Logo of accordi@ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival

23 Sep 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner accordi @ DISACCORDI - Festival Internazionale Del Cortometraggio

accordi@ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival

Napoli / Naples, Italy

accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival welcomes films and filmmakers from all over the world, to share the art of independent short films with the local audience, to entertain and enlighten festival attendees, to provide filmmakers the opportunity for professional networking and development, and to encourage cultural tourism and film industry development in Naples and the surrounding area in Campania.

accordi @ DISACCORDI (Consonances and Dissonances) is an audience-friendly festival that focuses on quality programming of all genres of seventh art from comedy to drama, animation to documentary, and art to experimental movies. In addition to the film program, attendees can enjoy talks, Q&As, laboratories, workshops, exhibitions, seminars and conferences; the entrance to cultural events is free of charge. We want to give a heightened sense of the experience to all who participate and attend.

International Short Film Festival celebrates its 21st anniversary on November 11 - 17, 2024.
Submit your film to be in with a chance of screening at our International Short Film Festival and this could be your chance to win a nice acrylic or wooden plaque!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

23 Sep 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

València, Spain

¡Hola! We are VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with quarterly screening events from València, Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) y Montpellier (MONTIFF).

VALÈIFF promotes the selected films on its official website www.iberiff.org and social media channels, where the nominees can share their nominations with their followers. Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental of any genre and subject are welcome!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

23 Sep 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

Bilbao, Spain

La Asociación de personas enfermas y trasplantadas de corazón y pulmón de Euskadi “Atcore” nace en 1996 con el objeto de sensibilizar a la sociedad a favor de la donación de órganos y atender a personas enfermas y trasplantadas, así como a sus familiares. De esta forma, hemos conseguido que en Euskadi tengamos una red que nos ayude a poder dar voz y visibilizar el tema de la donación.
Entendemos que cuando alguien nos habla de donaciones de órganos, éstas van asociadas directamente con accidentes, defunciones, etc… Sin embargo, nosotros queremos lanzar una reflexión. Esta es que para muchas familias las donaciones son regalos de tiempo, regalos de vida de personas que por muy diferentes casuísticas no van a poder seguir utilizándolos. Regalos que son el mayor reflejo de la solidaridad humana.
En una sociedad como la nuestra en la que la solidaridad se ve en cualquier rincón (Banco de alimentos, asociaciones de carácter social de todo tipo, grupos de autoayuda, etc…), la pandemia sanitaria que hemos vivido durante dos años: dos largos años, nos ha dejado muy tocados a todas y todos y, sobre todo, ha dejado aparcadas muchas de las realidades sociales y de salud que seguimos sufriendo.
En esta sociedad de la que hablábamos, abierta cada día más a la información a través de Internet y de las redes sociales, somos conscientes que las campañas de sensibilización pro-donación de órganos; es decir, a favor de estas realidades sociosanitarias, deben tener reflejo en las redes. Y por qué no decirlo, acercarnos a través de ellas a un colectivo que bien no utiliza otro sistema de comunicación o recepción de información, o bien no se ha parado a reflexionar sobre este tema: las personas jóvenes.
Parece que la donación de órganos es cuestión de “personas mayores”. Pues según el Registro Mundial de trasplantes, la fuente más veraz a nivel mundial, el estado español sigue manteniendo el timón al frente de la Unión Europea en cuanto a donaciones. Actualmente hay más de cien mil personas esperando una donación, entre ellos muchos jóvenes y niños.
Está analizado que cada persona que dona puede salvar 8 vidas y mejorar más de cincuenta. Y este es el punto de partida de este concurso. La idea es que podáis plasmar, a través de las imágenes, a través de un corto de menos de 2 minutos, una historia que nos hable de solidaridad, de regalo, de volver a comenzar, de esperanza. Un alegato inequívoco a favor de la donación de órganos. Porque donar es regalar vida.

Gaixoen eta bihotz eta biriketako transplantatuen Euskadiko Elkartea, Atcore, 1996an sortu zen, gizartea organoak ematearen alde sentsibilizatzeko eta gaixorik eta transplantatuta dauden pertsonak eta haien senideak artatzeko. Horrela, Euskadin sare bat izatea lortu dugu, ahotsa ematen eta dohaintzaren gaia ikusarazten lagunduko diguna.
Ulertzen dugu norbaitek organo-emateei buruz hitz egiten digunean, horiek istripuekin, heriotzekin eta abarrekin lotura zuzena dutela. Guk, ordea, hausnarketa bat egin nahi dugu. Izan ere, familia askorentzat dohaintzak denbora-opariak dira, pertsonen bizitza-opariak, eta, hainbat kasuistika direla medio, ezingo dituzte erabiltzen jarraitu. Giza elkartasunaren isla handiena diren opariak.
Gurea bezalako gizarte batean, zeinetan elkartasuna edozein txokotan ikusten den (elikagaien bankua, mota guztietako gizarte-elkarteak, autolaguntza-taldeak, etab.), bi urtez bizi izan dugun osasun-pandemiak: bi urte luzez, oso ukituta utzi gaitu guztiok, eta, batez ere, bazter utzi ditu jasaten jarraitzen dugun gizarte- eta osasun-errealitate asko.
Hitz egiten ari ginen gizarte honetan, gero eta gehiago Internet eta sare sozialen bidezko informaziora irekita, jakin badakigu organoak ematearen aldeko sentsibilizazio-kanpainek, hau da, errealitate soziosanitario horien aldeko kanpainek, isla izan behar dutela sareetan. Eta zergatik ez esan, horien bidez beste komunikazio-sistemarik edo informazioa jasotzeko sistemarik erabiltzen ez duen kolektibo batengana hurbiltzea, edo gai horri buruz hausnartzen gelditu ez den kolektibo batengana hurbiltzea: gazteengana.
Badirudi organoak ematea adineko pertsonen kontua dela. Izan ere, Transplanteen Munduko Erregistroaren arabera (mundu mailako iturririk egiazkoena), Espainiako estatuak lema izaten jarraitzen du Europar Batasuneko buru, dohaintzei dagokienez. Gaur egun ehun mila pertsona baino gehiago daude dohaintza baten zain, horien artean gazte eta haur asko.
Aztertzen ari gara dohaintza egiten duen pertsona bakoitzak 8 bizitza salba ditzakeela eta berrogeita hamar baino gehiago hobetu. Eta hau da lehiaketa honen abiapuntua. 2 minutu baino gutxiagoko film labur baten bidez, irudien bidez, elkartasunaz, opariaz, berriz hasteaz, itxaropenaz hitz egingo digun istorio bat islatu ahal izatea da asmoa. Organoak ematearen aldeko alegatu argia. Dohaintza bizitza oparitzea delako.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Terror en la Bahía

22 Sep 2022

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Terror en la Bahía

Terror en la Bahía

Viña del Mar, Chile

The Viña del Mar Terror in the Bay Fantastic Film Festival aims to bring genre cinema closer to the residents of the city and spread its attractions to the world.

Fantastic and horror movies have a cathartic function, when we watch a movie we experience the experiences of the characters without fear of suffering its effects. Violent movies, catastrophic scenarios, terror, extreme survival... provoke an emotional discharge that sometimes prepares us to face our real life.

For this reason we embark on this great adventure that is to make the first edition of Terror in the Bay so special for its audience, we hope to have many more editions and make Viña del Mar enter the map of fantastic world film festivals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Ituango Film Festival

21 Sep 2022

Published: 19 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Ituango

Ituango Film Festival

Ituango, Colombia

The Ituango Film Festival is a space for meeting, reflection and training around the cinema. Children, young people and adults see in this important event the possibility of valuing and recognizing their history, their territory, their present and their future through the seventh art and the audiovisual in general. Currently, the community of Ituango works on processes of memory reconstruction and tell their own stories and artistic and cultural strategies that promote territorial peace are consolidated. At the same time, the festival is presented as a space for the protection and reconstruction of the social fabric of vulnerable populations.

A series of audiovisual, cinematographic and complementary activities will be part of the official program with the possibility to bring the film festival activities to diferent villages of the municipality. Among them are:

•Audiovisual Creation and Experimentation Laboratory.
•First Meeting of Regional Producers.
•National Feature Film Competition NUDO DE PARAMILLO.
•National Short Film Competition NARRATIVES OF THE REGION.
•GUEST COUNTRY Cultural and Cinematographic Exhibition.
•Thematic Forums.

The festival, in addition to being included in the Municipal Development Plan “Ituango Nos Une y merece Salir Adelante” 2024 - 2027, manages resources through public calls and alliances with public and private sector entities.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Pulsar Santa Fe 2024

21 Sep 2022

Published: 19 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Pulsar Santa Fe 2024

Pulsar Santa Fe 2024

Santa Fe, Argentina

Pulsar Santa Fe will take place between September 26 and 29 at El Molino Fábrica Cultural in the city of Santa Fe and in this fourth edition it incorporates participating projects from Córdoba and Entre Ríos with the aim of promoting the audiovisual integration and cooperation of the Central Region.

This event is considered a platform of opportunities for the sustainable development of the audiovisual industry, producing synergy between those dedicated to direction, production, production, distribution, programming and development; and those who are part of companies, platforms, festivals, media, companies, government and educational institutions.

At Pulsar Santa Fe, the representatives of the projects
Selected participants will present in pitch sessions and participate in business meetings with guests linked to the industry.

In addition, Pulsar Santa Fe will include a sample section of audiovisual productions in different cinemas in the province.

In turn, for the third consecutive year it will carry out the 72 Hour Shorts training experience for students from schools with a focus on film and visual arts.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Benin City Film Festival

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Benin City Film Festival

Benin City Film Festival

Benin City, Nigeria

The Benin City Film Festival was launched in November 2018, as a new entity that offers a platform encouraging and promoting the works of local (community based) as well as National, and International emerging filmmakers. It is a cost friendly platform for showcasing these works in an environment where they have access to experienced industry professionals. BCFF is the only independent film festival in Edo State, and the only film festival that takes place in Benin City. BCFF screens premieres of international and national feature films, short films and documentaries on social issues. This year edition, with the theme CREATIVE INDUSTRY BEYOUND THE PANDEMIC is scheduled to take place at Film House Cinema, Benin City.

At least 50% of our festival schedule is dedicated to foreign films, which broadens the film culture experience to all who attend the screenings in Benin City during the festivals duration.

The Benin City Film Festival is a team of people who work effortlessly to deliver a quality service to emerging filmmakers. We will give festival contributors access to some of the Industries most prolific names, both nationally and internationally.


The primary objectives of the Festival are to provide a resourceful platform:

1. Where the business and craft of Nigerian films are enhanced and marketed to the film content consuming world by attracting quality film resource persons, buyers and critics from all over Nigeria and around the world to BCFF events every year.

2. for viewing some of the best of feature films, documentaries, shorts, and experimental projects for the entertainment and instructions of attendees and participants at the BCFF annually.

To this end, BCFF is committed to being:

A. A place for dialogues, healthy discussions and trainings to film business and film craft professionals and amateurs in and around the world by ensuring that BCFF is attractive to international film and motion picture contents directors to help enrich festival and participants through insights from their works and about the art of filmmaking

B. A machinery for exposing the ancient City of Benin in particular and the entire Edo State in general to a sustainable long term to a long term patronage of its vast tourism realities and potential to resourceful global creative business and craft audiences.

Finally BCFF is geared towards encouraging co-production relationships in films, TV shows, Documentaries and any other rewarding motion picture content between local players.


The film festival pursues these objectives by making local and international visitors at the festival engage in the creative film-making process discussions through symposia seminars, trainings, screenings, content critiques, tourism events and workshops as well as providing quality entertainment (music, local , and sundry other events).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Lumens Short Film Festival

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Lumens Short Film Festival

Lumens Short Film Festival

Soriano Nel Cimino, Italy


The Cultural Association Aedon is pleased to found and inaugurate the Festival dei Lumi, an arts festival that takes place annually in Soriano nel Cimino, in the heart of the Cimini mountains, in the province of Viterbo.


A place steeped in history, which belonged to the greatest families of the Italian papal aristocracy (Orsini, Colonna, Albani), it retains a strong tradition and in its recent history was the creative residence of world-famous Italian artists such as PierPaolo Pasolini, who lived in the of Chia, or Luigi Pirandello who also dedicated a poem to the beech forest of Soriano nel Cimino, from which he was greatly entranced.


Festival dei Lumi aims to propose independent Italian and international cinema to the Soriano audience.

We are looking for spontaneous films, created by artists who have the courage to use their intelligence and put their essence into their work. We are looking for sincere works, we don't care about the budget, the genre, the nation, the medium used for filming.

We are looking for artists who care about their work, who love the creative process and who don't make art out of vanity.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival de Cine Comuna 6

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine Comuna 6

Festival de Cine Comuna 6

Medellin, Colombia

For more than a decade, community film festivals have emerged in Colombia, as scenarios that have made possible the exhibition of images and the meeting of different actors linked to community, local and independent cinema.

With this objective in 2016, the Commune Film Festival 6 (FECICO 6) was born in the city of Medellín, which is recognized as a neighborhood festival that seeks to offer the population meetings around independent, non-commercial and community cinema, mainly from Latin America; in order to generate reflections and bets for the transformation of social, cultural and political realities.

Amagi is the annual invitation that the FECICO6 expands to all the territories of the world, mainly in Latin America (Abya Yala Aframerindia) that has the intention of promoting and disseminating productions of groups, organizations and people who find in the audiovisual a possibility to express their disagreements and proposals for social, political, cultural and creative transformation. The exhibition of the platform will be within the framework of the VII version of the Comuna 6 Film Festival, which will take place from November 11 to December 3, 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Bakunawa Fest X [Fantastic FIlm, Art + Music]

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bakunawa Fest X [Fantastic FIlm, Art + Music]

Bakunawa Fest X [Fantastic FIlm, Art + Music]

Bacolod City & Quezon City, Philippines

BAKUNAWA FEST [Fantastic Film, Art + Music] - (formerly Bakunawa Young Cinema) - is the first fantastic & genre-based film, art & music festival based in The Philippines currently presented by Negros Museum and E Unlimited; and ran by volunteer filmmakers and artists. Bakunawa is a dragon-like creature in Philippine mythology that devoured moons. Because we are a genre-bending film fest, we want to flip the Bakunawa's role and we want it to instead symbolize the creative monsters inside us.

On its tenth year, Bakunawa Fest adds a new cinema to its in-person fest screenings: UPFI Film Center in Quezon City, Metro Manila. Across the islands, The Negros Museum remains our main venue in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental in Western Visayas Region. This year, Bakunawa Fest X opens on August 22, 2023 and will have a five-day physical festival run with a Bakunawa Funtastik Fair at the UPFI Film Center while we're having the Film Camp for first-time filmmakersy this July 2022 in Bacolod City. [Filipino students who want to join the FILM CAMP, pls email us at bakunawafilmfest@gmail.com]

Bakunawa Fest runs annually in one season - spread in fourth months becoming a hybrid festival resulting from the pandemic lockdowns. Bakunawa Fest starts with a film camp which includes a series of film workshops for first time young filmmakers that culminates into a competition - their final works are mostly genre films (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, folk, noir, folk, etc). From the Film Camp, Bakunawa Fest celebrates the year's crop of genre films through both an online and in-person festival screenings (with competitive and curated sections) of local and international films making their Philippine Premiere. Bakunawa Fest ends its season run with Primetime Philippine Cable TV airing and an Awards Show via SolarFlix TV where we can reach to millions of Filipino viewers.

Bakunawa was initially created with this principle: "new visions, new voices". We still stand by this principle as we continue to program young promising filmmakers, artists & musicians who either have no access to expensive workshops and may not have the name recognition to be programmed in festivals. Since our third edition, we have included a section that screens curated local and international selected films mainly for educational purposes. Most of our Bakunawa Fest's film camps are done as outreach programs/workshops and are mostly free. Here our participants are scholars paid for by the festival and its partners usually hosted by different cities/municipalities in the Philippines.

During the pandemic years and lockdowns from 2020-2022, we have temporarily migrated to mostly online screenings but this year 2023, we will conduct more live screenings following health protocols. For our tenth edition, we will do a semi-hybrid festival wherein we screen more films in live venues and do a limited program online.

[ Please note that, since we are an artist and volunteer-ran filmfest, we can't fund filmmakers to come physically and we don't pay screening fees. ]

We are a fantastic film fest. Our festival is interested in: Horror or Thriller Films / Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Adventure / Experimental Films / New Media, Expanded Cinema / Genre-Bending Films / Music Videos / Creative Documentaries / Contemporary Art / Photography.

For 2023, we have made our submissions more streamlined (This is NOT our programming approach though, just for submissions):
► Fantastic Full-legth Features
► Fantastic International Shorts
► Fantastic Indigenous Shorts
► Fantastic Filipino Shorts
► BAKUNAWA FEST Alumni Filmmakers
► Midnight Films
► Digital Art & Photography
► One-Minute Films
► Trash, B-Movie-esque, Underground Shorts
► Rewind (Past films released earlier than 2021)
► Pinoy Horror (no restrictions, no premiere status required)

Our programmers pride themselves on watching all submitted films with an annual 98-100% watching average. We don't base our decisions on which festivals your film has been accepted. We decide on the merit of your film and not on the popularity of the filmmakers and its actors. Last year (9th edition), all 100% of our competition shorts came from submissions via Festhome and Bakunawa Forms. Bakunawa has two festival advisers and curators who recommend films from around the world - especially, Asia - but these recommendations still has to pass through our chief programmer and are mostly programmed out of competition. So just submit and don't send us all your laurels. While we are happy of your achievements (because we're filmmakers too!), we still look at each film at "face value" - we watch them (usually more than twice) and decide.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Film Festival Prvi kadar-First Frame

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of International Film Festival Prvi kadar-First Frame

Banner International Film Festival Prvi Kadar / First Frame

International Film Festival Prvi kadar-First Frame

East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Film Festival "Prvi kadar"/First Frame is an important film event in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose mission is to promote film art of authors from all over the world. The Festival is of competitive character neither. Films compete in two categories: documentary and short films.

Fifteen editions of the festival, a large number of authors interested in the festival, proving that the festival recognized among artists all over the world, as an important and prestigious film event.

Festival selections confirm continuity, primarily artistic approach, on which is built the whole idea of the first frame. In considering the relationship between themes and ideas, stress is given to the author's attitude or an artistic idea.

Rich noncompetitive and competitive program of high artistic quality, educational programs, lectures DokMasterClass, Film Campus of art documentaries, exhibitions, promotion of book of film art, numerous guests from the world of film, proof that the festival from year to year expanding, enriching the content of the program. This years Festival will takes place from 20th to 24th November 2023 in East Sarajevo and Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Certamen de Cine Lento

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen de Cine Lento

Certamen de Cine Lento

Guadalajara, Spain

This short films contest up in order to motivate people to convey their ideas through cinema.

The theme that identifies it is based on the idea of ​​"slowness" or "slow life", what we understand as a bunch of actions (respect for the Environment and people, responsible consumption, defense of culture, decrease, life and leisure alternative, cooperation, food sovereignty, social economy ...) that make individuals improve their quality of life, control their time and be critical of the current economic and social system.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Phenomena Festival - São Paulo Premiere Fantastic Film Festival

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Phenomena Festival - São Paulo Premiere Fantastic Film Festival

Phenomena Festival - São Paulo Premiere Fantastic Film Festival

Sao Paulo, Brazil

At Phenomena Festival, we celebrate the most imaginative and captivating genre films from around the world. From fantasy and sci-fi to horror and thrillers, we're on the hunt for the most unique and surreal films to showcase for a global audience of film enthusiasts.

Our goal is to discover films that not only entertain, but also have a deeper meaning or message hidden within. These are the films that stay with us long after the credits have rolled, the ones that transport us on a journey beyond the ordinary. We believe that genre films offer a rare opportunity to combine art and entertainment in a meaningful way, and we're passionate about promoting and celebrating this type of storytelling.

The festival takes place in the bustling metropolis of São Paulo, Brazil, and in the picturesque coastal town of Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, with a full week of screenings, panel discussions and workshops. As one of the biggest markets for independent films, São Paulo is the perfect location to showcase the best in genre filmmaking.

So if you're a filmmaker or artist with a genre-bending film, we invite you to submit your work to Phenomena Festival. We welcome diversity and originality, and impose no ratings restrictions. Join us for a week of great films and an unforgettable experience. Submit your film now!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de cine de Reus

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus

Memorimage - Festival Internacional de cine de Reus

Reus, Spain

Memorimage, International Film Festival of Reus is a Festival targeting films that use archival moving images.

The 19th edition of Memorimage will be celebrated from the 6th to the 9th of November 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of cinema + football festival / Santiago - Chile

20 Sep 2022

Published: 18 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of cinema + football festival / Santiago - Chile

Banner Festigol, Festival de Cine + Fútbol

cinema + football festival / Santiago - Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Festigol® is an independent non-competitive Football Film and Documentaries Festival held in Santiago of Chile since 2016. It aims to create a space where football is shown as a creator of stories beyond the pitch demanding it as a social and cultural phenomenon in Chile as well as in the whole world. We see football as a constructor of identities mobilizing our society’s affections, narratives and memories. We are seeking to be a means of appropriation and revaluation of the football-related cultural manifestations.

Besides the exhibition of films, we seek to bring together different audiences creating a meeting place for different football-related cultural expressions allowing us to develop emerging issues connected to this sport and to our society being today the single space offering movie showtimes related to the sport as a social manifestation in our country.

For its fifth version, Festigol® will be held from October 21 to 30, 2022 in Santiago de Chile with face-to-face exhibitions and through the festival's digital platform.

A non-competitive call will be issued for the exhibition of documentaries, short films, animations and feature films in order to promote and bring together the film production about football and related topics.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental


19 Sep 2022

Published: 17 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mafic Málaga Festival Internacional De Cine


Malaga, Colombia

MAFIC: “MÁLAGA- INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL”: Training, BUSINESS AND APPRECIATION Space for new audiovisual, Artistic and Cinematographic products; Academic laboratories; suitable land for the meeting and exchange of alliances and development of projects between the regional, national and international industry.

MAFIC: is composed of 3 EXPERIENCES designed as follows:

REMA: "EXHIBITION ROUTE - MALAGUEÑA": Exclusive Exhibition Spaces throughout the municipality, of the latest Audiovisual Productions - Cinematographic, International, National, and Regional.

MAM “MÁLAGA AUDIOVISUAL AND ART, MARKETING” offers you opportunities that allow you to expand your network of contacts and learn about the regional, national or international Audiovisual market in artistic areas (cinema, theater, music, designers, plastic artists, costumes, decoration, comics, etc.)

They are laboratories of investigation and knowledge, where illustrious and recognized personages, will expose to the public in general or specific, detailed information of subjects of the cinematographic industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The UK Film Festival London

19 Sep 2022

Published: 17 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The UK Film Festival London

The UK Film Festival London

Kensington, United Kingdom

The festival champions great films but is particularly seeking work from those filmmakers who might not yet have had a prestigious public screening of their work.

Screening in the heart of London UKFF welcomes films of all types from all over the World - connecting up-and-coming filmmakers with more established names such as Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, James Corden, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Steven Berkoff and most recently Willem Dafoe.

Category awards are given for Best Feature Film; Best Feature Documentary; Best Short Documentary; Best Animation; Best Music Video; Best British Short; Best International Short; Best Student Film; as well as special awards for excellence.

Mat Kirkby, Oscar Winner and Director at Ridley Scott Associates states that "The UK Film Festival is the most focused, passionate and quality driven film festival in the UK. Their invaluable support helped get me to the Oscars in 2015, where I won the Academy Award for best short film."

With a programme that showcases new talent alongside established directors, filmmakers and actors UKFF is a lively networking hub. Over the last 7 years UKFF has quickly become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting films which have gone on to be Oscar and BAFTA nominees and winners. The script competitions have also made a big impact - five scripts have been optioned and three have been produced and gone on to win multiple awards and gained prestigious worldwide distribution deals.

Led by a jury of well respected professional filmmakers and as a member of Universal Films and Festivals Organisation we ensure a fair selection and judging process.

Our exciting screening events have created a networking hub that continues to connect new filmmakers to industry including television exposure by leading British broadcaster, Channel 4.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Wallachia International Film Festival

19 Sep 2022

Published: 17 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wallachia International Film Festival

Wallachia International Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Wallachia International Film Festival is a highly professional, industry connected film festival, an exclusive independent grassroots film festival taking place in an exquisite location in Downtown Bucharest, only hundreds of meters away from Dracula’s former court in the grand Old Town!

We won multiple cinema prizes including important awards at major film festivals, like Cannes, Locarno, Montreal, London, Milan, Miami and Atlanta. Also, our advertising work received accolades at Clio, Effie, In-Awe, Lion Awards, ANDY Awards and Ad’Or, while working for companies like Coca-Cola, UNICEF, McDonalds, Renault, Yahoo! and Nestlé-Purina.

But there’s nothing we love more than indulging ourselves with cinematic candies from all over the world, under the autumn night sky of Wallachia. We will be arguing for a long time about which ones we feel are the best, and about the most promising unproduced screenplays.

Welcome to Wallachia, the Legendary Land of Voivode Vlad III Dracula, universally known as Vlad the Impaler. Born in 1431, Vlad was an authoritarian Principe, he revolutionized the affairs of Wallachia and refused to pay tribute to the sultan Mehmed II, resulting in a bloody war with the Ottomans. Multiple works containing stories about Vlad's cruelty were published soon after his assassination in 1475. In 1897, Bram Stoker downgrades Prince Vlad to Count Dracula, a blood-sucking vampire inspired by Wallachian ancient folklore. Loosely based on the book, Dracula (1931) casts immortal Bela Lugosi as the doomed romantic Count.

Just think cinétopia! Feel hundreds of years of mythic Wallachian history under the night sky! It’s a 100% natural film affair!

We watch all movies, we read all screenplays and we select exclusively based on artistic merits.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

18 Sep 2022

Published: 16 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

Jelenia Gora, Poland

IFF ZOOM - ZBLIZENIA (Jelenia Góra) is one of the largest and most important independent cinema festivals in Poland. Its aim is to present the author's cinema, ambitious, high artistic value, moving independent and original subject matter, as well as promotion of independent film art.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
due to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, we would like to inform you that the Russian films which will be submitted to the 28. IFF ZOOM-ZBLIŻENIA 2025 will not be eligible for competitions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of FICCAB - Benalmadena Internacional Short Films Festival

18 Sep 2022

Published: 16 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FICCAB - Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes y Cine Alternativo de Benalmádena

FICCAB - Benalmadena Internacional Short Films Festival

Arroyo de la Miel - Benalmádena, Spain

In 1998, the Benalmádena Cinematographic Youth Association (ACIBE) recovered the spirit of the defunct SICAB (Benalmádena International Author's Film Week, 1969-1989) to undertake the project of creating a film festival for the city. The result, after seventeen years of management, is the Benalmádena International Short Film and Alternative Film Festival (FICCAB), a meeting forum for lovers of quality cinema. More than four hundred short films are presented each year at a festival for all ages that unites the glamor of the stars to the best auteur, independent, alternative and unknown cinematographies, paying special attention to European ones.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental