Logo of Pantalones Cortos

08 Jun 2019

Published: 27 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Pantalones Cortos

Pantalones Cortos

Medellín, Colombia

¡Somos el Festival de Cortometrajes más antiguo de Medellín!

Pantalones Cortos es un espacio para el encuentro fraternal de los realizadores con su público en el que compartimos las experiencias y saberes globales, nacionales y locales, que permiten fortalecer los lazos de unión de los colectivos e iniciativas de los interesados, los estudiosos y los realizadores del cortometraje de ficción en Colombia.

En el componente Colombia en Cortos efectuamos un trabajo integrador entre la exhibición de los cortometrajes más representativos gestados en el departamento de Antioquia. La importancia de Pantalones Cortos radica en que destaca y visibiliza a los realizadores, incluidos aquellos que, desde escenarios alternativos, proponen otras miradas y procedimientos para la realización del cortometraje de ficción. Así mismo, generamos espacios de reflexión, análisis y conocimiento del quehacer audiovisual a partir de talleres, master class y conversatorios que contribuyen a formar público en la apreciación y la realización cinematográfica. Acercamos a los realizadores con los espectadores. A los invitados se les reconoce una cifra en pesos por su asistencia a la discusión y por pago de derechos de exhibición de parte o la totalidad de su obra.

Colombia en Cortos proyectará, por primera vez en el festival una película para úblico con limitaciones y establecerá un diálogo entre público y realizadores.

La Maratón Pantalones Cortos, con sus categorías regional y nacional garantiza que siempre los nuevos realizadores locales reciban un estímulo en efectivo y es una ventana de exhibición que los acerca con su público.

Con la categoría Nacional garantizamos la participación de cortometrajes realizados por residentes en Colombia o connacionales formados y/o residentes en el exterior.
Cómo nos ven, cómo nos vemos y cómo nos queremos ver son las respuestas que vemos en la pantalla durante las proyecciones.
La Categoría para realizadores antioqueños es un impulso para los realizadores y realizadoras de la región, con miradas nuevas y propias sobre nuestro contexto.

Una consideración especial merece la realización del Segundo Camping Cinematográfico porque es el fruto de la reflexión de muchos años de la dirección académica de Corpoduni y durante la primera experiencia (2018) vivimos a plenitud una verdadera inmersión cinematográfica. Los participantes trabajaron durante largas jornadas con pasión y amor por la realización cinematográfica y en completa fraternidad. Tríadas que, en la mayoría de los casos, no se conocían entre sí, vibraron juntos por su proyecto. Así mismo, cabe destacar el acierto en invitar directamente a 5 estudiantes del programa de cinematografía de la Institución universitaria ITM pues no desentonaron en las actividades diarias y mostraron el mismo nivel de compromiso que los asistentes con trayectoria. Los del semillero ITM, como los denominamos cariñosamente, realizaron un teaser con gran factura y trabajaron a la altura. Por lo tanto, abrieron la puerta al segundo grupo que será invitado directamente. La invitación directa obedece, básicamente, a que el programa de cinematografía en el ITM es muy reciente pero nos ha demostrado que cuenta con estudiantes con un alto compromiso y un gran futuro en la realización cinematográfica.
El Segundo Camping, sin duda, será el espacio para la consolidación de un taller integrador que pretende visualizar a Medellín como un destino ideal para los nuevos realizadores. Aspiramos a convertirnos en lo que, desde la Corporación Dunav Kuzmanich, llamamos “San Antoñito”, en añoranza a la película del mismo nombre que dirigió en Santafé de Antioquia el Maestro Duni con Pepe Sánchez y, guardadas las proporciones, porque queremos emular a San Antonio de Los Baños, en Cuba para llevar a Tejiendo Cortos a la condición de aspiracional en materia de formación cinematográfica. El nivel de los talleristas y la gran experiencia del Camping 2018 nos hace soñar que sí es posible.
Pantalones Cortos no pretende ser el más grande ni el mejor festival de cortometrajes de Colombia, trabajamos para ser el festival más querido.

Short film festival


Logo of MALDITO FESTIVAL  VideoPoetry

08 Sep 2019

Published: 27 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner MALDITO FESTIVAL de Videopoesía


Albacete, Spain

The MALDITO Videopoetry Festival is organising this competition with the aim of making visible two disciplines that, both together and separately, are much more distant and forgotten than we would like them to be. If experience tells us that both disciplines are minority and marginal in large European capitals, let alone the desert in which they find themselves in provincial capitals, where the circuit for their dissemination is practically nil.

We, as lovers of poetry, image and the expressive possibilities of their symbiosis, propose a line of action, encouraging the approach of the general public to the Festival and trying to make it grow from the first edition.

Our wish is that MALDITO reaches as many people as possible, with a growing presence and repercussion in the media and social networks.

MALDITO seeks to vindicate videopoetry as an art that connects people, that transmits feelings and promotes original or different ways of seeing the world, to try to be a grain of sand that makes any kind of visual or poetic art stop being marginal and cursed.(* The Spanish word for damned is MALDITO).

We expand sections by adding International Poetic Film Showcase.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Barichara Green Film Festival FESTIVER

26 Jul 2019

Published: 27 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Verde De Barichara FESTIVER

Barichara Green Film Festival FESTIVER

Barichara, Colombia

The Barichara Green Film Festival FESTIVER, created by Colombian actors Toto Vega and Nórida Rodríguez, seeks to build a new generation of artists and audience commited to the environment. Through its screenings and a continuous search for resources to create environmental film content, FESTIVER aims to educate and entertain by developing academic, artistic and recreational activities which enrich the Colombian cultural landscape and help build a better world. The 14th edition will take place on September 19-22, 2024 in Barichara, Santander, Colombia.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Rancagua Film Festival

27 Jun 2019

Published: 26 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine de Rancagua

Rancagua Film Festival

Rancagua, Chile

FECIRA, has as main objective to spread the cinema in the O'Higgins Region. It also promotes the promotion of national and international audiovisual works, being an instance for the dissemination of these.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Imagine This Women International Film Festival

01 Aug 2019

Published: 26 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Imagine This Women International Film Festival

Imagine This Women International Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Imagine This Women's International Film Festival (ITWIFF) aims to amplify and empower independent and aspiring women and non-binary filmmakers from around the world.

The 8th Annual Imagine This Women's Film Festival will feature fierce, bold, original films by women and non-binary filmmakers and storytellers, Q&As, educational panels, and special events.

Imagine This Women's Film Festival's goal is to support women by sharing their work with the public, promoting equal opportunities for BIPOC women and the LGBTQIA+ community while providing educational and professional development, and serving as a resource information network.

Imagine This Women's Film Festival accepts films from womxn filmmakers and storytellers in leadership positions. At least one woman must fill the role of either a director, producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, editor, leading role and etc.

Imagine This encourages BIPOC women, LGBTQIA+, student filmmakers, and storytellers to submit.

"Imagine This Productions has launched the Women’s International Film Festival with the aim to celebrate and empower independent and aspiring women filmmakers from around the world." - IndieWire

"Celebrate the work of women filmmakers from around the world at the second annual Imagine This Women’s International Film Festival (ITWIFF) in Brooklyn" - AFAR Magazine

"When it comes to film screenings and industry events, there's plenty to get you off the couch this week. From a lesson in copyright licenses to a women's international film festival, read on for the week's top film events to add to your calendar. " - ABC 7

"Recent Hollywood scandals have underscored the importance of supporting women in the film industry, and the second annual Imagine This Women’s International Film Festival is a great place to do so. The films here–which include shorts and features, documentaries and fiction films–are as diverse as the women who made them." - CBS New York

Please note: Imagine This is still planning on holding our annual film festival during our announced dates. We will also continue to follow the guidelines put forth by the public health directives and New York State, which will help to determine whether the festival’s format will be in-theatre or online, or a mixture of both. We will announce any updates via our website.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Lecce Film Fest

13 Oct 2019

Published: 26 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lecce Film Fest - Festival del Cinema Invisibile

Lecce Film Fest

Lecce, Italy

LECCE FILM FEST promotes cinema culture in Italy through the best independent films of the World.
Theme, genre and duration are not important for us, we search instead the talent in a high-quality cinema.

This is a Festival with a Rock soul!

This is your Festival!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

01 Dec 2019

Published: 25 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin, Ireland

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival (DUBSMARTFF) is an international festival dedicated to celebrating work shot on Smartphones.

No longer is expensive technology a barrier to creativity. The mobile phone has expanded the scope and freedom for filmmakers. Now aspiring artists have the ability to write, shoot and edit, their films at the touch of a button. Smartphones are reshaping the way we approach filmmaking creating limitless possibilities in the palm of your hand.

The festival was created with the goal of encouraging these filmmakers to share the stories they have captured on mobile devices. We also aim to provide a platform to exhibit these stories to a wider audience. It is also a chance to reward storytellers, who are using these devices to push the boundaries of narrative and style.

The festival takes place in the month of January and submissions are open to anyone with a Smartphone a compelling story to tell. Throughout the year there will be events designed to challenge filmmakers and revolutionize the way we approach filmmaking.

Why Us
We are a Festival created and run by Smartphone filmmakers.

We offer the unforgettable experience of watching your film shot with a micro device on the big screen.

Not just a festival, we are expanding beyond the confines of a single event. We will be offering unique workshops, live filming exercises and panel discussions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of El Pecado International Short Film Competition

21 Jun 2019

Published: 25 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen De Cortometrajes El Pecado

El Pecado International Short Film Competition

Llerena, Spain

The deadline to register for the XXIII International Short Film Festival “El Pecado 2024” is open. This year we increased the amount of the prizes: 1,500 euros for the winning fiction short film and 700 euros for the other four main prizes. The deadline to register is from Monday, April 8 to Friday, May 31 of this year. The duration will not exceed 20 minutes (21 including credits). If it has spoken sound, Spanish or subtitles in this language will be used.
Works made before 2022 will not be admitted to the competition. The festival awards almost €5,000 in prizes and five Pata Negra hams from Extremadura. More information at www.certamenelpecado.com.

Awards for short films of animation, fiction, humor and made in Extremadura. We also have a public award.

It stands out for the large audience that attends the screenings and for using different squares and architectural spaces of special beauty as screening locations.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

30 Jun 2019

Published: 24 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

Banner Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio

Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

Popayán, Colombia

The Itinerant Cinema in Mi Barrio festival is consolidated as a vital platform for the dissemination of national short films in the department of Cauca, giving audiences from various subregions the opportunity to enjoy cinema on a giant screen. The 2024 call is open to short films that, due to their narrative proposal, stand out and have the potential to reach diverse audiences.

Cinematographic works may address free themes, with special attention to aspects such as the environment, human rights, creativity and youth, arts and cultures, thus reflecting the richness of Colombian biodiversity.

This year, the festival's itinerant route begins in the Cauca Pacific, with stops in Timbiquí and Guapi. The mobile room will then move to the south, to the lands of Patía, and later to the north in Santander de Quilichao, in the Valles del Cauca. You will also visit the east of Tierra Distancia, known for its hidden treasures.
The festival will have special programming during the central week in Popayán, Cauca, where additional activities will be developed, including workshops, talks and official exhibitions. This itinerant not only seeks to showcase short films, but also promote dialogue and cultural exchange, reaffirming the festival's commitment to promoting national cinema locally and internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video


30 Jun 2019

Published: 24 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Jornadas de Cine y Video Independiente UNCIPAR


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Festival with national and international competition section.

Special sections for invited movies and to workshops

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Global India International Film Festival

23 Mar 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Global India International Film Festival

Global India International Film Festival

Pune, India

Top 100 best rated and reviewed in the world and IMDb listed - Global India International Film Festival


Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam!! Yes the whole world is a one family; From the Spiritual soil of India. From the bottom of the heart, we believe that the whole humanity is a one family and an every individual human being is a beautiful character or a player with a supreme god particle, who perform his or her great role on this global prosperous World Stage.

We really wish to share international thinking which is developed in the form of films with the society and the young generation of humanity. Every human being has a unique story to tell, but few from them are capable to express their own to the world. But the Filmmakers are the great storytellers and world wants to watch their stories through films or digital media. Because they channelize & nurture these stories through films and our motto is to spread these stories from all across the world to the masses and especially to the youngsters. Filmmakers from all across the globe are respectfully welcome to share and submit your beautiful films into the GIIFF.

We understand that you understand the realm of understanding and so you have created your wonderful films with your conscious understanding.

Connecting World with India through Audio-Visual.

Films are really a strong medium to share, yes to share, but what creates a filmmaker is a sense of what to share. Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create it more beautiful for the whole world as a one family. for whole humanity or for our next generation.

We are really very small people; please understand what we want to say. But the task or mission which we want to empower is very big. One can understand it by the example of river. The beginning or origin of every river is so small but her consistency with selflessness leads her towards more hugeness.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of I See God Short Film Festival

21 Aug 2019

Published: 23 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Вижу Бога - фестиваль короткометражных фильмов о Боге - I See God Short Film Festival

I See God Short Film Festival

Mytishchi, Russia

«I See God» is a short film festival about God.
Our mission is to show how modern society perceives God through the means of art and cinematography.

The theme of seeking God is the one being most widely explored in dramaturgy and cinematography. The focus of the festival is to create a dimension in which a director would be able to share his original vision of God with the audience without being tighten up to any religious notions.

What types of films are screened at the festival? Any type of a short film (documentary, animation, experimental, etc.) that represents director’s original vision and interpretation of God with running time between 1-30 minutes.

Who are the filmmakers? Each and every one is welcome to submit a short – whether a child or an adult, a man or a woman, an experienced director or an amateur, a housewife or a working professional, a farmer, a teacher, an artist, one seeking or the one that had found… Anyone and from anywhere in the world!

Who organizes the festival? The festival is taking place every year in Moscow, Russia. During the festival the guests are being treated to film screenings, meeting with directors, workshops, concerts, theatrical performances, photo exhibits and seminars.
An independent group of young directors and screenwriters that want to share how modern society sees and interprets God through the means of visual art.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

26 Jul 2019

Published: 23 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

La Plata, Argentina

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.

​Here, you can find the information of the last edition:

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of 13th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-24

28 May 2019

Published: 23 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 13th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-24

13th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-24

Greater Noida (Delhi NCR), India

13th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-24 is a movement to recognize & popularize the work of young & experienced filmmakers from across the India & world. The humble journey of BSFF has began in year 2012 to mark the 100 years celebration of Indian cinema & to salute the contribution of the Kannada film industry towards the development of cinema in India. The festival provide platform to aspiring and professional filmmakers for showcasing their talent with networking & marketing opportunities in film industry.

The festival objective is to create short films culture in India, promotion of upcoming filmmakers, developing sources of revenue generation for short films and to make short film making a commercial enterprise. BSFF-2012-2022 were great success with huge participation of filmmakers from across the country & abroad.

BSFF-24 aim is to even bigger & better with the participation from filmmakers. This year festival will introduce more workshops & master classes. The Miniboxoffice Film Market will be the highlight for those filmmakers who want to venture into feature film production. The short film contest & festival programming will be the delight to treat.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FEC. Villamayor Film Festival

26 Jun 2019

Published: 23 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Fec. Villamayor De Cine

FEC. Villamayor Film Festival

Villamayor de Santiago, Spain

The European Short Film Festival Villamayor de Cine emerged in 2008 in the picturesque village of Villamayor de Santiago, located in the province of Cuenca. Its main mission was to create a space where short films took a prominent place and young directors had the opportunity to shine.

This festival takes place annually during the month of August, in intense days where a team of over forty young professionals, under the direction of the festival's founder, Javier Alonso, tirelessly works to bring the best of short cinema to Villamayor de Santiago.

Renowned Spanish actor Jesús Guzmán was the Honorary President of this film event until his unfortunate passing in 2023. In his honor, the award for the best fiction short film bears his name, keeping his memory and legacy alive in the world of cinema.

The festival's host is Luis Mottola, a highly esteemed professional actor and presenter. His presence elevates the festival with his experience and talent. Mottola feels a profound affection for Villamayor, just as the town appreciates him. @luismottola

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of ANIFF - Active Nonviolence International Film Festival

31 Dec 2019

Published: 22 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa

ANIFF - Active Nonviolence International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

FICNOVA is an initiative that is celebrated around the 2nd of October every two years, thus commemorating the International Day of Nonviolence declared by the United Nations. The competition phase has been held every two years since the second edition in 2014, following the unanimous decision of all the organizing venues taken in May 2015. It is organized by the non-profit Humanist Association FICNOVA in collaboration with other humanist organizations, associations, entities and people who share the transforming sensitivity of active nonviolence, in different cities of different countries.

After its first six editions held in October 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 in different cities of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru and Spain, again participate in the preparation of the Seventh Edition of FICNOVA 2024 activists from different cities around the world.

The final list of venues may vary, either because new incorporations take place or because in some cities the minimum conditions for their celebration were not achieved in time, taking into account the difficulties of voluntary work in each country, self-financing and compliance with the permanent independence of any type of government agreement that could condition the objectives of the festival.

Depending on the logistics achieved in each place, three months before the start of the festival, we will publish the venues that meet the minimum general conditions for its celebration.

In no case can the non celebration in an initially proposed city be detrimental to the whole, nor to the authors of the works presented, since the festival is neither commercial nor remunerated. Each place is independent, and all efforts made at a point that could not be completed can be used for future editions of the festival.

We also wish to inform authors that the submission of works to competition is not made exclusively, allowing them the free disposal of the same and simultaneous submission to anyother contest they consider.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video


15 Jul 2019

Published: 22 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Casares, Spain

Only for filmakers from Andalusia (Spain) or who work in Andalusia

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Roca Film Festival

02 Jun 2019

Published: 22 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine de Roca, Cine de Música

Roca Film Festival

Guitiriz, Spain

The Roca Film Festival is a cultural project nonprofit organized in the village of Roca (Guitiriz), which is projected films, documentaries and short films themed music, outdoors, and in order to energize the cultural life of our village and its surroundings.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of S.O.F.A (Shout Out For Animals) Film Festival

10 Aug 2019

Published: 21 Apr 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner S.O.F.A (Shout Out For Animals) Film Festival

S.O.F.A (Shout Out For Animals) Film Festival

-, Cyprus

The S.O.F.A (Shout Out For Animals) Film Festival, Cyprus showcases online (and live throughout the year) local and international films relating to animals, animal welfare, conservation and the environment as part of the ELAFI Animal Welfare Awards annual events.

We also collaborate with producers and production companies to help promote films that deserve to be seen and, where possible, push their Kickstarter Fundraising initiative with the agreement that we are allowed to screen the film when it is finished.

This unique festival runs an online 2 day festival plus chooses films submitted for live screenings throughout the year. The live screenings are used for fundraisers for local rescue, animal welfare and environment projects and the recipient organisation is chosen depending on the subject of the film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of ARICADOC. International Documentary Film Festival

18 Jun 2019

Published: 20 Apr 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Vlll Aricadoc Festival Internacional De Cine Documental  ’el llamado a los sentidos’

ARICADOC. International Documentary Film Festival

Arica, Chile

Dear friends and friends:

Once again we have the honor of inviting you to be part of our festival for which we look for films of any duration, theme or origin that, embracing the tools of real cinema, represent diverse points of view on the contemporary human experience.

In this version we are once again a face-to-face space, returning our hearts to the collective bodies of the desert. AricaDoc was born as a path to explore alternatives to the competition and commodification that industrial logics impose on the cinematographic arts.

Promoting a sensitive and political meeting based on the active search for new ways to feel our relationship with the world around us.

We are deeply grateful to each and everyone who has joined the communities of audiences of the festival from distant territories, thinking of them and them is that at least part of the program will be available on an online viewing platform, for access from Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

For this year the activities will be concentrated between August 28 and September 9. Being this call open between May 13 and June 10, through FESTHOME or as a direct application by registering your films and completing the application form available on the site aricadoc.cl

Thanking you in advance for your kind participation.

Kindly say goodbye
Arica Doc Team

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
