Logo of Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

30 Sep 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
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Banner Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

Marsa, Malta

세계에서 가장 오래 운영되는 영화제 중 하나입니다. 이 영화제는 전문적이지 않은 작품, 영화 학교 학생 및 상업 제작에 개방되는 단편 영화제입니다. 매년 11월 마지막 주에 개최됩니다.

페이스 북

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

15 May 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Daroca & Prisión Film Fest - Festival de Cine de Daroca

Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

Daroca, Spain 스페인

다로카&프리시온 필름 페스트
인터내셔널 시네 드 다로카 페스티벌

다로카 교도소 (스페인) 필름 워크숍에 소속된 수감자들이 활발하고 적극적으로 참여하는 세계 유일의 온라인 영화제입니다.

어워드 관람, 사전 선정 및 결정 (해당 분야의 전문가로 구성된 심사위원단과 함께)

영예로운 스타와 함께 코미디 스케치 촬영에 참여하고 대본, 기획, 연기, 조명, 사운드, 프로덕션 등 이전의 모든 단계와 포스트 프로덕션에 참여

그리고 앞서 언급한 영예의 스타와 다른 저명한 교도소 방문객들과의 인터뷰를 준비하고 진행하는 과정에서도 말이죠.

몇 달 동안 계속되는 직업으로 그들의 사회적 재통합에 매우 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Balkan Film Food Festival

15 May 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festivali Filmit Ballkanik Dhe Artit Kulinar

Balkan Film Food Festival

Tirana, Albania

The Balkan Film Food Festival is not a festival only about Food and Culinary. The Balkan Film Food Festival is about Balkan Film Production. The Festival intent is to create a climate of understanding of friendship and collaborations among Balkan countries. All guests sit on a common table and taste our common Balkan culinary drink the same wine.

Cuisine is part of this event and it aims at having better friendly contacts among the participants.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션

Logo of Tabloid Witch Awards

31 Aug 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
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Banner Tabloid Witch Awards

Tabloid Witch Awards

Santa Monica, United States

공포 영화 경연 대회. 상금은 할리우드 수사관 웹 사이트에 프로모션을 포함, 수상 플라크.

타블로이드 마녀 설립자 토마스 엠 시포스는 공포 영화 축제와 시상의 저자입니다 (맥팔랜드 2012) 및 공포 영화 미학 (맥팔랜드 2010), Amazon.com에서 사용할 수 있습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  판타스틱영화  공포영화  Music Video

Logo of Arlington International Film Festival

30 Apr 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
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Banner Arlington International Film Festival

Arlington International Film Festival

Arlington, United States

Arlington International Film Festival (AIFF) is an award winning organization with its mission being to foster appreciation for different cultures by exploring the lives of people around the globe through independent film. In 2014 AIFF was awarded the Community Recognition Award by the Arlington Martin Luther King Committee, in 2013 the Alan McClennen Community Arts Award by the Arlington Center for the Arts and the Gold Star Award by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Through the founding of AIFF, the mission has also focused on enriching the community and broadening the view of our world and ourselves. AIFF believes that the arts are here to connect us, to communicate across boundaries, and touch our common humanity.

AIFF is open to national and international filmmakers. Whether professional or a first time filmmaker, we welcome innovative, original films with unique perspectives. Many of our selected films have been nominated for Academy Awards; i.e. BOTSO: The Teacher from Tbillisi directed by Tom Walters, Elena directed by Petra Costa, and Documented directed by Jose Antonio Vargas. We Still Live Here directed by Anne Makepeace was chosen by the U.S. State Department to screen around the world.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of XI Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival

30 Mar 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Xl Festival Internacional De Cortometrages De Pineda De Mar

XI Pineda de Mar International Short Film Festival

Pineda de Mar, Spain 스페인

이 페스티벌은 피네다 데 마르 시네마트 협회가 주최하며 단편 영화의 발견, 상영 및 보급을 위한 특정 공간을 홍보하는 것을 목표로 하는 국제 페스티벌입니다.

페스티벌의 주요 주제 축은 코미디 축이지만 작품의 주제와 장르는 무료입니다. 품질과 독창성을 주요 목표로 삼을 것이며, 그 제작은 전례가 없을 것입니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Spiritual Film Festival Contracorriente

14 May 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
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Banner Festival de Cine Espiritual Contracorriente

Spiritual Film Festival Contracorriente

Bogotá, Colombia

우리는 국제 단편 영화제입니다. 인간의 내면을 다루는 보편적인 언어로 영적 영화를 표현하고, 깊고 초월적인 것의 본질을 포착하고, 성찰적이고 성찰적인 이야기로, 삶에 대한 질문과 대답으로 표현하기 위한 국제 단편 영화제입니다. 각 이야기는 내면에서 수확한 열매이며 사랑, 기쁨, 평화, 인내, 온유함, 친절, 충실함, 겸손, 자제력 등 우리에게 근본적인 9가지 영적 가치를 상징합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션


01 Jun 2018

공개됨: 02 Jan 2018
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner 15° Cine Versátil- VIDEOARTES LGBT+


Buenos Aires, Argentina

다양성 단편 영화제 - 아르헨티나
LGBT 비디오 아트 - 애니버서리 에디션 - 15주년


에디션 15


15번째 에디션에는 LGBT+ 비디오 아트를 전문으로 하는 비경쟁 전시회와 협력 페스티벌의 병행 전시가 포함됩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  기타  실험영화

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira Da Foz - Film Art 2019

30 Mar 2018

공개됨: 31 Dec 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira Da Foz - Film Art 2019

Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira Da Foz - Film Art 2019

Figueira da Foz, Portugal

Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira da Foz - Film Art, , is an independent film festival. It is committed and dedicated to the showcase of both emerging and established, national and international filmmakers’ work, within the world of independent cinema. The organization committee is proud of its independence and ethics in the official film selection.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

08 Sep 2018

공개됨: 31 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

Erie , United States

The Great Lakes International Shorts Festival has officially opened its Call for Entries and is now accepting films of all short lengths and genres including Narrative, Animation, Experimental, and all forms of Horror, Suspense, Sci-Fi, and Thriller films, along with Comedies, Religious/Spiritual, Music Videos, and Documentaries, and GLBT films, for the 2019 season.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Shorts Festival shall accept Music Videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions. We shall accept Music Videos of all genres from Pop, Punk, Rock, Alt-Country, Country-Western, Folk, Reggae, Hip-Hop and Electronica, Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Industrial, Metal, Hardcore, Gothic, Karaoke, Avant-Garde, World Music, and Experimental.

The 2019 GLISF will accept all forms of Religious, Christian, and Spiritual films including African, African-American, GLBT, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Native/Aboriginal, and student films from the United States and around the world.

For the past 18 years, our organization has been promoting and presenting the works of Independent Filmmakers worldwide, celebrating these incredible films as an ever-evolving art form in dynamic transition. Showcasing the best independently produced films that the world has to offer to countless audiences, our organization fulfills its mission by bringing the diverse and unique to those who love and appreciate it.

Awarding outstanding filmmakers for exceptional achievements in filmmaking, the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival always supports indie film as an art form and those who create it.

All of us at the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival are here to bring Filmmakers and audiences together, to showcase films to those who love them, and to help others achieve their goals and dreams, and to go beyond that which was thought unimaginable.

The Great Lakes International Shorts Festival is not here to profit from the accomplishments of others, instead, we are here to help filmmakers reach their goals and make a reality of their dreams.

Seeking out the best films from the most talented new and veteran Filmmakers from around the world and across the United States, the 2019 Great Lakes International Shorts Festival will take place virtually October 10th thru October 19th, 2019, with our Physical Festival opening on Friday October 11, 2019.

With State-Of-The-Art technologies that are revolutionizing independent film presentations world-wide, the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival is changing the face of film festivals across the globe…

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Java International Humanitarian Awards

20 Feb 2018

공개됨: 31 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Java International Humanitarian Awards

Java International Humanitarian Awards

Jakarta, Indonesia

Java International Humanitarian Awards (JIHA) is an international festival and part of the International Film Festivals consortium festival. JIHA works with the Council of Creative People and International i-Hebat Volunteers.

The main focus of the festival is to search for filmmakers who dedicate their lives to humanity through film.

The festival is also looking for figures struggling to provide
humanitarian relief, and to help victims of disasters, starvation, conflicts, human rights violations, and people in emergencies.

He/she could be anyone from any profession, from all age, and from various parts of the world.
Our mission is to promote humanitarian issues and inspire others. Winning person profile will become our showcase based on their CVs.

We receive submissions from all over the world and waiting for your excellent films and documentaries.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  공포영화  Music Video

Logo of Columbus Black International Film Festival

31 Jul 2018

공개됨: 31 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Columbus Black International Film Festival

Columbus Black International Film Festival

Columbus, United States

The primary objective of the Columbus Black International Film Festival is to showcase Black filmmakers locally, nationally and internationally, while highlighting a spectrum of stories told by people of the African diaspora.

This festival will also provide an advantage for filmmakers and the community to learn about the film industry through educational workshops and panel discussions, a safe space to showcase film and an opportunity to network with the filmmakers in the city.

Columbus is the heart of America and home to some of the most creative Black filmmakers in the country. This festival that will showcase new and emerging talent as well as talent that has represented our city for years.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  공포영화  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of LA Music Video Awards

31 Jan 2018

공개됨: 30 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner LA Music Video Awards

LA Music Video Awards

Los Angeles, United States

외모와 프리젠 테이션이 모든 시대에 뮤직 비디오는 노래 자체만큼이나 중요합니다. LA 뮤직 비디오 어워드는 지난 해 최고의 뮤직 비디오를 수상한 바 있습니다.

추천은 5 월 1 일까지 영업합니다. 최종 진출자는 5월 18일에 발표되며, 우승자는 업계 내부자와 팬 투표의 조합으로 결정됩니다. 코비나 공연예술 센터에서 레드 카펫, 칵테일 아워 및 시상식이 열립니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 기타  Music Video

Logo of Creativa Fest & Summit

04 Feb 2018

공개됨: 30 Dec 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Creativa Fest & Summit

Creativa Fest & Summit

Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Founded in 2012, Creativa Fest aims to broaden our Mexico's growing passion for the art of animation. This competition will reward the best international productions in the fields of digital art and animation.

We firmly believe that recognizing and rewarding artistic productions can be a big motivation for the creative community and will serve as a great incentive so that content of better quality can be produced.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제


Logo of 18th Addis International Film Festival

15 Mar 2018

공개됨: 30 Dec 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner 18th Addis International Film Festival

18th Addis International Film Festival

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

아디스 국제 영화제 (AIFF) 는 2007년 이니셔티브 아프리카가 만든 연례 영화제로 에티오피아 아디스아바바에서 개최됩니다. 이 영화제는 아프리카 최대의 독립 다큐멘터리 영화제로, 다큐멘터리 영화의 힘을 활용하여 사회 문제에 대한 인식을 제고하는 혁신적인 방법을 지원하고자 하는 독특한 이니셔티브로 설립되었습니다.

이 페스티벌은 평화 구축, 불평등, 여성 역량 강화, 아동 권리 등과 같은 다양한 주제를 다루는 노련한 영화 제작자와 신예 영화 제작자의 엄선된 영화를 선보이는 기념적이고 교육적인 행사입니다.

제18회 아디스 국제 영화제 (AIFF). 에티오피아의 유명한 사회 운동가인 Initiative Africa는 2024년 5월 15일부터 5월 19일까지 5일간의 다큐멘터리 영화제를 개최합니다. 이 다큐멘터리 영화제는 평화, 안보, 화해를 위한 행동, 양성평등과 포용, 식량 및 환경 안보, 건강 관리를 주제로 30편 이상의 현지 및 국제 영화를 선보일 예정이며, 이 다큐멘터리 영화제는 얼라이언스 에티오-프랑세즈, 헤이거 피키르 극장, 고베르 극장에서 개최됩니다. 에티오피아 인스티투트와 아디스아바바의 이탈리아 문화원.

페스티벌의 관객은 대부분 사회를 변화시킬 용기를 가진 청소년과 교육받은 커뮤니티입니다. 입장료 없이 무료로 영화를 상영합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  실험영화

Logo of Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

07 Jul 2018

공개됨: 30 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

Chagrin Falls, United States

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제


Logo of Great Lakes International Film Festival

25 Aug 2018

공개됨: 30 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Great Lakes International Film Festival

Great Lakes International Film Festival

Erie, United States

Always striving to be one of the most progressive and creative Festivals in the world, the Great Lakes International Film Festival is now officially accepting films of all genres and lengths from around the world and across the United States for our 2019 Festival.

The passion and commitment that each filmmaker and writer puts into his or her work is both noble and unique, to say the least, and deserves to be acknowledged. As not only the cornerstone of our Mission but as the foundation of our belief system and morals, we seek out, acknowledge and award the many talented independent filmmakers who may not get the recognition they richly deserve.

The Great Lakes International Film Festival strives to serve the interests and needs of Independent Filmmakers worldwide by connecting artists with audiences, exhibiting and promoting new films and filmmaking talent, as well as nurturing a creative community by facilitating relationships that last well beyond each year’s festival.

Considered among most popular film festivals in the world, the 18th annual Great Lakes International Film Festival genre categories for feature length and short length films are Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Religious/Spiritual, Animation, Comedy, Horror, with Horror sub-genres that include Supernatural, Thrillers, Wicken, Magical, Slashers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation and all genres of Music Videos and GLBT films for the 2019 festival.

If there is anything as universal as the ageless storytelling of motion pictures, it’s the music that makes up life’s soundtrack.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival shall accept Music Videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions. We shall accept Music Videos of all genres from Pop, Punk, Rock, Alt-Country, Country-Western, Folk, Reggae, Hip-Hop to Electronica, Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Industrial, Metal, Hardcore, Gothic, Karaoke, Avant-Garde, World Music, and Experimental, and all other genres that may not be listed here.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival will accept all forms of Religious, Christian, and Spiritual films including African, African-American, GLBT, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Native/Aboriginal and student films from the United States and around the world.

In addition to awards presented to Filmmakers for Best of Genre, our Festival will present an Audience Choice Award to the Filmmaker whose film is the most popular with our attendees, and that receives the most attendee votes.

Showcasing the best films of the 2019 season, the Great Lakes International Film Festival will be held LIVE in the great city of Erie, Pennsylvania starting on September 19th, 2019, with our virtual festival taking place September 19th thru September 28th, 2019.

Though the GLIFF success does not come from an excess of big names celebrities crowding its red carpet, but instead from a formidable catalogue of exceptionally high caliber Independent Films and career launches, still, over the years we have had many films that have screened on the Sundance Channel, IFC, PBS and HBO along with countless filmmakers who have received distribution deals after screening in our festival.

Since our inception, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has showcased more than 2,000 films, and has played host to countless celebrities such as actor, writer, producer Bill Hinzman of Flesheaters and Night of the Living Dead; director Lloyd Kaufman of the Toxic Avenger films, Pot Zombies, and President of Troma Films; actor Gunnar Hansen of Texas Chainsaw Massacre; actor and director Mark Borchardt of American Movie and Coven; Erick Rodgers (Writer of NYPD Blue); best-selling mystery author Jamian Snow (Shrouded Insanity); John Hancock (“Hill Street Blues”, “The Twilight Zone”, & California Dreaming); actress and “Scream Queen” Debbie Rochon (Blood Relic, Vampyre Tales, & Lord of the Undead); Bobby Logan (Meatballs 4 & Repossessed), along with so many more.

As one of the premier film festivals worldwide, the Great Lakes International Film Festival held its inaugural festival in the fall of 2002, welcoming internationally acclaimed celebrities like Dirk Benedict, best known for his work on Battlestar Galactica and A-Team, along with Hollywood script guru Harri James who worked as script supervisor for blockbuster films and TV Shows as ER, Alias, Tremors II: Aftershocks, and Tremors 4: The Legend Begins, to name only a few.

That same year, B.J. and the Bear & Up in Smoke producer, Otto Felix visited the festival along with the renowned Keith Carradine being presented with a lifetime achievement award for his dedication and contributions to indie film.

Since that time, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has had many films go on to greatness like “The Derby Stallion” that was released through Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, a subsidiary of Disney, and Director Joel Miller’s film “The Still Life” that received distribution through Warner Home Video after having been screened at the festival.

In 2004, the Great Lakes International Film Festival had the proud pleasure to present the North East United States Premiere of “SAW”, Lions Gate Films’ gripping psychological thriller starring Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, and Leigh Whannel.

The legendary Terry Moore was our special guest of honor and was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her amazing accomplishments in film over the past 60 years, while international recording superstar Dizzy Reed of Guns ‘N Roses performed before a capacity crowd at our Film Festival.

From the feature narrative genre to documentary to animation; experimental, horror and Spiritual films, the Great Lakes International Film Festival celebrates the film arts in dynamic transition. As emerging technologies continue to redefine the form, filmmakers from the Great Lakes region, across the country and around the world express the common and the diverse through the age-old tradition. — The art of the story.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video


24 Oct 2018

공개됨: 29 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음



Turin, Italy

3일 담보 102 축제는 마침내 토리노의 도시에서 국제 영화의 확산을 촉진 할 수 있습니다.

토리노는 약 900.000 명의 인구를 가진 이탈리아 마을입니다. 베니스와 로마와 함께 토리노는 영화가 중요한 역할을하는 장소로 간주됩니다. 도시의 문화 행사는 해마다 증가하고 있으며, 이는 예술적 장소로서의 세계적인 명성에 기여하고 있습니다.

담보 102 축제는 어떤 경계나 억제와 예술을 사랑 다른 협회의 지원에서 온다. 부수적 102축제는 전 세계의 단편 영화와 장편 영화, 다큐멘터리 및 애니메이션 영화를 다룹니다.

우리의 목표는 담보 102를 감독, 프로듀서, 배우 및 여배우, 유통 업체 및 승무원들의 만남의 장소로 만드는 것입니다. 토리노를 매혹적인 도시로 바라보는 사람들뿐만 아니라 예술 순환을위한 훌륭한 기회의 장소로 만드는 것입니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Filmstrip International Film Festival

10 May 2018

공개됨: 28 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Filmstrip International Film Festival

Filmstrip International Film Festival

Iasi, Romania

필름스트립 국제 영화제에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리는 루마니아의 사회, 문화, 학술 및 예술 생활의 주요 중심지 중 하나인 루마니아 이아시의 몰다비아 지역의 심장부에서 열리는 라이브 상영을 제공하는 온라인 독립 영화제입니다.

루마니아의 문화 수도로 알려진 이아시는 루마니아 역사의 상징이며, 몰다비아 수도 (Moldavian Capital) 로 불리며, 루마니아 몰다비아 지역의 주요 경제 및 비즈니스 중심지입니다.

필름 스트립 국제 영화제는 젊은 영화 제작자를 홍보하고 영적 및 문화적 가치에 전념하는 축제의 높은 기준을 유지하는 데 참여하고 있습니다.

각 카테고리의 최고의 영화는 일년 내내 도시의 많은 문화 행사가 열리는 진동하는 장소 “라 바자 (La Baza)" 에서 상영됩니다.

이 축제는 일년에 한 번 진행되며, 모든 선택 및 수여 과정은 온라인으로 진행되며 각 에디션이 끝날 때 라이브 상영이 진행됩니다.

어워드 수상자 (베스트 필름, 실버, 브론즈, 특별 기재) 및 카테고리 어워드 수상자 (애니메이션, 다큐멘터리 등) 등 총 10편의 영화가 상영됩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

15 Jul 2018

공개됨: 28 Dec 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, at New Delhi, India on 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025

The Delhi International Film Festival Academy Awards is organized in various parts of the world annually, to recognize, honor and encourage excellence in Indian Cinema. The vast cultural and geographical diversities in India contribute to an eclectic and heady mixture of popular and art cinema in every region. Indian Film Industry has always been an amalgamation of Regional and Hindi Film Industry - both thriving uniquely as well as blending beautifully into a symbiotic relationship. DIFFAA attempts to bring under one roof and on one stage, Regional cinema as well as the famed Bollywood from India, and award artistic and technical brilliance in films released during the previous calendar year.


1. DIFFA AWARDS, organized by the DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ACADEMY is a unique concept based on the sole purpose of promotion of Indian Cinema all over the world. Delhi International Film Festival has been striving towards taking the Culture and Cinema of India to various countries, ever since its first edition of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which :

2. Indian Films are hugely popular across continents and also, the existence of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which are made in India, be it the Hindi Films or the Regional, DIFF has conceived the idea of an Award, which will be given to individuals and cinema of excellence.

3. The Information & Broadcasting Ministry and the Culture & Tourism Ministries associate with Delhi International Film Festival. This support from the Government adds value to the DIFFA Awards. Also, the Embassies of various countries have expressed interest in the event.

4. DIFFA Awards will also present awards to the films made by the Host Country. An Advisory Board will recommend the films released during the year which shall be considered for Awards. Films so selected will also be screened during the DIFFA screening events.



12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 is being organized from 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025, at NEW DELHI, as a Seven day event, in association with GOVT. OF NAGALAND, NDMC, INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and THE CULTURE AND TOURISM Ministary, FILM BANDHU, UTTAR PRADESH are our Associate Partners.

The festival is approved by the INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and works as a composite body to promote INDIAN CINEMA, CULTURE AND TOURISM in INDIA and ABROAD.

DIFF has now grown into a global platform joining hands to collaborate with a multitude of film festivals in many countries or offering support to a host of upcoming festivals across the world. DIFF aims at understanding the science, art and emotion behind cinema, reaching it out to the audiences far and wide and promoting Indian Cinema, Art and Culture. The Festival offers premier showcase opportunity for talented film makers and artists, celebrates AVANTE GARDE CINEMA, felicitates masters and achievers from all walks of life and brings countries closer by building bridges to enable cross cultural exchanges, social understanding and creative idealization.

12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 will be held from 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025 at NEW DELHI

Also with this 11th DIFF 2024 is going to showcase 193 films from more than 58 countries and about 100 works of art displayed at the Art Show. Film Personalities, Artists, Diplomats, Political dignitaries and audiences close to 5000, will witness the spectacular Opening Ceremony, Closing & Awards Event and savor the vast variety of films screened during the festival.

With the focus on African Cinema , DIFF will screen some very interesting films.

Information & Broadcasting Ministry and NDMC offered invaluable support and association for this edition of DIFF as in the earlier editions. Jharkhand, Assam, UP-Film Bandhu, Uttrakhand became the State and Tourism Partner and ARGENTINA AND SENEGAL are the Country Partners this year.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화  Music Video