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In 2007 Joaquín Ortega (Director, actor, stuntman and stunt coordinator) created under his trademark NOIDENTITY his international stuntmen team. In 2010 he founded the independent production company NOIDENTITY Films and has already produced two films privately and a program TV. In 2013 he continues to advance its intention to generate film industry and makes the first action film festival in Spain.
So this way born NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain), with the intention of generating film industry and promote international action films.
We are an international short film festival, for express the spiritual cinema with a universal language, dealing with internal affairs of the human being, a cinema of the invisible that captures the essence of the deep and transcendent, in introspective and reflective stories; with questions and answers about life. Each story is fruit harvested from the inside out and symbolize 9 spiritual values that are fundamental for us: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Fidelity, Humility and Self Control.
The Asian Summer Film Festival wants to present the Asian culture through the popular cinematography produced in the countries of the continent.
The Festival has several categories such as a competitive section, retrospectives, screenings for children and theme nights. Last year, 40 titles from China, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Corea, Japan and India were shown, some of them were World and International festival premieres, European festival premieres or Spanish festival premieres. The 18 films programmed in the official section competed for the Jury Prize, the Lucky Cat Award, given by the audience to the best film in-competition, and the Critics’ Choice Award.
Puerto Rico Film Festival is proud to showcase a high quality programming, a strong industry segment, an educational and networking platform for filmmakers; alongside an audience full of film enthusiasts from all over the world, generating presence in the international film industry, film authors and media representatives.
Hosted in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, and surrounded by historical buildings and beautiful beaches, makes up the perfect place to experience true Puerto Rican culture.
Living up to its nickname, the Island of Enchantment, with lush rain forests, dazzling beaches and shimmering city, Puerto Rico has something for everyone.
Let's meet at the Puerto Rico Film Festival to have the best time, with the best artists in the best place to be!
Film Junction Film Festival is on a lookout for emerging and diverse talent with a creative eye and a powerful story. We are focused at promoting new creatives, especially film students and entrants in the industry. We have opened submissions for short films and welcome entries from around the globe and all genres.
All films will be judged by our panel of curators. Each curator will rate the film on a pre-discussed criteria. Every film will be seen by at least 3 curators and total results will be tallied. Highest ranking films will be selected and showcased at our festival. Further, certain films will also get a chance to be featured on our upcoming streaming platform.
All selected films will receive laurels and certificates. Films ranked the highest in each category will be awarded.
Main Deadline : 14th May, 2022
In 2025 the festival will take place in Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, and submissions are open for short and feature films on environmental issues, Human Rights and sustainability.
The festival shows annually the best recent films and videos on environmental issues, to create awareness, provoke debate and to widen knowledge and conscience on the need of urgent changes in the behavior of people, governments and companies, in order to preserve the planet.
All screenings are free of charge and some films might be screened online, with all security granted and geo-blocked to Brazil, if necessary.
*** Submissions for the 2024 Short Film Slam, presented by The Madlab Post will be opening in the Spring. If you are interested in submitting your live action, animation, documentary or experimental film, Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear about the Call for Entries for our 2024 season - https://cinema.madlabpost.com ***
The Short Film Slam is a bimonthly competition presented by The Madlab Post that focuses on providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work. Each round, a selection of up to twelve short films will be screened for local audiences who get to cast a vote for their favorite film. The highest rated film at live screenings will be declared "Movie of the Month" during the following month. The highest rated "in-competition" films from each live and online screening room will advance to the final round. All finalists get to compete for a total of $1,000 in prize money during the final round and festivities preceding the 2023 shnit Cinemas screening in Philadelphia.
Since 2012, The Madlab Post has promoted community outreach and engagement through film, screening dozens of exceptional short films from around the world to local audiences; including the Academy Award nominated short film A SINGLE LIFE, Clermond-Ferrand International Film Festival Special Jury Prize winner THE BATHTUB and Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee Et ta prostate, ça va? (HOW'S YOUR PROSTATE). Main venues include the historic Bok building and Taller Puertorriqueño's state-of-the-art El Corazón Cultural Center.
La morosité que le monde entier à vécu et supporté, durant les longs mois de confinement imposés par la pandémie, a bouleversé notre vie en conjuguant le mal être au présent quotidien.
Toutes les manifestations culturelles qui nous dispensaient joie et allégresse ont été interrompues momentanément. Aussi est-il grand temps de reprendre avec l’embellie, le chemin de nos activitésqui nous aideront à retrouver notre dynamisme et notre bien-être. Ce sont ainsi des rituels simples mais tellement efficaces, comme celui de retourner dans une salle de cinéma, qui nous redonneront l’énergie, la vitalité et le ressort des premiers jours.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, à l’instar de plusieurs autres festivals du monde, a organisé en mode virtuel son édition précédente, tandis que bien d’autres ont tout simplement reporté leur manifestation. Aujourd’hui, les responsables du FICMT travaillent d’arrache-pied pour présenter à leur nombreux public un événement à la hauteur des aspirations de cet événement et de son histoire qui s’étale sur presque 40 ans.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, donne à nouveau rendez-vous à son fidèle public en organisant sa 27ème édition, qui aura lieu du 10 au 17 juin 2022. Réinvestir ainsi les salles de cinéma sera une cure de réjouissance et d’épanouissement, non seulement en visionnant des films, mais aussi et surtout en partageant et en vivant les émotions les plus intenses, en un seul corps collectif de cinéphiles,animés de la même passion mutuelle de rencontres conviviales et d’échanges culturels.
A ce sujet, et en concertation étroite avec nos partenaires, nous estimons qu’il est temps de nous retrouver et de rétablir l’ordre naturel qui régit notre vie en satisfaisant aux impératifs des activités auxquelles nous avons habitué notre public de cinéphiles en raison de leur attachement à cette manifestation cinématographique pérenne et singulière, dont s’enorgueillit la ville de Tétouan, la région et le Royaume tout entier, et qui est devenue au fils des ans et des éditions, un des patrimoines culturels et artistiques les plus appréciés et les plus représentatifs de l’ouverture de notre pays aux valeurs universelles de la diversité. Notre devoir principal est, justement, de lutter contre le découragement et l’oubli, en profitant de la régression de la pandémie pour raviver la flamme et redonner vie et espoir à tous ceux qui ont voué leur existence au 7ème art.
Par conséquent, nous comptons développer plus encore la fonction éducative du festival et la confirmer davantage, en procédant par des projections, des débats, des tables rondes et des ateliers, incitant ainsi notre public, et principalement les jeunes, à s’engager dans la construction et le renforcement des valeurs modernes et citoyennes, qui mèneront notre pays sur la voie de la prospérité et de la consolidation de ses nombreux acquis, dignes de son histoire millénaire.
Roddur is going to organise an International Short Film Festival on 27th, 28th and 29th of May, 2022 to inspire and promote the individual and independent film makers and directors in their genesis. The film festivals play a substantial role in the process between the production and circulation of the movies by the makers and it's reception by the audience and spectators. A film has a uniquely powerful ubiquity within human culture and is a potential vehicle for social reform and movement and for the purpose of education as well in the form of entertainment. For the better cause Roddur has always been supportive for the real talents and promotes them to achieve their endeavours. Like previous years this year also we are organising the International Short Film Festival heading towards the goal and opportunity to appreciate the film makers who make the film with their small scale individualistic efforts The eminent and legendary film personalities will be the jury members of those forth coming international short film festival. This noble effort would become a great success if we can join hands with each other in this venture. Hence we solicit your august presence, contribution and collaboration with Roddur and be a part of the journey to make this event a grand success.
Aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today and, trying to make them both a comunication and education media, to promote values of solidarity and tolerance, the International Social Film Festival of Castilla-La Mancha was born and it will be held in Toledo, It will continue in Toledo, Torrijos, Cuenca, Olías del Rey...
In this Festival are invited to take part to public and private entities that share the same concerns.
The Festival consists of several sections, including a contest of short and documentaries, social issues include: xenophobia, generational conflict, child labor, domestic violence, social roles, ecology, children's rights, coexistence, etc.
The Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara (FESCIGU) celebrates its 22nd edition this year, and it does so with a change of venue, since the Guadalajara City Council has decided to censor it and cancel the agreement. Therefore, starting this year the festival will take place in Azuqueca de Henares. Throughout these years, we have tried to bring our audience the best of the world of short films, with social, protest or simply humanist content. All genres fit, as long as violence is not advocated. The FESCIGU is a preselection festival for the Goya Awards.
SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.
Seoul International ALT Cinema & media arts Festival (NeMaf) is the annual festival that shows media-based art with innovative spirit in its themes and forms.
The types of works we show include single-channel video arts, media arts, documentaries, found-footage films, essay films, experimental films, and so on. It takes place at multiple cinemas around Seoul.
It has been founded and showcased more than 2,000 media-based works and discovered 1,000 artists since it was founded in 2000.
NeMaf now opens for submissions and seeks innovative films and media art works.
- Submission Deadline
MAY 17, 2024 11:59 PM (Korea Standard Time)
The Henri Langlois Association, with its new presidency, launches the first edition of the HENRI LANGLOIS FESTIVAL. There will be three editions this year with three themes and three screening days. The festival promotes contemporary short films responding to a specific theme every edition. Each edition will be screening a heritage film illustrating the theme.
The next edition will take place on June 19th, 2022 at the ‘Théâtre des Déchargeurs’ (Paris).
The first edition took place on March 20th (on the theme "Wandering").
Paleochora Lost World Short Film Festival launched its 1st edition in June 2019 to a spectacular success. The Festival enjoyed packed audiences at all screenings and played host to 22 visiting Filmmakers & Industry guests from as far afield as Brazil, Spain, USA, France, Ireland, UK, Germany, Greece & Iran. The 2nd Lost World Short Film Festival promises to be an even greater success and we look forward to welcoming even more of you in 2020. Check out our Festival Vibe & interview videos on our YouTube Channel
(Copy & Paste the link):
The 'Lost World' of Paleochora nestles between the Mountains and Sea in South West Crete and is the perfect location for Filmmakers to convene to show their work, network with colleagues and enjoy our fabulous Cretan hospitality. We may be at the most southern point of Europe, but there are Big Film things happening here and on the entire Island of Crete. Our main aim is always to select films which focus on great storytelling, whether fiction, documentary or any other accepted genre. We look forward to your Film Submission. Accepted duration up to 30 mins.
"parapacurts" is an International Comedy Short Film Festival inside "parapariures" where both the audience and the jury will choose their favourite short films.
The Festival will take place in Sabadell (Barcelona) on 9th, 16th and 23th of May 2025.
The competition is addressed to filmmakers from all over the world who produce short films and documentaries.
Its purpose is to appraise short films and documentary-films whose goal is expressiveness and cultural disclosure starting a cinematographic event throughout Val d’Intelvi.
It is created and based on the support and dissemination of film culture.
Baños de Agua Santa in the Tungurahua Province of Ecuador, will host great filmmakers and moviegoers who seek to discover new film trends worldwide, generating meeting, promotion and creative exchange.