Logo of Prague Film Awards

03 May 2018

Published: 12 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Prague Film Awards

Prague Film Awards

Prague, Czech Republic

We welcome you to the Third Edition of Prague Film Awards - a two-day celebration of quality independent filmmaking, awards, and industry events in front of a live audience of film critics, enthusiasts and producers. Join us for two memorable nights of screenings, networking and red-carpet treatment.

Prague Film Awards, now in its second edition, was born out of a desire to create a welcoming space where international cinema and Czech filmmaking can meet and enrich each other. After our hugely successful, sold-out first edition in January 2018 and January 2019, we will be returning to Kino Atlas in Prague, January 2021.

We believe quality filmmaking should be celebrated and awarded, regardless of the budget. This is why our dedicated team of international programmers focus on creating the most diverse screening selection. Why our nominated filmmakers are guests of honor. Why seeing and hearing the audience react to your cinematic work is just one of the many ways your work is being rewarded.

We are passionate about supporting up-and-coming directors, producers and actors, and providing them with worthwhile, memorable screening experiences. These include Q&As with filmmakers, industry roundtables, and audience awards.

▶ We are accepting submissions for a number of categories and are open to all languages, as long as films in a language other than English are subtitled in English. All submissions must come through Festhome ◀

Prague Film Awards is run in association with Close:Up, a collection of international film festivals supporting indie filmmaking. By establishing a working network among filmmakers, producers and marketing professionals, we share one common goal: to forge productive and lasting relationships between independent filmmakers and audiences.

We are now open for submissions for our 2021 event!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Psicurt Festival De Curtmetratges Sobre Salut Mental

30 Jun 2018

Published: 12 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner PSICURT Festival de Curtmetratges sobre Salut Mental

Psicurt Festival De Curtmetratges Sobre Salut Mental

Reus y Tarragona, Spain


El Festival PSICURT está organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Cataluña, el Ayuntamiento de Reus y el Ayuntamiento de Tarragona.

El objetivo es dar a conocer los diferentes ámbitos de la salud mental (prevención, promoción e intervención) a través del cine. Un proyecto cultural, social y de salud que permita promover la creación artística y la sensibilidad del público con la salud mental.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


20 Dec 2018

Published: 12 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of IBIZACINEFEST

Banner Ibizacinefest - 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza


Ibiza, Spain

The 8th edition of the International Independent Film Festival of Ibiza has developed several seus in the 5 municipalities of the Island, for first time with institutional support from the 5 City Councils, and the online version on the Filmin platform. The institutional support in Ibiza is total by adding the Departments of Culture and Tourism of the Consell Insular of Ibiza more various private sponsors in the Island.

Ibizacinefest has renewed its commitment to Ibiza and culture with a program of 132 national and international titles, exclusive premieres in Spain and with 90% of premieres in the Balearic Islands, targeted activities to professionals, shortfilms contests to discover and boost the local and Balearic talent, educational program with special screenings per students and children to create new audiences.
The reflection has also covered his space through 19 conferences after screenings with his creators and creators on his creative process and the relationship between films and problems sociocultural realities. We have arrived at 75 guests, 18 internationals.

Short films are once again the protagonists of IBZCF24 with a qualifier for the Goya Awards 2024 by curtmetratges and colaboration with the European Film Academy with the Short Films on Tour.

Activities like our first golf session or the special one dedicated to Quinqui Cinema with the collaboration of the UNED of the Balearic Islands University.

They have been completely successful.The commitment to the industry is materialized with the Masterclass fees of first national level by Ion de Sosa and Laura Ferrés that even more. We have noticeably increased our in-person audience, by 38 sessions, with online tot l´estat thanks to our 14 program llargmetratges, 3 d'ells of Balearic production, to Filmin, with the presence in communication media, with international articles and a notable increase in impacts respect to the 2023 edition. We will continue to believe in committed author films, bothnecessary views, which is poden moure in fons i form at the margins of the norms of commercial cinema, with total freedom creative.

Xavi Herrero
Director and programmer IBZCF2-European Film Academy Member


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Animaphix - International Festival of Animated Film

20 Mar 2018

Published: 11 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Animaphix - International Festival of Animated Film

Animaphix - International Festival of Animated Film


Animaphix - International Festival of Animated Film, created by Rosalba Colla, It is organized by QB cutural association, was born in 2015 the commitment of a group of people already working in the film industry. The organization aims to promote and disseminates the art and culture of animation cinema in Sicily, territory where there is every reason to create projects in line with the main trends of national and international animated film.

Our mission is to look for the most capting innovations and original languages that the animated film offers, proposing a wide range of initiatives to involve a wide heterogeneous audience throughout the territory.


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Flash Forward

25 Feb 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Flash Forward

Flash Forward

Torino, Italy

La classe Brand New 2016/2018 della Scuola Holden di Torino, in collaborazione con le classi di Cinema e Reporting, presenta il Flash Forward Short Film Festival, che si terrà nel General Store della scuola il 7 e 8 aprile 2018.

Il festival è dedicato ai cortometraggi che hanno come tema o sono ambientanti nel futuro.

Il festival è strutturato in due giornate, una dedicata ai film di oggi che immaginano il mondo, le relazioni e l’ambiente del domani e una dedicata ai film del passato che disegnavano futuri possibili.

Di fronte all’ondata di prodotti culturali influenzati dalla nostalgia degli anni ’80 e ’90, vogliamo proporre uno sguardo verso ciò che sarà, perché il futuro non è scritto ma può essere immaginato. Il festival, tuttavia, non cerca necessariamente film di fantascienza, ma opere che
si pongano la domanda di come sarà la vita nei prossimi decenni.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of BienVenus sur Mars

31 Mar 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner BienVenus Sur Mars

BienVenus sur Mars

Yvré l'Evêque, France

The "BienVenus sur Mars" Science and Fiction Encounters are preparing for their next edition and are launching a call for films as part of their short film competition!

Through its programming bringing together shows, reading, digital art, music, visual arts, cinema, conferences, etc. BienVenus sur Mars proposes not only to rely on science fiction and the artistic forms that feed on it, but also on the very phenomenon of encounter between artists and scientists.

The films selected by the selection committee will therefore have to report on a link between science and fiction without necessarily being part of this cinematic genre. Films will be able to show science in various forms or scientists in their research, their work but also be works of fiction inspired by scientific questions.

The selected short films will be shown in public during the Encounters on Friday, April 16. A Jury Prize and a Public Prize will be awarded at the end of the competition.

Held at the Priory of Vivoin, from April 16 to 19, 2021, the Science and Fiction Sats BienVenus encounters on Mars are prepared by the Association Festivals in The Land of Upper Sarthe and CreatureS company in co-production with Sarthe Culture.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Cinema da Bienal de Curitiba

30 Jun 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cinema da Bienal de Curitiba

Festival de Cinema da Bienal de Curitiba

Curitiba, Brazil

The Curitiba Biennial Film Festival is a film festival meant to showcase innovative cinema from around the world by up-and-coming artists.

This submission attends only for the "25th birthday" shortfilm exibithion.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Cine-Fest

31 May 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cine-Fest

Banner Cine-fest


-, Afghanistan

CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival is traditionally organized in September each year, in the heart of the biggest North-Hungarian city. Since the first CineFest organized in 2004, it has become Hungary’s leading and most popular film festival. Our aim is to introduce young film-making talents from all over the world and to provide an opportunity for them to present their work. Films compete in long feature and short films sections, and there’s a so-called CineNewWave section (for animation and short films) exclusively for young filmmakers from Hungary. All the films in the competition are Hungarian premieres.

Our mission is to mediate cinematographic values on an international level. To achieve this, we provide professional help to the up growing filmmaker generation, we provide a meeting point for film professionals, and we are serving film-lovers with both new film premieres and historical cinematographic masterpieces.

We have a partnership with more than 10 European partner festivals.

Programs related to the festival:
- CineClassics film historical series
- Miskolc International Film Market
- meeting of partner festivals
- annual 2-day-long professional program of the Hungarian Art Cinema Association
- roundtable talks and conferences
- country focus screenings
- documentary professional day
- “Our Home: Miskolc” filmmaking workshop
- lifetime achievement awarding
- wreathing Emeric Pressburger’s birth house in Miskolc.

In the previous years, such world-famous filmmakers were our guests receiving CineFest’s Lifetime Achievement Award as István Szabó director, Agnieszka Holland director, Vilmos Zsigmond cinematographer, Károly Makk director, Claudia Cardinale actress, or Jiři Menzel director, Bille August director and George Lazenby actor. In 2019 Franco Nero and Vanessa Redgrave, in 2018 Krzysztof Zanussi, in 2017 Magdalena Vášáryová, in 2016 Juliette Binoche visited our festival and received our special award as Ambassador of European Cinema.

The film festival is organized by the CINE-MIS Nonprofit Ltd. which runs Miskolc City’s two art-cinema screens in the House of Arts that serves as the festival center. All festival screenings and related programs are free.

office address: CINE-MIS Nonprofit Ltd., 3525 Miskolc, Kossuth Lajos u. 11., Hungary
telephone: 00 36 46 325 000
webpage: www.cinefest.hu
e-mail: cinemis@t-online.hu, info@cinefest.hu
festival director: Tibor Bíró

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Annual Copenhagen Film Festival

22 Mar 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Annual Copenhagen Film Festival

Annual Copenhagen Film Festival

Copenhagen, Denmark

The Annual Copenhagen Film Festival is an international independent film festival held annually in Copenhagen, Denmark. It aspires to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards in order to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers to get recognized in a very competitive industry. Selected films will be screened in Copenhagen and have the opportunity to get into contact with our partnering production company.

ACFF is run in association with Close:Up, a collection of international film festivals supporting indie filmmaking. By establishing a working network among filmmakers, producers and marketing professionals, we share one common goal: to forge productive and lasting relationships between independent filmmakers and audiences.

Films entered in multiple categories are eligible to win several awards.

Award of Recognition - Submissions that don't make the screening schedule but receive an award for the quality and close competition of their work. Laurels can be sent via mail by request or downloaded from our website once the list has been announced.

Nominations - Films nominated for awards will be contacted on the notification date and also listed on our website.

Screening - Films selected for screening will be notified at least 1 month prior to the festival!

Award winners will be announced at our festival and receive hard-copy Award certificates, winner laurels, free entry at other renowned film festivals and other prizes!

After the Awards Ceremony a networking event will take place for all the filmmakers and guests to mingle!

We look very much forward to reviewing your work and inviting you to the cozy city of Copenhagen!

Our last event was held with great success on the 15-16th March 2019 at Husets Biograf.

We are now open for submissions for our 4th edition in 2020!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Film Festival Levante Almeriense

15 Apr 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cine En Corto Levante Almeriense

Film Festival Levante Almeriense

Vera, Spain

Segunda edición del Festival de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Vera.

La SECCIÓN OFICIAL del II Festival de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Vera está dirigida a los cortometrajes de ficción. Puede participar cualquier director/a nacional e internacional. Uno de los requisitos es que la duración no exceda de 20 minutos y que, si el idioma original del cortometraje no es el español, este sea subtitulado al mismo.
El concurso CORTO EN 48 HORAS BAYRA, que se realizará entre el 29 y 31 de marzo de 2019, será una de la actividades que envolverá a la ciudad en esa sensación de vivir un rodaje de cine. El día 29 de marzo se hará público el tema del concurso y el día 31 de marzo será el límite para entregar los cortometrajes realizados.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of South African HORRORFEST

01 Aug 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner South African HORRORFEST

South African HORRORFEST

Cape Town, South Africa

The South African HorrorFest is the first (and close on only) event of its kind on the continent, bringing an exciting array of feature films and short films from around the world to the audience, who wouldn't get to see these indie productions in the territory otherwise. 2025 is our 21st edition!

The in-person festival may look at including an on-line virtual element again for 2025, so check our social media for updates.

Access all our links at https://linktr.ee/SAhorrorfest 
and join / subscribe / follow to stay in the loop.

All movie mediums and styles are accepted, as long as it contains elements of Horror / Chiller / Terror / Monsters etc.

For instance, an animated Sci-Fi comedy with monsters will be accepted.

Due to the indie nature of the event, unfortunately screening fees cannot be offered.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

26 Nov 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

Final Girls Berlin Film Festival showcases horror cinema that’s directed, written, or produced by women*. We are holding the sixth edition of FGBFF from February 3-6 2022 in Berlin. We are looking for horror films (as well as films with horror elements or films that pay homage to horror), of all lengths. We are also extra excited if female filmmakers wish to visit the festival in order to participate in panels, or give talks or workshops on a particular aspect of horror cinema. We are committed to creating space for female voices and visions, whether monstrous, heroic, or some messy combination of the two, in the horror genre.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 48 Independent Short Film Festival

17 Dec 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 48 Independent Short Film Festival

48 Independent Short Film Festival

Beverly Hills, United States

Filmmakers, have you already shoot a short film? #48FILM, welcome you to the 48ISFF (48 Independent Short Film Festival)that give equal opportunities to every filmmaker from all over the world. Filmmakers, who have already made any kind of short films will be selected to screen their movies at the Directors Guild of America in Hollywood. Submit your short movie now:

Open call to submit short movies, from 3 and up to 30 minutes in length, of any genre.Submissions may be from any country.

We want to promote talented filmmakers, and we made the process easy, without formal restrictions on submissions. Will consider all genres and types of short films. Find more here: https://www.48filmproject.com/48isff

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

10 Apr 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia


The information concerning further development will be posted on the festival's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/oneshotfest The festival's FB page and work e-mail kadrrope@gmail.com are available for questions and clarifications.

"One Shot" promotes independent film production in Armenia. Submitted films have no limitations in shooting format. Films can be shot on cell phones, film and HD cameras. Competition has three categories: "One Minute - One Shot", "Short Movies" and "Cinema Without Border". There are special programs and panel discussions too.

"One Shot" International Short Film Festival is an open cinema platform. It was founded in 2003.

The founder president is Gagik Ghazareh. Founder organization: Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art. Symbol of the festival represents a three-dimensional statue of ancient rock carving from Geghama mountain which is 5000 years old.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

04 May 2018

Published: 10 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Islantilla Cinefórum

Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

Islantilla (Lepe e Isla Cristina), Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Historical Short Film Festival Segorbe

02 Apr 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes Históricos de Segorbe

International Historical Short Film Festival Segorbe

Segorbe, Spain

"Mirada al Pasado" is a festival of short films in which shorts can only be about the past (actions that take place in a past place, that refer to the past or a historical epoch) and belong to the genre of fiction or documentary.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

31 Jul 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi, India

21, 22 and 23 February, 2025
India International Centre-ICC, New Delhi INDIA

Human interests are changing, with changing cinema techniques and short/documentary/feature film styles are changing us and our attitude.

This attitude will now screen in the heart of Delhi through the finest global short, feature and documentary films.



Organized by: Jaipur International Film Festival & Trust

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of El Novelísimo. International Debut Film Festival

13 May 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner El Novelísimo. Festival Internacional Cinematográfico Opera Prima en Extremadura

El Novelísimo. International Debut Film Festival

Hervás, Spain

International Festival for Debut Feature and Short Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ArtMov Festival

16 Sep 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of ArtMov Festival

Banner Artmov Festival

ArtMov Festival

Canovelles, Spain

Fifth shorts festival of Canovelles

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Norwich Film Festival

18 Jul 2018

Published: 09 Feb 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Norwich Film Festival

Norwich Film Festival

Norwich, United Kingdom

The Norwich Film Festival was recently chosen by The Metro as one of "the top UK film festivals you need to know about", and in 2017 became a BIFA (British Independent Film Awards) qualifying short film festival.

We have been running since 2009 and over the years we have hosted over 75 events and screened over 500 films to the public.

The Norwich Film Festival has an amazing array of celebrity patrons including Stephen Fry, Tim McInnerny, Olivia Colman, Julian Jarrold, Brian Cox & John Collee. We also work hard to recruit industry judges (see below) who are all eager to watch our nominated films.

Our 2018 film judges will only view the NOMINATED Films selected and the Norwich Film Festival will then allocate which film categories that judges will watch.

The 2018 film judges are (subject to work commitments):

- Alfred Molina (World Famous Actor)
- Denise Parkinson (Director of Entertainment at the Telegraph)
- Gavin Humphries (BAFTA nominated and Cannes winning shorts producer)
- Andrea Gibb (BAFTA Nominated Screenwriter)
- Matt Wilkinson (Award Nominated Producer)
- Emma Freud (Script Editor & Associate Producer)
- Eddy Joseph (Two time BAFTA winning Sound Editor)
- Mark Everson (Award winning Editor)
- Ferne Pearlstein (Award winning Director, Cinematography & Producer)
- Andrew Deane (Emmy Winning Producer and Managing Partner at Industry Entertainment)
- Steven Hall (DOP and BAFTA Judge)

As well as screening the selected films to the public, the winning films will also receive an award, a certificate, a cash prize, and a selection of other industry related prizes.
Our social media gained well over 2 million impressions on Twitter alone last year, and we will promote your film to a global audience.

International Festival

Short film festival
