Logo of Festival De Cine De Hurlingham

05 Jun 2020

Published: 17 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FESTIHUR - Festival de Cine de Hurlingham

Festival De Cine De Hurlingham

Hurlingham, Argentina

The forth edition of the Hurlingham Film Festival will take place from October 31 to November 3, 2024 at the Leopoldo Marechal Cultural Center (Av. Gdor. Vergara 2396) in the city of Hurlingham, with free admission.

The festival aims to promote culture and film production both in the city of Hurlingham and in the rest of the country.

The FESTIHUR will host a new space in the audiovisual universe with the intention of giving visibility and synergy between the number of actors in the new city, revealing identity, diversity and future.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Santiago Horror

01 Sep 2020

Published: 17 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Santiago Horror Film Festival

Santiago Horror

Santiago, Chile

SANTIAGO HORROR - International Fantastic Film Festival, is a film meeting that is held annually in the first week of October in Santiago, Chile. This is a platform that seeks to promote the cinematographic, cultural, artistic, musical that was born in 2018. The function of the Festival also includes bringing the national public under the umbrella of the seventh art to the most varied lineup of premieres, avant premieres, feature films, short films, animation and music videos

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of American Documentary And Animation Film Festival (AmDocs)

12 Jan 2021

Published: 17 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of American Documentary And Animation Film Festival (AmDocs)

Banner American Documentary And Animation Film Festival (AmDocs)

American Documentary And Animation Film Festival (AmDocs)

Palm Springs, United States

AmDocs is one of the largest Documentary and Animation only festivals in the United States. We are located in beautiful Palm Springs, not far from the media capital of Hollywood. We take pride in sharing the best viewing environment for both our audience and filmmakers.

AmDocs is very progressive in education outreach, market sharing and doing all we can to help our filmmakers realize their goals.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Logo of SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

15 Jul 2020

Published: 17 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

Banner SITGES - Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya

SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

Sitges, Spain

The SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a specialized, competitive fantastic genre Festival in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). The Festival has also been declared a “Qualified Festival” by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® in the United States. This means that those shorts winning the awards for “Best Short Film” in the Official Fantàstic Selection and “Best Short Film” in the Anima’t category will automatically be taken into consideration by the Hollywood Academy Awards® selection committee.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of SunChild International Environmental Festival

10 Jun 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SunChild International Environmental Festival

Banner SunChild International Environmental Festival

SunChild International Environmental Festival

Yerevan, Armenia

The SunChild 13th International Environmental Festival will take place from October 3rd to the 7th, 2025, screening over 40 of the best environmental films worldwide. On a planet that faces complex issues that threaten to tear us apart, we hope to provide a platform to find the connection to sustain life․ SunChild IEF is a celebration of nature, creating space for people to come together, learn, and create solutions.

About the Festival

SunChild International Environmental Festival, established by the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC), is the first and the only environmental festival in the South Caucasus region. More than 780 films from 150 countries worldwide were screened over its last 15 years of existence. The film festival includes various activities such as carnival marches, dozens of workshops, conferences, and exhibitions. Besides being rich in content, all events are eye-catching due to their colorful and unique approaches. The festival travels in the regions of Armenia throughout the whole year, involving a large number of children and youth, facilitating identification and creative solutions to community environmental issues by organizing thematic film screenings, discussions, and other initiatives. Directly targeting communities through encouragement and support to take action locally, will create a lasting effect within the community. The festival aims to bring nature, wildlife, and the environment into the focus of public attention and increase knowledge about issues among citizens, especially among children and youth.

Theme: Symbiosis between Humans and Nature

Each year SunChild IEF highlights different environmental topics to raise awareness and become a platform for discussion. For the 13th edition of the festival, we chose Symbiosis in a Non-Anthropocentric World as a central theme. All of our events in some way or another aim to unveil the complex nature of symbiosis conservation challenges in Armenia, the South Caucasus Region, and beyond. The symbiotic relationship between humans and nature has a large footnote in human history. By highlighting a potential dying value, we can educate citizens on our micro-destruction/abandonment of habitats that once encouraged a non-anthropocentric civilization. To contrast the abandonment, solutions can be proposed by conserving stories that exemplify our current harmony with nature. With the help of showcasing the destruction, the harmony, and additional conceptual solutions/visions, we can raise awareness of a value that deserves to be recognized and upheld by future generations.

SunChild 13th International Environmental Festival has 4 nominations

• Feature-length Documentaries about Symbiosis between Humans and Nature within the lens of Abandoning Symbiosis and/or Symbiotic Harmony.
This program is dedicated to promoting public awareness of stories, issues, and challenges about symbiosis on earth. Our responsibility is to protect habitats and relationships between humans and nature that are slowly losing contact. Showcasing films that focus on either the abandonment of symbiosis or the encouragement of symbiosis, can emphasize the current problems and solutions we face in modern civilization. Films that may be submitted could be solely about symbiotic separation, and symbiotic harmony, or include both thematic elements.
Documentaries released after March 2024 are welcome to be submitted for this competition.
The film may run between 60 minutes and 3 hours. To have a longer film considered, please contact SunChild IEF.

• Short Films about Symbiosis between Humans and Nature within the lens of Abandoning Symbiosis and/or Symbiotic Harmony.
This program is dedicated to promoting public awareness of stories, issues, and challenges about symbiosis worldwide. Showcasing short films that focus on either the abandonment of symbiosis or the encouragement of symbiosis can emphasize the current problems and solutions we face in modern civilization. Films that may be submitted could be solely about symbiotic separation and symbiotic harmony or include both thematic elements.
Short films of any genre released after March 2024 are welcome to be submitted for this competition. The film may be 5-59 minutes in length.

• John Burton Conservation Award: Films about Conservationists
Films about Conservationists from all around the world.
Named after conservationist John Burton, this award will spotlight films about nature conservation with a strong directorial vision.
With this award, SunChild IEF wants to honor the memory of John Burton, who died in May 2022.
The award will be granted to the best conservation films about individuals, who strive to make a change in the world. John Burton was a revolutionary, visionary, and inspirational conservationist whose creative thinking saved over 300,000 hectares of threatened habitat from damaging development. He challenged the usual approaches to preserving wild creatures and their habitats. Sir David Attenborough described him as “a truly wonderful man, more altruistic, more energetic, braver and more original than almost anyone I have known.”
Films released after March 2024 are welcome to be submitted for this competition.

• Non-Competition Films for Environmental Educational/Awareness-Raising.
In this Non-Competition Program, we highly encourage films to be submitted but not limited to the theme of Symbiosis between Humans and Nature. In this category, we welcome films about environmental issues and challenges from all around the world.
Films of any genre released before March 2024 are welcome to be submitted for this competition.
The film may run between 5 minutes and 2 hours. To have a shorter or longer film considered, please contact SunChild IEF.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cerdanya Film Festival

03 Jun 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Cerdanya Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya

Cerdanya Film Festival

Puigcerdà, Spain

Cerdanya Film Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, is a Festival specialized in the documentary, fiction and animation genre, short and feature films, consisting of competitive international sections, non-competitive sections and parallel activities. All the films that are part of the different sections will be selected by the Festival programmers.

Cerdanya Film Festival qualifies for Premios Goya – Spanish Film Academy in Best Spanish Shortfilm, in Fiction, Animation and Documentary categories.

The 16th edition of the Cerdanya Film Festival will be held from 28th July to 17th August 2025.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Hexagon Film Festival

15 Jun 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Hexagon Film Festival

Banner Hexagon Film Festival

Hexagon Film Festival

Grosseto, Italy

Kalonism APS, in collaboration with Fondazione L'Altra Città, Fondazione Grosseto Cultura, Municipality of Grosseto, Conad, CCN Centro Storico Grosseto, Euronics and Tiemme, organizes the third edition of the Hexagon Film Festival, an event aimed at all Italian and foreign directors and filmakers, who have made a short film or a videoclip, with the aim of giving visibility to emerging authors and promoting the short film as the artistic and expressive language of choice of contemporaneity. The festival will be held in the city of Grosseto from 9 to 11 September (for the Corti in Vetrina section) and from 16 to 18 September 2021 (for the other sections).

Hexagon Film Festival (name inspired by the hexagonal shape of Grosseto walls and the symbolism linked to the number 6) is a narrative short films festival, of a maximum duration of 20 minutes (including titles), based in the city of Grosseto, the Tuscan Maremma chief town. Direct expression of the city and the professionals that live there, Hexagon Film Festival brings the best of Italian and international short film production to the attention of the public of Grosseto, putting it on the map of film festivals.

Hexagon Film Festival, specialized in narrative cinema (by choice, in contrast with the spread of documentary style), is a contest with live screenings, divided into four sections: Tiferet (name of the sixth Sephirot of the Cabal, which indicates Beauty, Compassion, Harmonizing Principle, Glory), open to short films in live action with a free theme; Bereshit (Genesis in Hebrew, translated as "the one who created the six"), open to animated short films with a free theme; Il lato positivo/The Silver Lining, open to short films both for animation and live action, with the theme of disability; Rasenna (name of the eponym of the Etruscans ('Ρασέννας) and denomination with which the Etruscans designated themselves), open to short films produced by Tuscan filmakers or filmed in Tuscany; both for animation and live action Corti in vetrina/Shorts in Shops, an innovative way of combining cinema and commercial activities: free-technique short films and videoclips with a free theme (but with a preference for works with a low word content) projected on the windows of shops in the historic center, with a popular jury.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Music Video

Logo of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

11 May 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Banner SANFIC 21 - Santiago Festival Internacional De Cine

SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Santiago de Chile, Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


01 Nov 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Courts Mais Trash


Bruxelles, Belgium

We are an annual independent short film festival based in Brussels, Belgium, from January 20 to 24, 2021. Every year, we select over 100 short films and invite more than 40 filmmakers from all around the world.

The festival has been running for 16 years now with increasing success. We screen mainly independent films, not specially trashy movies. we love originality and creativity. Cheapness and Beauty !

The idea for Courts Mais Trash originated from a lack of a proper platform for independent short films to be screened.

Films that fail to meet conservative cinematographic standards are mostly snubbed by festival programmers and legitimate audio-visual venues. Trash is often just perceived in the provocative sense of the word; shocking and equally alternative, political, cheap and offbeat… .

Every category of film will be projected, from experimental to animation, through video clips and documentaries. No genre is left unexploited. The shorts don’t have to be ‘trash’ per se, but we do encourage work that is ‘out there’, on the cusp of the cutting edge and stimulating to the spectators interests. To avoid any possible confusion: the screenings are adults only.

Do you wish to participate in the biggest blowout alternative, underground and independent cinema has to offer, then act now! What are you waiting for?

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of 9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia

31 May 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 9no Festival Internacional De Cine Ambiental De La Patagonia

9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Patagonia Eco Film Fest, calls filmmakers from all over the world to participate in the 9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia which will take place in Puerto Madryn city, Chubut, Argentina from September 5-10, 2024.

The festival will accept documentary, fiction, animation films, about environmental issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

15 May 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

Banner Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara

Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

Azuqueca de Henares, Spain

The Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara (FESCIGU) celebrates its 23rd edition this year at its (exile) headquarters in Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara, Spain). Over the years, we have strived to bring our audiences the best in the world of short films, with social, activist, or simply humanistic content. All genres are welcome, as long as they do not condone violence. FESCIGU is a pre-selection festival for the Goya Awards. This year, the central theme is PEACE, so short films that address this topic will be especially welcome.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of FNNH - Film night at the castle

30 Apr 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner FNNH - Film night at the castle

FNNH - Film night at the castle

Prešov, Slovakia

This Festival was founded in 2011

Film night at the castle is multicultural open air galery of short films, unique in Europe and Slovak area. Thanks to its` unique placement at Saris castle open air grounds, festival attracts` film lovers since 2011.

Since then around 500 short films has been screened at Saris Castle hill. In 2020 we would like to increase this number, using not only one screening place as it was usual during previous years, but 3 screening places during two film nights. Festival will be accompanied with series of workshops about audio-visual and film, and other activities focused on families (theatre for kids, painting activities,) and music performances for all. During this year we would like to offer two, new competition sections. Award for
- The best protagonist at the documentary film (selected by expert jury), and Anti Award -

Worst short film of the festival (audience award). We also want to create new ‘Chill out zone’ for visitors who want to enjoy nature around The Castle Saris. For Family visitors we would like to offer full-fledged program as usual. Visitors will also appreciate unique opportunity for camping which is not allowed during regular year. This opportunity is one of many benefits visitors enjoy during our festival. Film night starts with one feature film and a whole night of short films after from various productions and countries.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of `Raíces´ Chivilcoy  Internacional Film Fest

15 Jul 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de cine de Chivilcoy ’Raíces’

`Raíces´ Chivilcoy Internacional Film Fest

Chivilcoy, Argentina

Cinema as a social phenomenon has become one of the most innovative and enriching cultural consumptions and practices of the XX century. Clearly, cinema changes us but this transformation that film provokes is not just individual. We’re also asking for as a community. Therefore, cinema must be understood as a social phenomenon, as a cultural vehicle, as a complex device which catalyze the yearnings and portraits of a society, as a producer of subjectivities.

For the city of Chivilcoy the launching of an international film festival represents a chimerical cultural proposal. Its background is based on previous experiences that bond these individual and collective practices: shootings, film’s retrospectives, workshops, festivals and other events that take place in our community. This whole set of inputs is a key component, coupled with the suitable reaction of the local public who are eager to rejoice at the "seventh art" and to enjoy a festival as a space for exchange, dialogue and circulation of cultural goods.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

31 May 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

01 Aug 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

Popayán, Colombia

The objective is to present a selection of the best short films in the fiction, animation, experimental and documentary genres in order to allow the dissemination, dialogue and evaluation of the development and importance of the short film within audiovisual production.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of AL BAHR SHORT FILM FESTIVAL المھرجان الدولي للأفلام القصیرة حول العالم العربي - البحر

12 May 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortos Al Bahr البحر

AL BAHR SHORT FILM FESTIVAL المھرجان الدولي للأفلام القصیرة حول العالم العربي - البحر

Málaga, Spain

AL BAHR INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL ON THE ARAB WORLD المهرجان الدولي للأفلام القصيرة حول العالم العربي - البحر
The Al-Quds Association announces a call for submission of short films to the 1st Edition of the Al Bahr International Festival of Short Films on the Arab World, with the objective of promoting Arab films in our country and reconsidering our orientalist vision of contemporary Arab societies. From these shores of the Mediterranean, with a critical outlook based on human rights and social denunciation, we seek to make visible the plurality and diversity of the people who inhabit the Arab World and of the communities who come from said world but who live elsewhere.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of New Renaissance Film Festival Amsterdam 2024

10 Feb 2021

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Renaissance Film Festival Amsterdam 2024

New Renaissance Film Festival Amsterdam 2024

London, United Kingdom


The spacious cinema LAB111 will again be the home of the New Renaissance Film Festival (NRFF) for its seventh edition. This friendly art-house festival which is based in London, and was called “One of the UK’s top film festivals” (London METRO, O1.08.16), has premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar or received a major distribution deal.

Despite its relatively small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films in the programme. Furthermore, many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present, and a lot of productive networking takes place.

Apart from a high number of international films, NRFF Amsterdam has a strong LGBT presence, and a category for Dutch Films.


Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, SF films and an exciting variety of LGBT shorts and features.

Our festival is built around ARTISTS and their STORIES. By doing so, we aim to establish an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers. We are not interested in following current fashions or being political. We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming. At the heart of what we do is our passion to tell great stories.

To get a feel for the festival, watch the trailer of the previous year: https://vimeo.com/523206192 and visit the 2022 programme website: www.nrff.nl


The festival has several categories for International, Dutch and LGBT filmmakers. We especially love quality dramas with strong emotional themes, but we accept ALL genres. We are also proud to attract a high number of female directors.

Follow our NRFF page on Instagram and Facebook for photos and interesting updates.


It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the INDEPENDENT film community, By building an engaged audience through social media. We actively encourage directors, screenwriters, producers and actors to network during the festival and after the event. By doing so, new collaborations have occurred.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Dulcísimo Ovario

16 Aug 2020

Published: 14 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dulcísimo Ovario, Festival de Video y Cine Femenino

Dulcísimo Ovario

Pachuca, Mexico

Dulcísimo Ovario is a Festival of Female Video and Cinema that showcases and recognizes the work of Mexican women filmmakers and video artists.

We believe in the need to approach new narratives that display a diversity of realities, thoughts, and ways of relating.

Our goal is to organize cycles of presentations, conferences, and screenings of cinema and video, in their different formats and genres, directed by Mexican woman filmmakers and video artists.

For Dulcísimo Ovario, questioning and deconstructing gender representations in audiovisual media has been a starting point since 2017 and in each edition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival de cine fantástico y de terror de Medellín

06 Aug 2020

Published: 14 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Fantasmagoría: Festival De Cine Fantástico Y De Terror De Medellín

Festival de cine fantástico y de terror de Medellín

Medellín, Colombia

The cinema festival Fantasmagoria- Festival de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Medellín - reaches its 7th edition. Our competition opens to the world and the city of Medellín to explore genre cinema and reflect on these thematic. The festival has several sections of short films and feature films to embrace the fantastic and horror genre spectrum. Also, to consider relevant national and international people who have done significant work to the genre through their filmography.

Short films and feature films will be selected from any nationality, produced in 2024 or 2025 which have yet to be seen in Medellín, Colombia. The films have to be related to the fantastic genre (fantasy, horror and sci-fi) and thriller, western, action, adventure and noir. They will be exhibited during the festival in Fantasmagoria in October 2025 in Medellín city, Colombia. The film features will compete for the El Cura Sin Cabeza statuette award.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Pantalla Verde Film Festival

17 Jul 2020

Published: 13 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Pantalla Verde Film Festival

Pantalla Verde Film Festival

Carboneras, Spain

Green Screen is a new International Film and Photography Festival that aspires to become a leader for environmental causes, raising both the problem and the solution.

Due to the current situation of abnormality, derived from the COVID19 pandemic and given that this does not allow for mass events to be carried out, as the Green Screen Festival would require, our general meeting has determined not to carry out the edition this year and postpone it for the next .

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
