Logo of Taxco Film Fest

12 Jan 2020

Published: 23 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Taxco

Taxco Film Fest

Taxco de Alarcón, Mexico

TAXCO Mexico, light city and Magic Town, one of the most impressive locations in the world, invites you to the 10th EDITION OF TAXCO FILM FEST.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Beyond Earth Film Festival

16 Dec 2019

Published: 23 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Beyond Earth Film Festival

Beyond Earth Film Festival

Chennai, India

The sole purpose of BEFF is to develop a film culture that inspires and brings together all types of film makers, irrespective of their film making genre. BEFF also aims to appreciate and promote creativity in all forms, be it a film or photography to the world and to a diversified audience.

The event is a glamorous red carpet event in Kolkata. The participants have excellent opportunities to exchange their ideas, ideologies and cultural innuendos. The winners have a chance to meet with the audience after screening.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of XIII  International Festival of Short Films and Functional Diversity FicAndaina

31 Jan 2020

Published: 22 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XIII Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Y Diversidad Funcional Ficandaina

XIII International Festival of Short Films and Functional Diversity FicAndaina

Redondela, Spain

Festival of short films related to functional diversity or featuring people with disabilities.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of  week for audiovisual sovereignty

05 Sep 2020

Published: 22 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Semana por la Soberanía Audiovisual argentina

week for audiovisual sovereignty

quilmes, Argentina

It is a party that combines different languages, platforms and materials that revolve around audiovisual and cinematographic language. It calls for works from all backgrounds, emphasizing urban, rural and community-based community productions produced by Latin American peoples who are in search of their own image and propose different perspectives that do not find a space in the commercial distribution network.

The competition conditions the creator to submit to the taste of a jury, limiting in many cases the creative options of filmmakers whose works do not respond to the logic of the film industry; So we propose a non-competitive festival where the objective, rather than winning an award or recognition, is to share the experience of the realization itself, the search for the image and the reality that it reflects.

An open, plural, democratic party, which invites all sovereign achievements to join in dreaming and being part of the force that constitutes the different, critical, silenced looks. Inviting national and international allies to add as many voices to that search for their own image and audiovisual sovereignty.

Works made in neighborhoods and community cinema by more people making audiovisual and less stars of the film industry. Decentralized projection sites, to bring the audiovisual to where people are and (re) take the street for public and free cultural action, for love, not for business. A meeting, production, reflection and discussion space, on topics that concern us and that are embodied in the films that are screened and in the workshops that take place during the week, because we celebrate the audiovisual as a weapon of struggle for our free expression.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Puglia International film festival

19 Apr 2020

Published: 22 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Puglia International film festival

Puglia International film festival

Bari, Italy

The Puglia international film festival is the only Italian and European film festival that deals with and deals with exclusively political, social and historical issues that are directly interconnected and connected to each other.

After each screening there will be a live debate between operators in the world of cinema and characters belonging to Italian and international politics, historians, academics and organizations involved in social policies.
Puglia international film festival is an extraordinary annual event held in Polignano a mare, an authentic pearl and tourist destination in Puglia and Italy.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Prague Film Awards

30 Oct 2020

Published: 22 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Prague Film Awards

Prague Film Awards

Prague, Czech Republic

We welcome you to the Third Edition of Prague Film Awards - a two-day celebration of quality independent filmmaking, awards, and industry events in front of a live audience of film critics, enthusiasts and producers. Join us for two memorable nights of screenings, networking and red-carpet treatment.

Prague Film Awards, now in its second edition, was born out of a desire to create a welcoming space where international cinema and Czech filmmaking can meet and enrich each other. After our hugely successful, sold-out first edition in January 2018 and January 2019, we will be returning to Kino Atlas in Prague, January 2021.

We believe quality filmmaking should be celebrated and awarded, regardless of the budget. This is why our dedicated team of international programmers focus on creating the most diverse screening selection. Why our nominated filmmakers are guests of honor. Why seeing and hearing the audience react to your cinematic work is just one of the many ways your work is being rewarded.

We are passionate about supporting up-and-coming directors, producers and actors, and providing them with worthwhile, memorable screening experiences. These include Q&As with filmmakers, industry roundtables, and audience awards.

▶ We are accepting submissions for a number of categories and are open to all languages, as long as films in a language other than English are subtitled in English. All submissions must come through Festhome ◀

Prague Film Awards is run in association with Close:Up, a collection of international film festivals supporting indie filmmaking. By establishing a working network among filmmakers, producers and marketing professionals, we share one common goal: to forge productive and lasting relationships between independent filmmakers and audiences.

We are now open for submissions for our 2021 event!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of BCN Sports Film – 15th Barcelona International FICTS Festival

28 Feb 2020

Published: 21 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bcn Sports Film Festival

BCN Sports Film – 15th Barcelona International FICTS Festival

Barcelona, Spain

The Barcelona Olympic Foundation, with the support of the Barcelona City Council, organizes the BCN Sports Film 2025 – 15th BARCELONA INTERNATIONAL FICTS FESTIVAL and forms part of the WORLD FICTS CHALLENGE 2025.

The BCN Sports Film 2025 will be held in Barcelona from 17th to 25th February 2025. This fifteenth edition of the Festival will have a competitive nature.

The fifteenth edition of the festival will have a hybrid format so, there will be face-to-face screenings and online screenings. The rights that the authors assign, therefore, are both for the face-to-face sessions that are held in the official venues of the contest, as well as for the sessions that will be held online through an online platform.

These Rules & Regulations have been approved by the BCN Sports Film 2025 Organising Committee. Your taking part in BCN Sports Film 2025 implies the total acceptance of these regulations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cisterna Film Festival - International Short Film Festival

31 Mar 2020

Published: 21 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Cisterna Film Festival - Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio

Cisterna Film Festival - International Short Film Festival

Cisterna di Latina, Italy

The Cisterna Film Festival is an international short film festival held in Cisterna di Latina, Italy, in July. It is organized by the Cultural Association MOBilitazioni Artistiche with the artistic direction of Cristian Scardigno.

From 2015 the Cisterna Film Festival screened international and national premieres, from the major festivals (Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Sundance, Clermont-Ferrand) and winners of the most important national and international awards (Oscar, David, Cesar, Goya).

Since 2017, the festival has hosted a “Focus” section dedicated to specific country. In 2017, Poland inaugurated it, with the support of the Polish Institute in Rome, and in 2018 it was the turn of Ireland, with the collaboration of the Irish Film Festa and the Irish Embassy. In 2019 there was a Focus on Germany, with the support of German Films and German Embassy in Rome and in 2021 the Focus on Greece with the collaboration of Drama International Short Film Festival, an European Film Awards qualifying festival. In 2022, the CFF screened shorts from Croatia with the support of Croatian Audiovisual Centre. Last year, the Festival hosted short-films from Palestinian authors, in collaboration with the Consulat Général de France a Jérusalem and the Palestinian Ministry of Culture.

The festival annually hosts key figures from the show business and organizes collateral events such as book presentations, workshops dedicated to teenagers and photography exhibitions.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Interschool Film Festival

23 Nov 2019

Published: 21 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Intercolegial de Cine

Interschool Film Festival

Guayaquil, Ecuador

FIC es un festival que fomenta el cine joven: creemos que los estudiantes de colegio (15-18 años) son capaces de crear grandes cortos. Por eso los premiamos.

En el FIC se premian a nivel nacional (Ecuador) 14 categorías. Por este medio buscamos cortos internacionales para la categoría Mejor Cortometraje Internacional

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of AISFF

01 Feb 2020

Published: 21 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of AISFF

Banner Astana Inetrnational short film festival


Якутск , Russia

The general.
The northern festival of short films "METERS" is held from February 15-16, 2020 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the city of Yakutsk.
The Northern Short Film Festival "Metres" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is a screening competition for films eligible to participate by decision of the Festival Directorate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Oz Indie Film Festival

13 Dec 2019

Published: 21 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Oz Indie Film Festival

Oz Indie Film Festival

St Kilda, Australia

After the resounding success of our 2nd season, the Australian, Oz Indie Film Festival will, once again, celebrate the very best of International and Australian independent film making. At a time when movies are becoming more and more programmed by market research, demographics, comic books and computer game sales, it has never been more important to discover and foster new brave independent filmmakers.

Your film will be judged on one criteria only – the quality of your work. So feel free to let the world know your opinions and politics, provided these are dramatically crucial to the work you submit. Within the realms of what's legally decent, we won't censure your work.

Our categories include Australian Independent Feature Films, Australian Short Films, International independent Films, Documentaries, Australian Indigenous Work, Animated Features, Animated Shorts, Student Work and Music Videos.

Whether you are chosen for screening or not you entry may be selected for U.S. TV broadcast on The Mini Movie Hour.

The purpose on the show is provide filmmakers exposure on U.S. broadcast television. The series reaches approximately 50 million households throughout the U.S. and can also be view on OTT platforms. You can view four of the episodes at www.minimoviehour.com/watch.html.

We would like to let you know in advance that we do not charge to be featured on the Mini Movie Hour and we do not pay a licensing fee. Also, our license is non-exclusive.

Proudly, we have no other restrictions on your work. This includes your works premier status, it's age and/or whether your work has been made available online.

We look forward to your participation as either filmmakers, actors, musicians, industry judges, sponsors and theatre venues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Celebrate the World

16 Dec 2019

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Celebra el Mundo

Celebrate the World

Popayán, Colombia

We are pleased to announce the opening of the call for entries for the film festival "Celebrate the World: Holidays in Film". This festival aims to explore and celebrate the diversity of festivities and rituals around the world through the art of cinema.

We are looking for films, documentaries and short films that capture the essence of celebrations and traditions from different cultures, showing how people from different regions of the world commemorate their most significant events. Whether it is a traditional festival, a vibrant carnival, an ancestral ritual or a religious holiday, we want your work to be part of this unique experience.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Zoroaster Award Italian - Azerbaijan Film Festival

22 Dec 2019

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Zoroaster Award Italian - Azerbaijan Film Festival

Zoroaster Award Italian - Azerbaijan Film Festival

Baku, Azerbaijan

Zoroaster Award (Italian-Azerbaijan Film Festival) aims to promote the past, present, and future of cinema in Italy and Azerbaijan. By showcasing the film industries of both countries, in their similarities and their differences, this festival will help bring them to the forefront of international film discourse, and stimulate international market presence.

Organized by IMAGO GROUP and the publisher SANDRO TETI EDITORE, the Italo-Azerbaijan film festival will be held for 5 days in Baku. The festival will open with an anthology of classic Italian and Azerbaijani films, screen a selection of contemporary films from both countries on multiple projections, and culminate with an award ceremony on the final evening.

Many important figures from both countries will be feature prominently in this event. In the leadership positions, First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and president of the Aliyev foundation Mehriban Aliyeva will serve as the Honorary President of the festival, while art direction shall be handled by Italian screenwriter and director Claudio Rossi Massimi. The actor and director Remo Girone, well-known throughout the former soviet-bloc region for his portrayal of Tano Cariddi in the serial “La Piovra”, will headline the festival, and many other Italian/Azerbaijani actors and directors will take part in the screenings. The program will be enriched by workshops, networking events, and commercial exchanges between the film industries of the two countries.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

25 Mar 2020

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

Pescara, Italy

In only three editions Il Varco International Short Film Festival has already gained the reputation of being one of the most interesting and artistically challenging festivals in Italy for films from all around the world, screening together an authorial selection that is a mixture of independent films, low budget productions, first films and great masterpieces.

In only three years our festival and its parallel screening "Short Days" have received more than 4900 films from 106+ countries, made 14 screenings around Italy with more than 1300 paying spectators screening the best short films from all around the world and giving directors the possibility to interact with a public of film students, film critics, directors, cinephiles and moviegoers.

Screenings take place in the biggest cinema of Abruzzi, on a 30 meters screen with DCP 2K projectors at maximum quality with 7.1 audio. Our staff prepares the DCP masters with double ita/eng subs for free for all the selected films, and you can keep it later.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

15 Dec 2019

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Málaga, Spain

ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS is a project that has emerged from Festival de Málaga, Mabel Lozano (documentary filmmaker and collaborator of the Festival), and the Equal Opportunities Area of Malaga City Council as a protest tool. This section is created with the aim of exploring and dealing with issues that contribute to social awareness of women's rights each year.

This section of Festival de Málaga was born in 2008, this being its 18th edition. The project is conceived with a double purpose: to inform about the injustices that women still suffer in this century for the mere fact of being women, and to encourage and support the cinematographic work created by women.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sombra-  14th Murcia European Fantastic Film Festival

15 Jan 2020

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sombra - XIV Festival De Cine Fantástico Europeo De Murcia

Sombra- 14th Murcia European Fantastic Film Festival

Murcia, Spain

The European Fantastic Film Festival of Murcia SOMBRA is a project that aims to spread and serve as a reference to fantasy films produced in Europe, as well as support European, national and regional production of gender.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FESTBOI: International Short Film Festival

15 Dec 2019

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FESTBOI: Festival Internacional De Curtmetratges

FESTBOI: International Short Film Festival

Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain

The FESTBOI was born in 2017 in the town of Sant Boi de Llobregat as a sample of the local audiovisual product.

Initially, it was only a short film competition made in 72 hours within the margin of the Sant Boi festival, but currently the festival has a competitive section, of international scope.

In this fifth edition, the festival is a space where you can not only see the best short films of each year, but also a meeting place for directors, audiences and film students.

A quality jury from the world of cinema, arts or culture, make FESTBOI a festival with a personal criterion, paying special attention to the artistic and authorial quality of short films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of NaturVision Film Festival

29 Feb 2020

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner NaturVision Filmfestival

NaturVision Film Festival

Ludwigsburg, Germany

Unforgettable film images, emotional moments, critical information: NaturVision is THE film festival for nature and the environment. With our international film competition, each year we showcase the latest films around nature, wildlife and the environment, honouring the best among them with prestigious awards. NaturVision brings the beauty of nature to the big screen, shows the vulnerability of our world, and reports on new and promising solutions for environmental issues. NaturVision stands for the art of film, sustainability and future-proof development. NVision the future!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of The Big Filón

20 Dec 2019

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner El gran filón

The Big Filón

gandia, Spain

This is our fourth edition of the Festival.

It is going to be hold annualy, in December.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of La Pedrera D A Film Lab

30 Jan 2020

Published: 20 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner La Pedrera D A Film Lab

La Pedrera D A Film Lab

Barcelona, Spain

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary