Logo of International Thai Film Festival

31 Jul 2021

Published: 08 Mar 2021
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Banner International Thai Film Festival

International Thai Film Festival

Bangkok, Thailand

International Thai Film Festival a.k.a. ITFF is an internationally recognized film industry event and registered international (IMDb qualifying) film festival of Thailand. The event of ITFF is a film screening event and film entertainment industry expo, founded by S.E.G. Alongside screenings of a wide variety of films (Official Selection), there are Panel Talks session, networking opportunities and the ITFF Award Ceremony. ITFF brings together film, animation and entertainment industry professionals from around the world, celebrating and awarding the very best productions and artists, from emerging talents to seasoned professionals.

ITFF Competition is a film, animation and video competition for industry professionals and amateurs alike, who are passionate about filmmaking and wish to screen their work and compete for ITFF Awards to gain a wider recognition and reputation in the industry.

Entrants have a chance to win a trophy and prizes at ITFF. The selection of productions is executed by the ITFF Judging Board that includes established Thai film and entertainment industry professionals and guest judges from major studios, overseas. With their extensive industry experience and knowledge, each project submitted to ITFF Competition is viewed and studied closely, awarding creativity and the execution of their story regardless of the budget of their production. Submit your work and take us on a journey that surprises us, shocks us, melts our hearts, makes us laugh or simply entertains us.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rome Prisma Film Awards

04 Apr 2021

Published: 08 Mar 2021
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Feature films

Banner Rome Prisma Film Awards

Rome Prisma Film Awards

Rome, Italy

Rome Prisma Film Awards was founded in 2018 by Stefano Perletta and the production company Il Varco. Hosted by Cinema Azzurro Scipioni, in its first year it saw Silvano Agosti as the president of the jury, a legendary Italian director that has worked alongside the greatest Italian professionals like Ennio Morricone, Vittorio Storaro, Nicola Piovani and many others. Over the course of its second year it moved to Cinema dei Piccoli, one of the oldest movie theaters of Rome, in the heart of Villa Borghese park since 1934.

In September 2020 we embarked on a new path under the curatorship of a new artistic director, Marcello Di Trocchio. During the Covid-19 pandemic that shut down festivals all over the world, we created a monthly streaming on Twitch with a teeming community following us from every corner of the Earth. In July 2021, after the re-opening of cinemas in Italy, we moved to one of the city’s most prestigious and characteristic movie theaters, located in the historic Campo de’ Fiori square: Cinema Farnese, where we started having screenings every two months.

From January 2022 we started a little big revolution: we opened the invitation to the events not only to the Rome-based film audience, but also to all filmmakers who had submitted their own project to our festival in the months preceding the event. In this way, one edition after the other, we contributed to making the Prisma events not only film evenings different from the others, but also a real opportunity to come together for hundreds of filmmakers from all over the world, who all too often feel lost in front of the endless quantity of audiovisual products that every day, at an unstoppable speed, are made, shared and forgotten – and who also feel equally lost in front of the thousands of film festivals that all too often, rather than opportunities to meet, seem to offer laurels to be exhibited on movie posters and social media.

That’s how the Prisma Awards have organically grown into one of the most community driven festivals, gathering over the last three years alone more than 300 artists between directors, producers, actors and movie professionals, coming from all parts of Italy, Europe and the world.

From September 2022, in order to raise the quality of the events, we have started reducing their number: from six a year to three, one every four months, always at Cinema Farnese – each time showcasing short films capable of making the audience laugh, cry, in any case be moved, together in the embracing darkness of the movie hall.

During the course of six years we have received more than 17.000 film projects from 150+ countries and we’ve been reviewed more than 900 times, thus becoming the #1 most reviewed film festival in Europe and one of the best reviewed in general.

Many of the films we’ve screened have passed through first-class festivals, like the short films August Sky by Jasmin Tenucci or Fár by Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, both winners of the Special Mention at Cannes Film Festival (2021 and 2023 editions), or Censor of Dreams by Leo Berne and Raphaël Rodriguez and Ice Merchants by João Gonzalez, both shortlisted in the Academy Awards (2022 and 2023 editions), or Nate Milton’s Eli from the official selection of Sundance Film Festival. At the same time, we are always proud to bring to the big screen also unpublished gems that we fortunately intercept and that almost nobody else shows.

We never stop collecting the best of emerging cinema, from all kinds of budgets, genres and cultural origins, and we can’t wait to see, day after day, year after year, more stimulating authors and more interested viewers to join us in this beautiful, challenging, creative journey.

These are the Rome Prisma Film Awards. We unite people, through films, in the very heart of Rome.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

30 Sep 2021

Published: 08 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia

NEW - Please read carefully about ReAON (ReAnimania ONline Animation Film Festival).

ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival of Yerevan was founded by cartoonist, painter and animator Vrej Kassouny in 2008.

Armenia’s history in animation had begun 70 years prior, with the release of the first Armenian film, Lev Atamanov’s (né Levon Atamanyan) The Dog and the Cat in 1938.

In striving to honor the craft in both spirit and in name, the Festival has since reintroduced the art of animated filmmaking to Armenian audiences.

The festival includes a selection of highly anticipated non-commercial features and shorts with 15 in-competition and non-competition programs and a Market Forum for Animation Professionals (MARANI). The festival also offers an array of practical workshops, seminars, master classes and lectures presented by a host of global industry talent.

The festival has become a platform for development and promotion even beyond Armenia’s borders. As the largest event in the South Caucasus (and the most unique within its class), ReAnimania is playing an integral role in bridging east and west. It is becoming one of the most important emerging festivals, receiving over a thousand film submissions and attracting tens of thousands from around the world. In its 8th edition, ReAnimania is already becoming one of the most important young animation film festivals from all over the world, welcoming competitors, visitors and animation lovers from more than 75 countries.

ReAnimania’s aim is to expand and extend the border of Armenia through the Art of Animation and Animated films.

Therefore, here is a NEWS!
ReAnimania Int. Animation Film Festival is proud to announce the Launch of ReAbroad

What is ReAON?
ReAON is an Online Animation Film Festival that will run parallel to ReAnimania IAFCAFY, end of each October every year, YET, ReAON will be ON until mid of December to give an opportunity for larger number of Animation fans to watch and meet latest updates and movies.
ReAON platform will give a chance to its followers, animated movie professionals, artists, filmmakers and animated movie fans to join ReAnimania from all over the world and follow up with latest hits in animated movies and classics through its new platform ReAON.
ReAON will be accessible to its online audience, wherever they are in the world, and whoever holds (Purchases) Online Badge/Accreditation, during the festival dates will parallely BE PART OF ReAnimania EVENT!

This is a UNIQUE opportunity for those who want to keep with the heartbeats of animation world, yet cannot travel for many reasons. NOW YOU CAN BE THERE FOR THE HITS, while you are sitting at home.

ReAON platform, will give the chance of viewing those movies the directors of which have signed and agreed to join ReAON online animation festival, in case of
- Selection in official competition.
- Possibility of selection out of competition program.
- Movies/filmmakers who do not agree on taking part in ReAON platform, in case of being selected in official competition, their movies will be only viewed at Traditional, physical festival on the ground as usual, their choice will be fully respected.
YOU CAN EASILY JOIN us by purchasing your badge (Early bird special price) here: (Link to buy your badge will be activated in mid of March)
The Opening of Online Accreditation will be soon launched!

ReAnimania’s motto is: “Life is a Picture, Make the Picture Come to Life.”


· Please be informed, the submission is with fee.
· Please visit ReAnimania’s Link for the payment.
· Or submit directly through ReAnimania’s website (https://reanimania.com/submit-a-film).


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Interdoc

31 Jan 2022

Published: 08 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Interdoc


Moscow, Russia

International Documentary Film Festival «Interdoc» will be in Moscow and other cities of Russia and the World.

The festival will feature various themes and genres of documentary films.

Most of the proceeds from the festival will go to the development and popularization of documentary films.

Part of the funds will be directed to charitable foundations and part of the funds will cover organizational expenses.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of

01 Sep 2021

Published: 08 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films


, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Caostica International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival

23 Apr 2021

Published: 06 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional  de Cortos y Videoclips Caostica

Caostica International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival

Bilbao, Spain

Caostica is an International Shortfilm an Videoclip Festival that takes place in Bilbao (Basque Country) with these sections: Videozinema (Fiction Shortfilms), Animation and Videoclip (Music Video).
All prizes are given by a professional jury except of Bizarre Prize. The Caostica Association will award the Bizarre Prize to the participant whom best represents the fresh, innovative, quirky, irreverent, Martian, jokester, weird, risky, brave and daring spirit that characterizes this festival, regardless of the section in which he or she is registered.In addition to this the Festival will award a prize to the best film in basque language, independently of the section in which its signed up.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

16 Jul 2021

Published: 06 Mar 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Banner Mostra de Curtas Vila de Noia

Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Noia, Spain

The City Council of Noia convenes the "24th Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia 2023", to be held in the last quarter of this year.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Parma International Music Film Festival

30 Jun 2021

Published: 06 Mar 2021
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Feature films

Banner Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma, Italy

The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix “VIOLETTA D’ORO” (Golden Violette), a flower that is the symbol of Parma, but also represents the name of the most famous female heroin created by Giuseppe Verdi, much loved by the public.

In addition to the first prize, the Violetta d'Oro, will be assigned the “Violetta d'Argento” to the best movie, and Honorable Mentions to best director, best photography best actor, best script and best short film.

The purpose of this initiative is not only pointing out to the audience recent and important features, but also underlining the value of a musical score as an essential element for the poetry and the success of a movie itself.

Besides, the contest will be a chance for film makers and producers to show their own works to a various audience and to a high-qualified international jury.

In addition of the section about feature films, it has been included also a section concerning short films, that will participate in the contest for a dedicated award.

The attendance is open to feature films and videos of any nationality, subject and length (musical productions but also dramatic films, comics, historical or Tv productions, etc).

SPECIAL CATEGORY: short film of Dance, with a Jury that will give a "DANCE AWARD".

Award Ceremony will take place at Casa della Musica in Parma on September 21th 2024 at 5.00pm with Dinner Gala, at which all producers or directors who have their film in nomination will be invited.

Deadline of inscription: 15th June 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ARCICORTO FILM Festival

15 Jun 2021

Published: 06 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner ARCICORTO FILM Festival


Valdarno Inferiore, Italy

We present the 2024 edition of the Arcicorto Film Festival.

The Festival was born from the need and the desire to shorten the distance between cinema and spectator, thus favoring low and medium cost self-productions, in order to make the public participate as much as possible.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental


14 Mar 2021

Published: 05 Mar 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner La Gran Pantalla - Festival Internacional de Cinema de les Persones Grans de Barcelona


Barcelona, Spain

La GRAN pantalla is an intergenerational cinematographic meeting space that seeks to dismantle stereotypes about older people through cinema. We look for stories that allow us to generate new readings and discourses about older people, beyond the conventional representations that are usually associated with this stage of life.

La GRAN pantalla seeks to delve into topics such as the sexuality of older people, the digital divide, unwanted loneliness, palliative care, intergenerational dialogues, cohousing, LGBTIQ+ older people, dignified death, migrant older people and all the visions that this population group may have about contemporary social problems such as the climate crisis, demographic change, new forms of families and organization, international conflicts, urban planning, art and social change, etc.

The seventh edition of this contest will take place from 1 to 6 July 2025 in the city of Barcelona with a showing in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell (Catalonia).

La GRAN pantalla is an original idea of elParlante, an organization specialized in the design, implementation, and evaluation of communication strategies. For some years now, elParlante has been developing social projects for older people through theater, audiovisuals and formal education.

All official information will be published on our website: www.lagranpantallafestival.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/lagranpantallabcn and media partners.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Cheonan International Extreme Short Film Festival

30 Sep 2021

Published: 05 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 천안국제초단편영화제


Cheonan, South Korea

Cheonan International Short Film Festival is IMDB and KOFIC(영화진흥위원회) certified.
Through the Cheonan International Short Film Festival, we will provide opportunities to actively communicate with Cheonan citizens, demonstrate and verify the film talents of prospective filmmakers, harmonize local residents through local art and culture, and play a central role in the exchange of global filmmakers.

Due to Corona, it will be held as an online film festival, and it will be screened on YouTube and Naver TV, and the award ceremony will be held offline in Cheonan.
It is a film festival hosted by Cheonan Film Association and sponsored by Chungcheongnam-do & Cheonan-si and KT OLLEH TV ch838 STN broadcasting.

You can also watch the awards ceremony on YouTube ,naver tv and KT OLLEH TV ch838 STN Broadcasting.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of DIVERCINE Children and Youth International Film Festival

01 Apr 2021

Published: 05 Mar 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Para Niñas Y Niños Divercine

DIVERCINE Children and Youth International Film Festival

Montevideo, Uruguay

INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH held annually with the aim of presenting an overview of the new film productions for children and adolescents, to the best and most diverse materials to the region. It also seeks to motivate local distributors to buy new films, TV shows and new formats with its extensive programming. Divercine is an open festival, he has never charged for sending works to your selection.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Corti Sul Lettino Cinema E Psicoanalisi

30 Jun 2021

Published: 05 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internazionale Del Cortometraggio I Corti Sul Lettino Cinema E Psicoanalisi

Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Corti Sul Lettino Cinema E Psicoanalisi

Naples, Italy

After the success of the previous editions, sealed by the presence of the art director Roberto Faenza, Giuseppe Piccioni, Marco Risi, Ettore Scola, Alessandro Haber, Alessandro D’Alatri, Giò Giò Franchini, Mimmo Calopresti, Daniele Luchetti , Marina Confalone, Cristina Donadio, Marco Mario de Notaris, Guido Lombardi, Nunzia Schiano and Nandp Paone as chairpersons of the jury, Ignazio Senatore, psychiatrist and film critic, will conduct the annual Festival of Short Films “I Corti sul lettino – Cinema e Psicoanalisi” aimed at Italian and foreign filmmakers. This festival is reported on IMDB.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of FICL Leon International Film Festival

30 Jun 2021

Published: 05 Mar 2021
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De León

FICL Leon International Film Festival

León, Mexico

The International Film Festival of Leon IFFOL, invites all filmmakers to participate in the IFFOL Official Call 2024 from April 1 to August 05 of this year, being able to apply with fiction, non-fiction or animation feature film, short film or short documentary to be part of the 10th Consecutive Edition to be held between October 30 to November 03 of this year. Those selected may be part of the three competitive sections of the festival: International Talent, Local Talent and University Talent.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Night of Drama Shorts

24 May 2022

Published: 05 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Night of Drama Shorts

Banner Night of Drama Shorts

Night of Drama Shorts

Milano, Italy

Cinema tells the reality of our life. What “The Night of Drama Shorts” looks for films that expose it. We are looking for dramatic, documentary, experimental, independent, tragicomic films, everything that speaks of mankind.

The best films will be part of the official selection and will be screened during the festival event on Youtube.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


14 Mar 2021

Published: 04 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films


Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Navarra - NIFF


Pamplona, Spain

NIFF is a space for criticism, denunciation, impact and social growth through the dissemination and promotion of cinema.

NIFF aims to be a statement against non-involvement, disregard and lack of commitment, which is the real disease of this century, where we produce more than we can consume, and happiness is subject to the law of supply and demand.

NIFF was born with the intention of triggering, debating the issues that are hidden under appearances and confronting the public with the social realities that show each individual as a part of those that make us complex, unique and human.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

23 Jul 2021

Published: 04 Mar 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Infantil Y Juvenil Chulpicine

Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

Quito, Ecuador

Chulpicine began its work in 2002 with the first ever Itinerant Children & Youth Film Festival in Quito. The warm welcome that the project received allowed the festival to become an annual event during the months of July to September, bringing an educational and entertaining event at no cost, to sectors with few cultural activities.

Thanks to the positive reaction, Chulpicine became a cultural and educational non-profit foundation in June 2004. After more than 10 years of experience, Chulpicine have reach a stable proposal and working methodology that has spread at national level. The Festival has promoted the creation of coaching staff; cultural managers working in different communities; and a large group of followers.

Chulpicine has designed a set of activities and workshops for institutions, community organizations or outreach workers to educate and train in different areas related to cinema, audiovisual, communication and Internet used as social intervention tools. These activities and workshops have been the beginning of a formation of learning communities by harnessing the capabilities of young people, as well as the setting up of an active and engaged network of social facilitators through the film and audiovisual work.

The Foundation carries out the following program lines: training; intervention; appropriation of public spaces; diffusion and production. This line of work is an alternative to foster community networks to develop communication skills, analysis and reflection in the various stakeholders of the community, thereby strengthening its organizational and self-development skills.

The foundation has a multidisciplinary team currently working on the projects. These people are responsible for different areas: there is a psychologist, a producer, a programmer, a communicator and an accountant.

In addition, every year about 12 people are hired to assist in the implementation of activities. This group is made up of people who have worked in the past in the festival and some new young people that wish to join the group. Also, each year we have the support of volunteers from different organizations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Espanto Film Fest

30 Aug 2021

Published: 04 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Espanto Festival Internacional Cine De Terror, Horror, Suspenso & Ciencia Ficción

Espanto Film Fest

Mineral de la Reforma , Mexico

Espanto Film Fest International Horror, Horror, Suspense and Science Fiction Film Festival Volume 7 will take place from October 29 to November 5, 2025 in person and virtually by streaming through our Planiferio platform, taking place in several States of the Mexican Republic.
Having a program focused on the best of independent horror cinema in international feature films, we are the ones who give the highest percentage of screen to Mexican feature films and short films, in addition to the script sections for short films, feature films, international short films, Ibero-American section, LGBTIQ+ and experimental and/or university short films with a duration of no more than 25 minutes, in addition to Espantito shorts made by children, and the new category of video games, all production must be from 2024 to date all with horror, horror, suspense, science fiction, fantasy and all its subgenres.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FECISO - Social Films International Festival (Castilla-la Mancha)

10 May 2021

Published: 04 Mar 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha

FECISO - Social Films International Festival (Castilla-la Mancha)

Torrijos, Spain

Aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today and, trying to make them both a comunication and education media, to promote values of solidarity and tolerance, the International Social Film Festival of Castilla-La Mancha was born and it will be held in Toledo, It will continue in Toledo, Torrijos, Cuenca, Olías del Rey...

In this Festival are invited to take part to public and private entities that share the same concerns.

The Festival consists of several sections, including a contest of short and documentaries, social issues include: xenophobia, generational conflict, child labor, domestic violence, social roles, ecology, children's rights, coexistence, etc.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cinema de Comedia de Begur

10 Jun 2021

Published: 04 Mar 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema de Comedia de Begur

Festival Internacional de Cinema de Comedia de Begur

Begur, Spain

Comedy Film Festival. With professional meetings and unpublished films in Spain.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
