The Fine Arts Film Festival (FAFF) is dedicated to showing the finest films in the world about art, photography, collectors and artists of all mediums in and out of their studios, galleries, museums, public art, and alternative art spaces. This includes video art, curated as a film medium.
The 5th Annual Fine Arts Film Festival will be held on May 10-12, 2018. We're opening up with the VR Section of the Festival at Creative Technology Center on May 10, then moving to the historic Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center Theatre on May 11-12, which is celebrating it's 50th Anniversary in 2018.
The 4th Annual 2017 Fine Arts Film festival was held on May 12-13th with celebrities and luminaries from both the art and entertainment worlds hosted by the Venice Institute of Contemporary Art at the Creative Technology Center at The Brewery Art Lofts, Art Share LA, and at the historic Beyond Baroque Theatre in Venice, California.
We screened 48 films from around the world, with over 170 submissions.
The 5th Annual Fine Arts Film Festival is the premiere showcase for independent films about artists and the art world held annually in Venice and Downtown Los Angeles, California.
Featuring exceptionally creative and important films about art, artists, and the art world - many premiering for the first time in the United States - from countries such as the Netherlands, Iran, France, Estonia, Japan, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Portugal, Russia, the United Kingdom, India, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Armenia, Greece, Antarctica, Luxembourg...
Information about the Festival, including previous Official Selections and Award Winners:
Will be available on Eventbrite and at the Box Office starting February, 2018.
The Cardiff Independent Film Festival will be held over the 5th to 7th May 2017 in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. This will be our third festival, following highly successful events beginning in 2014. We're a fun, friendly and open festival run by film-lovers that celebrates the best in independent cinema and adheres to the highest ethical standards.
We're non-profit, which means ALL of the submission fees go into the running of the festival. And we are truly independent - we don't take public or corporate money so the films we pick are our favourites.
We also attract big-name guests: CIFF2015 saw talks by Stephen Frears and Paul Andrew Williams and the great John Boorman present the Welsh premiere of his final feature Queen and Country. We may be small but we punch above our weight.
We will be screening five feature films, ten short films and five short animations in competition and there will be out-of-competition screenings for other films of significant merit.
Brazilian movies
Only for Brazilian Filmmakers. // Solo para cineastas brasileños.
7th Indian International Advertising Festival-17 is a competitive festival of advertising films, design, photography, radio, online & mobile content produced by Indian & worldwide professionals. The festival was established by Education Expo TV in 2012 as Indian Advertising & Corporate Film Festival which caters mainly to ad & corporate films. After having 4 successful editions in year 2016 the festival rebrand as Indian International Advertising Festival to serve other sections of advertising industry. The IIAF is celebrating the achievement taking place in visual communication field & honoring the innovativeness, effectiveness, creativity, new ideas & technology globally in advertising.
The objective behind the festival is to recognize the best talent and setting new milestone in the most amazing advertising industry. The IIAF is an India’s first independent advertising festival providing platform to showcases the work of aspirant, young & experience professionals globally. IIAF is also providing platform for professional networking, sharing of ideas & knowledge. The IIAF awards honor the groundbreaking work, talent and outstanding design, production & advertising companies. We extend warm invitation to participate in 2016 edition and hope it turns milestone in your advertising career.
The mission of Scout Film Festival (Scout) is to encourage creative work, connect emerging filmmakers with their peers and celebrate the open expression of today’s young storytellers.
Located in Stowe, Vermont, The Scout Film Festival (Scout) is an annual international event that celebrates emerging filmmakers through short film.
Every year, over the course of three days, this unique Vermont event celebrates emerging filmmakers worldwide. Scout honors the passions, talents and accomplishments of youth by showcasing the efforts young storytellers have made in original filmmaking. Scout is an event to enjoy the art of film and storytelling through the lens of our energetic next generation.
During Scout Film Festival budding filmmakers will come together with their peers and industry professionals to share, appreciate and hone their craft. Through Scout, they will find a place where their creativity, curiosity, viewpoints, diversity and belief in self are championed. They will meet people and discover resources to help them envision and achieve their goals within the film industry and other endeavors. They will enjoy a host of exciting, creative events throughout the festival and the town of Stowe.
Scout will provide an organized, tangible venue of events including :
Opening night reception | Screenings, Panels, Awards Ceremony | Peer engagement and feedback sessions | Thank you brunch & Best In Screening
Entry categories: Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Experimental, Female Filmmaker, Horror, Made in VT, Music Video, Public Service Announcement, TV or Other Broadcast
Announcing the following categories for filmmakers aged 19-24: Short Documentary by Filmmakers Aged 19-24 and Short Narrative by Filmmakers Aged 19-24
Additional Festival Awards: Overall Film, Direction, Editing, Screenplay, Cinematography
The Manhattan International Film Festival (MIFF) is an annual cultural initiative of the World Youth Alliance (WYA) seeking to recognize promising young directors committed to exploring the depth of the human condition. Previous films recognized by the festival have examined themes relating to family, community, suffering, empathy, the pursuit of happiness, truth, and the transcendent.
WYA invites young directors to submit short films to the 7th MIFF. Submissions will be reviewed by a distinguished jury panel and 10 finalists will be invited to screen their films during the Festival Screening in New York City. At the festival, each finalist will have a chance to screen their short film. Screenings will be attended by WYA members and New York general public audience. At the conclusion of the festival, 4 finalists will be selected as winners, and their films will subsequently be screened at prominent WYA events and cultural gatherings around the world. The 7th MIFF Festival Screening and Announcement of Winners will be held on March, 2019 at New York City.
From hundreds of film submissions from around the globe, World Youth Alliance is pleased to announce the ten finalists of the 6th Festival in no particular order.
Stephanie Dieter, USA, Anthems: A Journey Around The World
Benjamin Schweky, USA, Chocolate Cake
Anthony Scalia, USA, Jimmy Scalia: An Honest For Portrait
The Institute for Documentary Filmmaking Life in Strides team, USA, Life In Strides
Maria Jacobs and Margaret Graves, USA, My Mind Is A Medicine Cabinet
TJ Noel-Sullivan, USA, Role Model
Gloria Tauk, Lebanon, RONDO
Harrison Fuller, USA, Sentiment
Phoebe Holman, UK, Towards Harmony: A Musical Integration
Joe Lee, Taiwan, What I Called Love
WYA wishes to thank all filmmakers for their submissions to the Festival.
Only for Spanish Filmmakers.
The International “Festival International du Film Panafricain” (FIFP) in Cannes is a platform that exhibits cinema and its professions, arts and entrepreneurship, as well as innovation, culture and events.
The FIFP was created and founded by Mr. Eitel Basile NGANGUE EBELLE and the “Association Nord Sud Développement, agréée jeunesse et Education Populaire Ministère de la santé, de la jeunesse et des sports n° 06514”.
As a driving force behind the PanAfrican Cinema and Arts industry, the Festival is constantly seeking specific solutions for the development of PanAfrican Cinema and Arts.
With a booming Pan-African market (from Africa to the Americas through the Caribbean, Europe and Asia), the Festival benefits from expertise in the development of cinema and Fashion as well as the development of cultural affairs.
Since its creation in 2006, the DIKALO AWARDS (meaning « message » in the Cameroonian language Douala) has been awarded by a professional jury for the best short and feature films (fiction), the best long and short documentaries, the Dikalos Peace Award, as well as the best actor and actress awards.
The FIFP is a felt moment. It is a unique experience where PanAfrican cinema and African cultures and those of its diaspora around the world are the central focus. An exceptional energy is felt.
Since 2018, the FIFP in Cannes has included along with its projections, a market: the Entrepreneurship Salon for Culture and Well-Being. The objective is to enhance the economy of PanAfrican cinema.
A few years from now, the market which features pan-African arts will generate considerable sums. « Tomorrow is now ». This enormous potential must be brought forward into the light.
Such an “active dream” is an ideal that has made Africans and their diaspora what it is today. This was Mandela’s and Obama’s vehicle, as well as many others…
Pan-Africanism is an aggregate of universalism. It contains all of the lights, those of ancient Egypt and those of the future. In short, a constant beauty.
International Festival of fantasy film.
Rehabilitate souls in pain, re-insert undead and generally encourage all kinds of beings wandering without destiny by the real world - and the underworld-celluloid to resume his passion unbridled by the fantastic cinema.
Company profile
Zinema Zombie Fest is a Festival of fantastic film, Terror and subgenres. Film content, editorial, history and aesthetics, make pioneer in Colombia. Zinema Zombie, the entity responsible for this project, has a history of more than ten (12) years developing film exhibition and formation of public activities.
The festival has been involved repeatedly in exhibitions and festivals at the national and international levels; among which we can mention: SITGES Film Festival, Festival international de cinema Cali (Colombia), soft Film Festival (Mexico), film Fantasy (Brazil), Nocturna (Spain), Fixion SARS (Chile), FICH Macabro (Mexico), Tallinn Black Night Fil Festival (Estonia), among others.
Zinema Zombie Fest is an event involved cultural, educational and non-profit. It is supported by the District Arts Institute (IDARTES) - which makes it a project of the city-by the Ministry of culture and PROIMÁGENES Colombia.
In the 2016 Zinema Zombie Fest (ZZF) reach its seventh uninterrupted year. The theme of the festival will be "Love hurts".
General information
Festival of fantastic film, Terror and subgenres.
November 18 to 25 of 2016 / Bogota, Colombia
Cinemateca Distrital / cinema Tonala / Cine Colombia / Central University founders Hall
Теперь в 11-м ежегодном выпуске, BoneBat «Comedy of Horrors» Film Fest - это полный вечер хиканий и горов, где мы представляем лучшие в независимых Comedy/Horror функции и шорты со всего мира, удивительную живую музыку и призы в изобилии, все, что было организовано Стив и Горд из The BoneBat Show!
Международный кинофестиваль BioBioCine в Консепсьоне — это межкультурное собрание знаний и мудрости, выраженных в кинематографе, которое призвано стать пространством для диалога и размышлений, а также для распространения, продвижения, поддержки и повышения ценности национальной и международной кинематографии с территории и «Идентичность», определяемая в качестве контекста для ее ежегодного совещания.
Международный фестиваль BioBioCine приглашает на одиннадцатую версию работ из всех стран и культур. Его программа включает конкурсные и внеконкурсные категории художественных и научно-популярных художественных и короткометражных фильмов с акцентом на авторское кино, новых кинематографистов, эксперименты, межкультурный диалог и исконные нации.
Festival Description Taking Place Milan Italy December 2019
One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony, we have created over the years a unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.
We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.
We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.
Carl Tooney
Festival President
Главная цель Международного кинофестиваля THE BUDDHA — предоставить возможность кинематографистам со всего мира преуспеть, отбирать и демонстрировать лучшие работы на празднике кино, а также предоставить кинематографистам платформу для общения между коллегами-профессионалами и кинематографистами .
TBIFF надеется на развитие этих отношений и поможет выдающимся кинематографистам увидеть свои проекты мировой аудиторией. TBIFF объединяет кинематографические, культурные и образовательные цели, а не вдохновляющие цели, представляя свои кинооткрытия.
TBIFF посвящен демонстрации новых и инновационных фильмов, а также воспитывает новое поколение кинематографистов. Это решительный сторонник социальных изменений и поощряет культурное разнообразие и взаимопонимание между странами. Она стремится способствовать развитию киноискусства всех континентов, стимулируя развитие качественного кино и проводя встречи профессионалов кино со всего мира.
Международный кинофестиваль BUDDHA посвящен демонстрации духа, страсти и мастерства лучших новых кинематографистов со всего мира для зрителей по всему миру.
Мы также включаем и активно поддерживаем не только лучшие образцы классического кино, но и экспериментальные работы, которые прорываются в новых ненарративных формах и переходят в видеоискусство. Все фильмы будут рецензированы по мере их подачи, а лучшие в каждой категории будут отобраны для показа на фестивале. Жюри из профессионалов отрасли проведет обзор финалистов и выберет победившие отборки.
Кинематографисты, планирующие посетить кинофестиваль, должны как можно скорее уведомить кинофестиваль, чтобы их имена могли быть указаны в запланированной программе на месте, где будет показан фильм.
Al-Nahj International Film Festival, held by Karbala satellite TV, is delighted to invite the film makers to participate. The festival specialises in short films that could be fiction, documentaries or animation. A films theme must be in related to one of the following:
The Husseini principles: humanitarian and ethical issues that are manifested through the revolution of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).
Human rights: issues related to human dignity as a fundamental axis in building societies.
Integrity: issues related to integrity that deal with the building of the human character first , then the building of a positive society.
Reforms: issues related to changing bad traits into good ones which help to build a good society on the basis of justice and equality.
The festival uses cinema as a tool to spread a humanitarian message whose mission is to create an environment where people live happily with mutual respect and love.
Berlin Music Video Awards (BMVA) — это международное мероприятие.
Кинорежиссеры, продюсеры, музыканты и режиссеры увлечены искусством музыкальных клипов. В том числе полнометражные показы, церемонии награждения, живые шоу, мастер-классы и послевечеринки, пятидневный фестиваль пройдет на одной из основных площадок Берлина.
4 дня кинематографистов радуют!
Взгляните на день открытия BMVA 2019 прямо здесь:
Собрав кинематографистов со всего мира, BMVA - отличная возможность для независимых художников и кинематографистов получить экспозицию и продемонстрировать свое творчество, в то время как сеть как с новыми, так и с зарекомендовавшимися профессионалами отрасли.
Не просто очередной кинофестиваль. Впервые
запущенный в 2013 году планировщиком мероприятий Aviel Silook, Berlin Music Video Awards является ежегодным независимым фестивалем, влияние которого среди индустрии видео и музыки в Европе и за рубежом продолжает расти.
Захватывающее событие предоставляет платформу для талантливых кинематографистов, поддерживающих как неизвестных, так и известных художников, независимо от языка, жанра или происхождения их работ.
Неэлитарная и широко настроенная, BMVA поддерживает разнообразие и изобретательность создателей видео, поощряя их сотрудничество с помощью сетей.
Фестиваль короткометражных фильмов фэнтези, научной фантастики и ужасов.
Luxor African Film Festival is organized by Independent Shabab Foundation, which is a civil and nonprofit organization cooperates with the culture developed fund & other entities . The festival is organized under the auspices of significant Egyptian Ministries and other organizations.
- The first festival for African Cinema in Egypt since the start of the film industry
- The first international film festival in Upper-Egypt
- The first festival featuring outdoor screenings in Upper-Egypt
- The first festival fully organized by an Egyptian civilian NGO
- The first festival featuring the participation of all African countries and hosting more than 100 guests from Africa, Europe and the Americas
The 12th Athens ANIMFEST - International Animation Festival opens to Animation fans again this year. With a program full of shorts and feature animations, we respond to animators from around the world willing either to compete or to screen their movies in the parallel special events of our festival.
For submission are accepted only ANIMATED MOVIES (Short, Student, Experimental and Greek)
Фестиваль народного кино — динамичное трехдневное мероприятие, посвященное Голосу народа с помощью кино, искусства и технологий. Наш фестиваль проходит с 29 мая 2025 года по 31 мая 2025 года в Гарлеме, штат Нью-Йорк, и на нем представлены фильмы со всего мира.
Основанная в 2012 году идея свободы слова и всеобщего доступа к СМИ, организация TPFF была основана в 2012 году с целью предоставить независимым кинематографистам, продюсерам и творческим людям платформу для демонстрации своих работ на площадках, способных вывести их на новый уровень. За последние 13 лет TPFF стала называться «Голосом народа». Это необычная платформа, на которой кинематографисты могут рассказать свои истории по-своему и оказать реальное влияние на аудиторию.
Наша миссия — не только вдохновлять будущих креативщиков и новаторов, но и знакомить аудиторию всех возрастов с новыми инструментами и технологиями для повествования историй. У TPFF есть несколько замечательных историй успеха: многие фильмы, показанные на нашем фестивале, в конечном итоге были показаны в других престижных СМИ и площадках, таких как HBO, Netflix, FOST, Служба общественного вещания PBS, Revolt TV и Библиотека и архивы Зала славы рок-н-ролла.
Наш фестиваль проходит в Гарлеме, штат Нью-Йорк, в процветающем и динамичном сообществе с богатой культурной историей. Это идеальное сочетание великолепной музыки, литературы, искусства и развлечений, также известное под общим названием «Возрождение Гарлема». Кинематографисты и кинозрители ежегодно собираются вместе, чтобы активно делиться информацией, ломать хлеб и налаживать отношения.
Фестиваль народного кино — отличная инициатива Фонда народных СМИ, музыки и искусства (TPMMAF) — некоммерческой корпорации 501 (c) 3. Мы используем нашу платформу для повышения осведомленности о независимом кино, технологиях, средствах массовой информации, музыке и искусстве во всем мире, а также для поощрения жителей Гарлема, Нью-Йорка, к более глубокому пониманию и пониманию культурного разнообразия в средствах массовой информации.
Это мероприятие открыто для всех.
FFFw: Food Film Festival world
Food is an integral part of human life. Just imagine: we are preparing a meal when we want to show love, we are having intimate and business talks at dinner, we like to get together for a family dinner. At dinners we show care for ourselves as well as for our loved ones. Here everything matters: what we eat, where and with whom we eat it. Food - is more than just hunger, it's culture, philosophy, and art. FFFw has collected the best of the international festivals. Its films touch social, cultural, gastronomic topics. The works are divided into categories: Food & People, Cook Book, Tastes like Animal, Food Porn, Food Ad.
FFFw have already been screened at such countries as: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey.