASFF) will be held May 6-7, 2016, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA as part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016.

The NYC Italian American Short Film Festival (NYCIASFF) showcases short films of all genres made by Italian American storytellers and artists. The festival aims to explore, examine, and celebrate the identity and heritage of this unique chunk in the melting pot that is the United States.

We all have passion. Filmmakers are luck because they are in a position to share that passion with others and use it to change the world for the better. Do you have a short film that you are passionate about? We would like to see it.

Join us for the 1st Annual NYC Italian American Short Film Festival and become part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCIASFF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions either a private/password protected vimeo/YouTube link. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST SIX (6) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by April 15, 2016 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of New York City Short Comedy Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Short Comedy Film Festival

New York City Short Comedy Film Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Short Comedy Film Fest (NYCSCFF) will be held May 20, 2018, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.

**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****

What makes you laugh? Opposing personalities, bad puns, witty insults, inappropriate bodily functions, dead babies, old people falling down stairs, cats doing people things - we're open to it all!

Come make us laugh at the 3rd Annual NYC Short Comedy Film Fest and be part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCSCFF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions either a private/password protected vimeo/YouTube link. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the beginning of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given a free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of New York City Improv Video Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Improv Video Festival

New York City Improv Video Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Improv Video Festival (NYCIVF) will be held May 7, 2016, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA as part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016.

Improv is the art of creating something from nothing - it is the act of walking on stage with only your wits and the clothes on your back, and somehow pulling a show out of thin air. But the sparsity of the improv stage belies just how much the performers are actually working with - a positive, can-do attitude, an openness to collaboration and connecting with the audience, the willingness to try anything for a laugh, and of course, a deep, abiding commitment to the philosophy of "Yes, and." With such an abundance of skills and support at one's disposal, who needs a script?

Do you have a great video of your brilliant Improv Group? Well we want to see! The NYC Improv Video Festival will be part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016. We will also offer the opportunity for the Improv Groups whose videos are accepted to the festival to perform live. Fun is guaranteed for all!

Join us for the 1st Annual NYC Improv Video Festival and become part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCIVF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST SIX (6) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by April 15, 2016 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

New York, United States

The NYC Animation/Anime Short Fest (NYCAASF) will be held Marc 25, 2018, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.

**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****

Animation is a fantastic, creative medium capable of bringing a storyteller’s inner visual world to life and sharing it with audiences everywhere. As the capabilities of computer-generated imagery continue to increase, there are fewer and fewer limitations as to what can be created on the screen.

Anime means "animation" in Japanese. However, in English the word Anime is often used to describe the very distinct style of Japanese animation. In some ways, Anime can be used to explore the everyday lives and fears of young people more effectively than Western Animation.

Join us for the 3rd Annual Animation/Anime Short Fest and become part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCAASFF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by March 15, 2018 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Short Documentary Film Festival (NYCSDFF) will be held March 22, 2020, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.

**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****

Documentary film is a genre that is based in truth and told with style. Every second of every day, an infinite multitude of stories are playing out in every nook and cranny of the world - the goal of documentary film is take this sprawling mass of real life and weave it into cinematic art. The purposes of documentary are multifold - to educate, to entertain, to bring attention to important issues or to simply highlight the understated wonders of everyday life.

Join us for the 5th Annual NYC Short Documentary Film Festival and become part of a growing tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from info@nycsdff.com.

We only accept online submissions either a FilmFreeWay online video or a private/password protected vimeo/YouTube link. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the beginning of February. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.)

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of 12 Months Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 12 Months Film Festival

12 Months Film Festival

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!



Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;

We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here: http://12mff.com/services/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 4ª Mostra Cultura de Cinema Brasileiro

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 4ª Mostra Cultura de Cinema Brasileiro

4ª Mostra Cultura de Cinema Brasileiro

Fortaleza, Brazil


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Los Angeles CineFest

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Etheria Film Night

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Etheria Film Night

Etheria Film Night

Redondo Beach, United States

Etheria Film Night screens an annual showcase of the best new horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action, and thriller films directed by women for an audience including producers, managers, show runners, distributors, and genre fans. Our festival’s goal is to prove to the entertainment industry that there are women filmmakers making fantastic genre films and to connect these filmmakers to industry professionals.

The 2016 Etheria Film Night Premiere will take place at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, California in June, 2016. The event is hosted by American Cinematheque, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all forms of films through screenings at the historic Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood and Aero Theatre in Santa Monica.

For questions, please email stacy@etheriafilmnight.com or heidi@etheriafilmnight.com

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Zanzibar International Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Zanzibar International Film Festival

Zanzibar International Film Festival

Zanzibar, Tanzania

The Zanzibar International Film Festival is an esteemed annual event showcasing films from diverse regions, promoting cultural exchange and celebrating the vibrant art of filmmaking. Established in 1997, ZIFF continues to inspire and unite global audiences through the magic of cinema.

The Zanzibar International Film Festival 2024 is set to take place from 01st Aug to 04th Aug, 2024. ZIFF management would like to inform film professionals worldwide that the festival is currently accepting applications for all African films (including African Diaspora) and films from the Dhow Countries’ region- South East Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, The Persian Gulf, Iran, Pakistan, India and the Indian Ocean Islands from 06th April, 2024 till 05th May, 2024. Films must be have been produced after 2022. ZIFF reserves the right to accept any films with a specific interest to the festival.

This year ZIFF management extend special interest to Tv Drama Series from East African Countries (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Somalia & Republic of the Congo) The Tv Drama series should be between 25 to 60 minutes in length per episode.

Films should preferably depict the Festival theme; Rejuvenation. Films reflecting the theme of global cultural interaction, cultural encounters or sociocultural commentary will be given priority. Films must have been completed no later than May 05th, 2024.

We will accept submissions of works in progress only after agreement with ZIFF management. The Submission Deadline is 05th May 2024. The festival reserves the right to also invite films for screening at ZIFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Shortfilm Fest La Union

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes de La Unión

Shortfilm Fest La Union

La Unión, Colombia

FestiCortos LaUnion Valle

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Cortintelvi International Short Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi

Cortintelvi International Short Film Festival

Centro Valle Intelvi, Italy

The competition is addressed to filmmakers from all over the world who produce short films and documentaries.

Its purpose is to appraise short films and documentary-films whose goal is expressiveness and cultural disclosure starting a cinematographic event throughout Val d’Intelvi.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of New York City Independent Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of New York City Independent Film Festival

Banner New York City Independent Film Festival

New York City Independent Film Festival

New York, United States

New York City Independent Film Festival (NYCIndieFF) will hold a physical festival this year. We will celebrate the Independent Filmmaker, documentaries, short and feature-length films and animation. Whether a submission is comedic, dramatic, or something in between, The NYCIndieFF is eager to embrace fresh ideas and storytelling.

Home of the NYC Indie Awards the festival aims to discover the Artist Filmmaker, showcasing them to the entertainment industry and the NYC public. All NYCIndieFF screenings take place in the historic center of NYC, Time Square which is the perfect home for an event geared toward creating incredible opportunities for independent voices.

NYCIndieFF honors the Best in Category which includes Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Documentary, Best Short Narrative, Best Super Short, Best Covid Diaries, as well as Best Director.

NYCIndieFF provides a showcase for the best in independent cinema, including short films, feature films, music videos, and animated works. With panels, parties and a week-long gathering of fellow indie filmmakers NYCIndieFF is the place to be June 5 to June 8, 2024 This dates may move to accommodate any and all government regulations.

Submit now to be a part of all the excitement and join our community of Filmmakers from around the world. See in this year in NYC in 2024!!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of CINEfoot - International Football Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner CINEfoot - International Football Film Festival

CINEfoot - International Football Film Festival

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

CINEfoot - International Football Film Festival is the first film festival in Brazil and Latin America with unique curatorial and conceptual approaches about football. The event aims the promotion, diffusion, reflection and appreciation of football films from all over the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival International de Cinéma et mémoire Commune de Nador - Maroc

29 Feb 2016

Published: 28 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival International de Cinéma et Mémoire Commune  de Nador - Maroc

Festival International de Cinéma et mémoire Commune de Nador - Maroc

Meknès, Morocco

The shared memory center for democracy and peace (CMCDP) is a national human rights association with international extensions whose fields of action are:

- Issues related to memory and shared memory as knowledge and expertise;
- Promoting a culture of peace, coexistence and democracy;
- The fight against all forms of extremism;
- Defending human rights and contributing to the dissemination of their culture;
- Questions of identity and linguistic and cultural diversity.
- The consolidation and development of the values of solidarity and constructive dialogue between peoples and nations;
- Support for all generations of human rights.
It organizes an annual film festival in Nador, called the Festival International de Cinéma et Mémoire Commune (FICMEC), dedicated to the theme of memory.
In 2025, the theme of the 14th edition of the festival will be “The Memory of Peace”.
While some define peace as non-war, others go so far as to oppose it to all forms of violence. Although the preachers and emissaries of peace are constantly calling for :
- reconciliation between belligerents and warmongers to put an end to hostilities or ward off aggression and tip the balance in favor of collective intelligence;
- overcoming the stigma of the past through far-sighted dialogue and harmonious international relations;
- the promotion of a universal culture of pacifism through, among other things, the inclusion of the values of tolerance and fraternity in educational curricula;
- unanimous ratification of UN resolutions;
the resurgence of political, economic, religious and doctrinaire disputes has overtaken the voice of reason, compromising good-faith initiatives and plunging the international community into moral disarray.
The loss of life and devastation caused by any armed confrontation can be counted or at least estimated in post-war periods. Quantifiable, they provide information on the seriousness of the human and material damage caused or suffered. But who can accurately determine the impact of psychological trauma, accurately diagnose the wounds of the soul, and meticulously assess the after-effects of violence?
Memory wounds are difficult to suture in the short or medium term. To purge resentment, bend vindictiveness and soothe tormented consciences, taking the long and steep road to reconciliation seems the ideal solution for turning the bloody pages of the past. Memories, stories of resilience, forgiveness and solidarity, as well as shared painful experiences, are the best way to get rid of animosity and make way for amnesty.
The “Memory of Peace”, a concept that focuses on the elements of the past that call for appeasement and the building of a common future, has as its main foundations reconciliation and mutual understanding, learning from the mistakes of the past, anchoring the culture of non-violence in people's minds, and above all transmitting this memory to future generations through education, testimony and the arts, particularly cinema, which is a powerful vector of emotion and empathy.
In the light of the above, films will be selected that deal with one of the following themes:
- Reconciliation after war or genocide.
- Mutual understanding to overcome hatred and suffering and rebuild human and social bonds.
- Forgiveness and resilience
- Peace movements
- Emblematic figures of peace
- Learning from past mistakes
- spreading the values of justice and tolerance
- Anchoring the culture of non-violence in individual and collective memories
- Community initiatives that model peace and social cohesion
- Peace education through pedagogical approaches
As this list is not exhaustive, the festival management welcomes films dealing with other peace-related issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary